Sivut kuvina

7 & 8 G. 4. e. 30.


not less than 7 yrs. or Impr. not ex. 4 yrs. at disc. of the Ct.; if a male once, twice, or thrice pub. or priv. W. in add. to the Impr. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 30. s. 12.

Cutting away, &c. piles or obstructing navigation, fel. pun. Tr. 7 yrs. or Impr. not ex. 2 yrs. and W. as above. Id.


Embezzling property entrusted to them for special purposes, misd. pun. Tr. not ex. 14 nor less than 7 yrs. or Fine, or Impr. or both. See Agents, p. 8. ante.


1 & 2G.4. Persons disturbing the commissioners may be

e. 115.

6 G. 4. c. 16.

s. 112.

apprehended and taken before a magistrate

to be dealt with according to law. 1 & 2 Geo. 4. c. 115. s. 21. (a)

False swearing, pun. the same as for perjury. 6 Geo. 4. c. 16. s. 99.

Not surrendering, not discovering their property, nor delivering up papers, &c. concealing books, &c. and secreting property to the amount of £10 fel. pun. Tr. for life, or not less than 7 yrs. or Impr. with H. L. not ex. 7 yrs. Id. s. 112.

(a) This act is not repealed.


Keeping any such house, pun. Impr. with H. L. 3 G. 4.

at the disc. of the Ct. 3 Geo. 4. c. 114.

BEASTS. Summary Jurisdiction.

Stealing dogs, beasts or birds, pun. on conv. and before a Js. of the P. 1st off. to forfeit and pay above the value of the dog, &c. not ex. £20. Pen. for subsequent off. comm. to H. L. not ex. 12 cal. m. if such subsequent conv. is before 2 Js. they may order the off. to be once or twice pub. or priv. W. at the end of 4 days from the time of conv. 7 & 8

Geo. 4. c. 30. s. 31.

c. 114.

7 & 8 G.4. c. 30.

c. 29.

Persons found in possession of any such dog, &c. 7&8G.4. or the skin or plumage, and under a search warrant (s. 63. See Search Warrant, post.) the same to be restored to the owner, pen. on conv. before a J. P. Ist off. and every subsequent off. forfeiture and conv. as above.

7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 32.


Destroying banks, &c. and other off. therein, pen. 4G.4. Tr. life, or not less than 7 yrs. or Impr. with c. 46. H. L. not ex. 7 yrs. 4 Geo. 4. c. 46.


As to persons conv. of fel. is abolished. 7G.4. 7G 4. c. 28. s. 6.


Every person guilty of bigamy, and every person

c. 28.

9 G. 4. c. 31.

60 G. 3. c. 3.


counselling, aiding or abetting therein, fel.
pun. Tr. 7 yrs. or Impr. with or without H. L.
not ex. 2 yrs. The off. may be tried, &c. in
the co. where the party is apprehended, or
is in custody. 9 Geo. 4. c. 31. s. 22.

BIRDS. Summary Jurisdiction.
Stealing. See Beasts, p. 19. ante."

Concealment of the birth of bastard children. See
title Concealment, p. 31. post.
Persons conv. once, and off. a second time, pun.
as in cases of high misd. or banishment for
such time as the Ct. shall order. 60 Geo. 3.

c. 3.



Stealing a dead body is an indictable off. Rex v.
Gilles, Russ. and Ry. C.C.R. 366. n.



5&6 Ed.6. Punishable by ecclesiastical censures.

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7 & 8 G.4. Destroying or injuring public bridges, fel. pun. (at

c. 30.

the disc. of the Ct.) Tr. for life, or not less than 7 yrs. or Impr. not ex. 4 yrs. and if a male, once, twice or thrice pub. or priv.


W. in add. to the Impr. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30. 7&8G.4.

s. 13.


Embezzling property entrusted to their care for special purposes, misd. pun. Tr. for 14 or not less than 7 yrs. or Fine or Impr. or both. See Agents, p. 8. ante.


This offence is not punishable under the stat. for preventing cruelty to cattle, bulls not being included in the act of 3 Geo. 4. c. 71. See

exparte Hill, 3 C. & P. 225.


c. 30.

Cutting away buoys, ropes, marks, &c. belonging 1 & 2 G.4.

to ships, whether in distress or otherwise, fel.
pun. Tr. not ex. 7 yrs. or Impr. in mitigation,
for any number of yrs. at the disc. of the Ct.
1 & 2 Geo. 4. c. 75. s. 11.


Obstructing a clergyman in reading the service of

the burial of the dead is an indictable off.

Rex v. Cheere, 7 D. & R. 461.


c. 75.

c. 29.

Persons conv. of, pun. D. entering a dwelling 7&8 G.4. house with intent to commit fel. or breaking out of a dwelling in the night, it is burglary. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29. s. 11.

No building, altho' within the same curtilage with

7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29.


the dwelling house and occupied therewith, shall be deemed to be part of such dwelling house for the purpose of burglary or for any of the purposes aforesaid, unless there shall be a communication between the building and dwelling house, either immediate or by means of a covered and inclosed passage leading from the one to the other. Id. s. 13.

BURNING. See Arson, p. 10. ante.


7 & 8 G. 4.

c. 64.

9 G. 4.

c. 32.


Destroying banks, locks, &c. See Banks, p. 17.


The venue may be laid and offences tried and pun. in any co. thro' any part of which the canal shall run; or where the side, centre or any part of a canal or navigation, shall constitute the boundary of any two cos., the offence may be tried and pun. in either co. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 64. s. 13.


Of children under ten yrs. of age, fel. pun. D. 9 Geo. 4. c. 31. s. 17.

Of girls above ten, and under twelve yrs. of age,

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