H. HABEAS CORPUS, In cases relative to the Customs. See Customs, p. 35. ante. HARD LABOUR, Punishment of, in certain cases of misd. in add. to Impr. The Ct. may sentence the offender to Impr. with H. L. not ex. the time for which such Ct. c. 114. In any attempt to com, fel. riot, being an utterer of 9 G. 4. counterfeit money, knowing the same to be counterfeit, keeping a com. gaming house, keeping a com. bawdy-house, keeping a com. ill-governed house and disorderly house, wilful and corrupt perjury, entering any open or inclosed ground (a) with intent to destroy, take or kill game or rabbits, or with intent to aid, abet and assist therein, or to kill game or rabbits, and having been found at night armed with any offensive weapon. 3 Geo. 4. c. 114. HARES or RABBITS, Destroying, in warrens or breeding ground at night. (a) See note, p. 61, ante. 78 & G. 4. Unlawfully and wilfully in the night time taking c. 29. 9 G. 4. c. 31. or killing any hare or coney in a warren or ground used for breeding or keeping them, whether inclosed or not, misd. pun. as for simple larceny (a). 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29. s. 30. Destroying in the day time... Unlawfully and wilfully comm. the like offence But in the day time, or setting or using any snare or engine for taking rabbits, hares or conies, pen. on conv. before a J. P. forfeit and pay not ex. 51. as the J. thinks fit. not to extend to persons taking or killing in the day time any conies on any sea or river bank in the co. of Lincoln, so far as the tide extends, or within one furlong of such bank. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29. s. 30. HARM, Grievous bodily. See Cutting, &c, p. 38, ante. Neglect of. See Apprentices, p. 9, ante. No pun. or forfeiture shall be incurred by any one who kills another by misfortune or in his own defence, or in any other manner without felony. 9 Geo. 4. c. 31. s. 10. (a) See Larceny, post, for the punishment. HOPBINDS, Destroying. c. 30. Unlawfully and maliciously cutting or otherwise 7 & 8 G. 4. destroying any hopbinds growing on poles in any plantation of hops, fel. pun. at the disc. of the Ct. Tr. for life, or not less than 7 yrs. or Impr. not ex. 4 yrs.; if a male, to be once, twice or thrice pub. or priv. W. (if the Ct. think fit,) in add. to Impr. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 30. s. 18. HORSE AND CATTLE STEALING. Stealing any horse, mare, gelding, colt or filly, or c. 29. any bull, cow, ox, heifer or calf, or any ram, HOT HOUSES. See Garden, p. 67, ante. p. 45. ante. See Dwelling-House, HUNDRED, Remedies against. Liability of the Hundred in cases of demolishing If any church or chapel, or any dissenting cha- s. 2. (a) It has been held that pigs were cattle, Rex v. Chapple, R. & R. 77; and asses, Rex v. Whitney, R. & M. 3. E 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 31. s. 3. HUNDRED-continued. carrying on any trade or manufactory, or branch thereof, or any machinery, whether fixed or moveable; prepared for or employed in any manufactory, or in any branch thereof, or any steam engine or other engine for sinking, draining, or working any mine, or any straith, building, or erection used in conducting the business of any mine, or any bridge, waggon-way, or trunk for conveying minerals from any mine, shall be feloniously demolished, pulled down, or destroyed wholly or in part, by any persons tumultuously assembled together, in every such case the inhabitants, wapentake, ward, or other district, by whatever name denominated, in which any of the said off. shall be comm. are to make full compensation to the person damnified, not only for damage done, but also for damage done at the same time to any picture, furniture, or goods whatever in any church, &c. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 31. S. 2. How to be proceeded agt. where the damage ex. HUNDRED-continued. stances of the off. or his servant or servants 7 & 8 G. 4. within 7 days after the off. comm. go before The process must be served on the high const. s. 4. The inhabitants of the hundred are competent s. 5. If the plaintiff shall recover, the writ of execu- s. 6. Id. s. 13. The expences of the high const. are to be allowed s.7. by J. P. and paid by the co. treasurer, and For the mode of payment in liberties, see s. 12. 14 and 15. For the mode of suing for damage done to s. 11. |