Gold Coast (Colory) - awastatitesint. Cr pilation s ১ OF THE GOLD COAST COLONY. 737 TOWNS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. Ordinance No. 13 of 1892. AN ORDINANCE for better regulating Towns and promoting [4th November, 1892. the Public Health.* BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Gold Coast I. PRELIMINARY. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Towns Ordi- Short title. nance, 1892." 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise Definitions. requires, "Health officer," "peace officer," "Director of Works," "Street" includes any public way, alley or passage, "Town" means any place to which this Ordinance 3.-(1.) This Ordinance applies to the following Application places : 0. In Accra District, -Accra, Christiansborg, Labadi, In Ada District, -Ada, Big Ada; * When a town council is established, see sect. 38 of No. 17 of 1894. of Ordinance. |