Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony in Force June, 1898: With an Appendix Containing Rules Under Ordinances, Orders in Council, Etc., Orders of the Queen in Council, Letters Patent, and Various Acts of Parliament in Force in the Colony, with an Index, Nide 2Stevens and sons, Limited, 1898 - 1535 sivua |
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Sivu 1759
... imprisoned with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months . forfeit license . The Court before which any person is so convicted shall Court may have power to suspend the license of such person on a first frien ...
... imprisoned with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months . forfeit license . The Court before which any person is so convicted shall Court may have power to suspend the license of such person on a first frien ...
Sivu 1761
... imprisoned with or without hard labour in default of payment of any fine under this Ordinance . informers . 23. It shall be lawful for the Governor to award to the Rewards to informer who shall prosecute to conviction , out of every ...
... imprisoned with or without hard labour in default of payment of any fine under this Ordinance . informers . 23. It shall be lawful for the Governor to award to the Rewards to informer who shall prosecute to conviction , out of every ...
Sivu 1782
... imprisonment for a term of two years or to a fine of one hundred pounds . FORMATION AND INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS . 5 .- ( 1 ) A foreign contract of service shall be in writing tracts to be in and signed by the parties thereto ...
... imprisonment for a term of two years or to a fine of one hundred pounds . FORMATION AND INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS . 5 .- ( 1 ) A foreign contract of service shall be in writing tracts to be in and signed by the parties thereto ...
Sivu 1788
... imprisonment shall not exceed three months ; ( c ) It may rescind the contract upon such terms as to the apportionment of wages or other sums due thereunder , and as to the payment of wages or damages or other sums due , as it thinks ...
... imprisonment shall not exceed three months ; ( c ) It may rescind the contract upon such terms as to the apportionment of wages or other sums due thereunder , and as to the payment of wages or damages or other sums due , as it thinks ...
Sivu 1789
... imprisoned for non - payment of any money , whether as damages , wages or otherwise , such money shall be considered as liquidated and discharged at the expiration of such imprisonment , which imprisonment shall be without hard labour ...
... imprisoned for non - payment of any money , whether as damages , wages or otherwise , such money shall be considered as liquidated and discharged at the expiration of such imprisonment , which imprisonment shall be without hard labour ...
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Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony in Force June, 1898: With an Appendix ... Gold Coast Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2022 |
Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony in Force June, 1898: With an Appendix ... Gold Coast Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2018 |
Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony in Force June, 1898: With an Appendix ... Gold Coast Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2018 |
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
acceptor Accra administration advice and consent aforesaid ammunition application appointed authority bill British possession Cape Coast certificate charge cheque Chief Colony or Presidency committed constable constabulary conviction Council thereof custody Customs day of 18 deemed deposit depositor detention discharge dishonoured District Commissioner Dixcove drawee drawer duly duty Elmina enacted evidence exceeding execution fees firearms force foreign Gazettes Gold Coast Colony gunpowder hereby holder imprisonment indorser Inscribed Stock issue jurisdiction Kwitta land letters of administration letters patent liable license magistrate Majesty Majesty's dominions ment notice oath offence Order in Council Ordinance paid party payable payment penalty person police political prisoners pounds probate proceedings provisions punishment purpose pursuance Registrar regulations removed respect rules Schedule seal Secretary ship Short title stamps Summary Offences Supreme Court telegraph think fit tion town United Kingdom Volta River warehouse warrant Winneba دو
Suositut otteet
Sivu 1849 - A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to, or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
Sivu 1815 - Holder" means the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof. "Indorsement" means an indorsement completed by delivery.
Sivu 1248 - ... it shall be lawful for Her Majesty from time to time, by Order in Council, to...
Sivu 1817 - Notice of dishonor is not required to be given to an indorser in either of the following cases : 1. Where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract, and the indorser was aware of the fact at the time he indorsed the instrument; 2.
Sivu 1829 - Where a bill is addressed to two or more drawees who are not partners, presentment must be made to them all...
Sivu 1218 - A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered to a foreign state unless provision is made by the law of that state, or by arrangement, that the fugitive criminal shall not, until he has been restored or had an opportunity of returning to Her Majesty's dominions, be detained or tried in that foreign state for any offence committed prior to his surrender other than the extradition crime proved by the facts on which the surrender is grounded...
Sivu 1822 - ... the delivery may be shown to have been conditional or for a special purpose only and not for the purpose of transferring the property in the instrument.
Sivu 1774 - An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled " An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths, and affidavits;' and to make other Provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths.
Sivu 1837 - A bill must be protested at the place where it is dishonored, except that when a bill drawn payable at the place of business, or residence of some person other than the drawee, has been dishonored by non-acceptance, it must be protested for non-payment at the place where it is expressed to be payable, and no further presentment for payment to, or demand on, the drawee is necessary.
Sivu 1832 - Except as herein otherwise provided, when a negotiable instrument has been dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment, notice of dishonor must be given to the drawer and to each indorser, and any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged.