Sivut kuvina
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fubfcribed thereunto, the Names of all fuch perfons within his Parish, as he fhall think fit to be prefented to the Bishop to be Confirmed. And if the Bishop approve of them, he shall Confirm them in manner following.

The Order of Confirmation, or Laying on of hands upon those that are baptized, and come to years of difcretion.

Upon the day appointed, all gregation renew the folemn that are to be then Confirmed, promise and vow that was made being placed, and ftanding in in your Name at your Baptism; order before the Bishop; he (or ratifying and confirming the Some other Minifter appointed fame in your own Perfons, by him) fhall read this Pre- and acknowledging your felves face following.


O the end that Confirmation may be miniftred to the more edify ing of fuch as fhall receive it, the Church hath thought good to order, That none hereafter fhall be confirmed, but fuch as

bound to believe and to do all
thofe things which your God-
fathers and Godmothers then
undertook for you?
And every one shall audibly
answer, I'do.


The Bishop.

can fay the Creed, the Lords Or help is in the Name of

Prayer,and the Ten Command-
ments and can also answer to
fuch other questions as in the
fhort Catechifm are contained:
which order is
very convenient
to be obferved, to the end
that children being now come
to the years of difcretion, and
having learned what their God-
fathers and Godmothers promi-

the Lord;

Anfwer. Who hath made heaven and earth.

Bifhop. Bleffed be the Name of the Lord.

Answer. Henceforth world without end.

Bifh. Lord, hear our prayers. Anfwer. And let our cry come unto thee.

Bifhop. Let us pray. Lmighty and everliving

fed for them in Baptifm, theyA God, who haft vouchla

may themselves with their own

mouth and confent openly be- ted to regenerate these thy fer
fore the Church ratifie and vants by water and the Holy
confirm the fame; and alfo pro- Ghoft,and haft given untothem
mife, that by the grace of God forgiveness of all their fins
they will evermore endeavour ftrengthen them, we beseech
theinfelves faithfully to ob- thee, O Lord, with the Holy
ferve fuch things as they by Ghoft the Comforter, and dai-
their own confeffion have al- ly increase in them thy mani-
fented unto.
fold gifts of grace; the spirit of
wisdom and understanding;
the fpirit of counfel and ghoftly
D purit of

Then fhall the Bifhip fay,
O ye here in the prefence


ledge and true godliness; and vants, upon whom (after the fill them, O Lord, with the example of thy holy Apostles > fpirit of thy holy fear, now and we have now laid our hands, to for ever. Amen. certifie them (by this fign) of Then all of them in order kneel- thy favour and gracious gooding before the Bishop, he shall neis towards them. Let thy lay his hand upon the head of Fatherly hand, we beseech every one feverally, faying, thee, ever be over them; let Dhild Lor this thy fer- them; and to lead them in the

Efend, O Lord, this thy thy Holy Spirit ever be with

vant with thy heavenly grace, knowledge and obedience of thy that he may continue thine Word, that in the end they may for ever: and daily increase in obtain everlafting life, through thy Holy Spirit more and more, our Lord JesusChrift, who with until he come unto thy everlafting kingdom. Amen. Then fhall the Bishop fay, The Lord be with you.

Anfw. And with thy Spirit,
And (all kneeling down) the
Bishop frall add,

Let us pray.

thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end.


Almighty Lord, and ever

lafting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, fan&tifie and govern both our hearts and bodies in the ways of thy Ur Father, which art in laws, and in the works of thy heaven, Hallowed be tary commandments, that through Name. Thy Kingdom come. thy moft mighty protection, Thy will be done in earth, As both here and ever, we may it is in heaven. Give us this day be preferved in body and foul, our daily bread. And forgive through our Lord and Saviour us our trefpaffes, As we forgive Jefus Chrift. Amen. them that trefpafs against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil.


And this Collect.

Then the Bishop fall bless them, faying thus,

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He bletting of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be upon

Almighty and everlating you, and remain with you for

God, who makeft us both to will and to do thofe things that be good and acceptable unto thy divine Majefty; We make our humble fupplications unto thee for thefe thy fer


Amen. And there shall none be admitted to the holy Communion,until fuch time as he be Confirmed, or be ready and defirous to be Confirmed.

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Irft the Bans of all that are to be married together, must be published in the Church three feveral Sundays or Holy-days, in the time of

Divine Service, immediately before the Sentences for the Offertory; the Curate faying af ter the accumftomed manner, I publifh the Bans of Mar

riage between M. of--- and N. mens carnal lufts and appetites, of--- If any of you know caufe like brute beafts that have no or just impediment why thefe understanding; but reverently, two perfons fhould not be joyn- difcreetly, advisedly, foberly, ed together in holy Matrimo- and in the fear of God, duly ny, ye are to declare it: This confidering the caufes for which is the Firft [fecond, or third] Matrimony was ordained. time of asking.

Firft, it was ordained for the procreation of children, to be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord, and to the praife of his holy Name.

And if the perfons that are to be married dwell in divers Parishes, the Bans must be asked in both Parishes; and the Curate of the one Parifh fhall Secondly, it was ordained for not folemnize Matrimony be- a remedy against fin, and to atwixt them, without a Certifi- void fornication, that fuch percate of the Bans being thrice fons as have not the gift of conasked, from the Curate of the tinency, might marry, and keep other Parish. themfelves undefiled members

At the day and time appoint- of Christs body. ed for folemnization of Matri- Thirdly, it was ordained for mony,the perfons to be married the mutual fociety, help, and Shall come into the body of the comfort that the one ought to Church with their friends and have of the other, both in proneighbours: And there ftand- fperity and adverfity: into ing together, the man on the which holy eftate these two right hand, and the woman on perfons prefent come now to be the left, the Priest fall fay, joyned. Therefore if any man Dthered together here in they may not lawfully be jo nEarly beloved, we are ga- can fhew any juft caufe why the fight of God, and in the ed together, let him now fpeak, face of this Congregation, to or elfe hereafter for ever hold joyn together this man and this his peace. woman in holy Matrimony, which is an honourable eftate inftituted of God in the time of mans innocency, fignifying unto us the mystical union that is Require and charge you betwixt Chrift and his Church; both (as ye will answer at which holy estate Chrift ador- the dreadful day of judgment, ned and beautified with his when the fecrets of all hearts prefence, and firft miracle that fhall be disclosed) that if either he wrought in Cana of Galilee, of you know any impediment, and is commended of Saint why ye may not be lawfully Paul to be honourable among joyned together in matrimony, all men; and therefore is not ye do now confefs it. For be ye by any to be enterprized, nor well affured, that fo many as taken in hand unadvifedly, are coupled together otherwise lightly or wantonly, to fatisfic than Gods Word doth allow,


And also speaking unto the Perfons that shall be married, he shall fay,


are not joyned together by God, neither is their Matrimony lawful.


At which day of Marriage,if any man do alledge and declare any impediment why they may not be coupled together in Matrimony, by God's Law, or the Laws of this Realm, and will


7hen shall they give their troth to each other in this manner. The Minifter receiving the woman at her fathers or friends hands,fhall caufetheman with his right hand to take the woman by her right hand, and to fay after him as followeth. N. take thee N. to my wed

bound, and fufficient Sure-Ided wife, to have and to

ties with him, to the parties, hold, from this day forward, or elfe put in a Caution (to the for better for worfe, for richer full value of fuch charges as for poorer, in fickness and in the perfons to be married do health, to love and to cherish, thereby fuftain) to prove his till death us do part, according Allegation: Then the folemni- to Gods holy ordinance; and zation must be deferred until thereto I plight thee my troth. fuch time as the truth be tried. If no impediment be alledged, then fall the Curate fay unto the man,

NW Ilt thou have this wawife, to live together after Gods

man to thy wedded

ordinance, in the holy eftate of Matrimony Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in fickness and in health, and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, fo long as ye both fall live?

The man fhall answer, I will. Then fall the Frieft say unto the woman,

Ilt thou have this:


NW to thy wedded huf

band, to live together afterGods ordinance, in the holy eftate of Matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, ferve him, love, honour and keep him, in fickness and in health, and for faking all other, keep thee only unto him, fo long as ye both fhall live? The woman hall answer, I will. Then shall the Minifter fay Who giveth this Woman to be married to this Man?

Then shall they loufe their hands, and the woman with her right hand takingthe man by his right hand, hall likewife fay after the Minifter; N. take thec N. to my wedIded husband, to have and

to hold, from this day forward, for better for worfe, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according toGods holy ordinance; and thereto I give theemytroth.

Then shall they again loofe their hands, and the man shall give unto the woman a Ring, laying the fame uponth book, with the accustomed duty to the Priest and Clerk. And the Priest taking the Ring,. hall deliver it unto the man, to put it upon the fourth fin ger of the womans left hand And the man holding the Ring there, and taught by the Priest, fhall say,

Ith this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee. W worship,and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the Name

Name of the Father, and of the Father, and of the Son, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. of the Holy Ghoft. Amen. Amen.

Then the man leaving the Ring upon the fourth finger of the womans left hand, they hall both kneel down, and the Minifter fall fay,

Let us pray.

And the Minister fhall add this blefling

Od the Father, God the

G Son, God the Holy Ghoff, biefs, preferve and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you, and fo Eternal God, creator and fill you with all spiritual bene, preferver of all mankind, dićtion and grace, that ye may giver of all fpiritual grace, the fo live together in this life, that author of everlafting life; Send in the world to come ye may thy bleffing upon thefe thy fer- have life everlafting. Amen. vants, this man and this wo-Then the Minifier or Clerks man, whom we blefs in thy Name; that as Ifaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together, fo these perfons may furely perform and keep the vow and

covenant betwixt then mand (whereof this Ring given and received is a token and pledge) and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

Then fhall the Priest joyn their right hands together, and fay,

Thofe whom God hath joyned together, let no man put afunder.

Then hall the Minifter Speak unto the People.

Orafmuch as N. and N.

Fhave confented together

in holy wedlock, and have witneffed the fame before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and havé declared the fame by giving and receiving of a Ring, and by joyning of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, In the Name of

going to the Lords Table, hall Jay or fing this Pfalm following.

Beati omnes. Pfalm 128. Leffed are all they that fear the Lord: and walk


in his ways.

For thou fhalt eat the labour of thine hands: O well is thee, and happy fhalt thou be.

Thy wife fhall be as the fruitful vine: upon the walls of thy house.

Thy children like the olive branches: round about thy table. Lo, thus fhall the man be bleffed that feareth the Lord.


The Lord from out of Sion fhall fo bless thee: that thou fhalt fee Jerufalem in profperity all thy life long;

childrens children: and peace

Yea, that thou shalt fee thy

upon Ifrael.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
As it was in the, &c.

Or this Pfalm.
Deus mifereatur. Pfalm 67.

Od be merciful unto us,

G and blems and how us the light of his countenance, and be merciful unto us.

That thy way may be known


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