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Anfwer. And let our cry come unto Anointed Servant now fet over us,


Instead of the first Collect az Morning Prayer, sball these two which follow be used.i

and to his Heirs after him: Whom we beseech thee to bless with all increase of Grace, Honour and Happiness in this world, and to crown bim wich Immortality and Glory in the world to come, for Jesus Chrift his fake, our only Lord and Saviour. Amen.

In the end of the Litany (which Sball ways this day be used) after the Collect. [We humbly befeech thee, O Father, &c.] Soall this be Said which next followeth.

Almighty God, who art a Almi ftrong Tower of Defence unto thy fervants against the face of their Enemies; We yield thee praise and thanks for the wonderful deliverance of these Kingdoms from THE GREAT REBELLION, and all the Miseries and Oppreffions effions confequent thereupon, under which they had fo long groned. We acknowledge it thy goodness that we ages shewed forth thy power were not utterly delivered over as and mercy in the miraculous a prey unto them: Beseeching thee and gracious Deliverances of thy ftill to continue such thy Mercies Church, and in the protection of towards us; that all the world may righteous and religious Kings and know that thou art our Saviour and States, profeffing thy holy and etermighty Deliverer, through Jesus nal Truth, from the malicious ConChrift our Lord, Amen.

spiracies, and wicked Practices of all their enemies: We yield unto thee from the very bottom of our hearts unfeigned thanks and praise, Mercies, fo especially for chat signal and wonderful Deliverance by thy wife and good providence, as upon this day, completed and vouchsafed to our then most graci

Lord God of our salvation, who haft been exceedingly gracious unto this Land, and by thy miraculous Providence didst deliver as for thy many great and publick us out of our miferable Confufions, by restoring to us, and to his own just and undoubted Rights, our then moft gracious Sovereign Lord, thy servant King Charles the Second, (notwithstanding all the power and ous Sovereign King Charles the Semalice of his Enemies) and by pla- cond, and all the Royal Family": cing him in the Throne of these And in them and with them to this kingdoms; thereby restoring also whole Church and State, and all unto us the publick and free pro- Orders and Degrees of men in both, feffion of thy true Religion and from the unnatural Rebellion, UWorship, together with our former furpation and Tyranny of ungodly peace and profperity, to the great and cruel men, and from the fad comfort and joy of our hearts: We confufions and ruin thereupon enare here now before thee, with all suing. From all these, O gracious due thankfulness, to acknowledge and merciful Lord God, not our

thine unspeakable goodness herein, as upon this day, thewed unto us, and to offer up our facrifice of praise for the same, unto thy great and glorious Name; humbly befeeching thee to accept this our unfeigned though unworthy Oblation of our selves: Vowing all holy O bedience in thought, word and work, unto thy divine Majesty; and promifing in thee and for thee all loyal and dutiful Allegiance to dine

not our

merit, but thy mercy; not our fore-
fight, but thy providence
own arm, but thy right hand, and
chine arm, and the light of thy
countenance did rescue and deliver
us; even because thou hadst a fa-
vour unto us. And therefore not un-
to us, O Lord, not unto us, but un-
to thy Name be ascribed all ho-
nour, glory and praise, with most
humble, and hearty thanks, in all
Churches of the Saints: Even fo,

blessed be the Lord our God, who thy oblation of our selves: Vowing alone doth wondrous things; And all holy obedience in. Thought, blessed be the Name of his Majefty Word and Work, unto thy Divine for ever, through Jesus Chrift our Majesty ; and d promifing in thee and Lord and Saviour. Amen.

In the Communion-Service, immediately before the reading of the Epistle, Sball these two Colects be used, instead of the Collect for the King, and the Collect of the Day.

strong Tower of Defence unelencein to chy servants against the face of their enemies; We yield thee praise and thanks for the wonderful deliverance of these Kingdoms from THE GREAT REBELLION, and all the miseries and oppreffions confequent thereupon, under which they had so long groan'd. We acknowledge it thy goodness, that we were not utterly delivered over as a prey unto them: Beseeching thee ftill to continue such thy Mercies towards us; that all the World may know that thou art our Saviour and mighty Deliverer, through Jesus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

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for thee all loyal and dutiful Al-
legiance to thine Anointed Servant
now set over us, and to his Heirs
after him: Whom we beseech thee
to bless with all increase of grace,
honour and happiness in this world,
and to crown him with immortali-
ty and glory in the world to come,
for Jesus Chrift his fake, our only
Lord and Saviour. Amen.
The Epistle. 1 S. Pet. II. 11---17.
The Gospel. S. Matth. XXII.


In the Offertory sball this Sentence be read.

Not every one that salth unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven. S. Matth. 7.21..

After the Prayer [ For the whole ftate of Christs Church, &c.] this Collect following shall be used.

Lord God of our falvation, Father, who of thine infinite who haft been exceedingly and un'peakable goodness towards gracious unto this land, and by thy us, didst in a moft extraordinary miraculous Providence didst deli- and wonderful manner disappoint ver us out of our miferable Confu- and overthrow the wicked Designs fions, by restoring to us, and to his of those traiterous, heady and own just and undoubted Rights, high-minded men, who under the our then most gracious Sovereign pretence of Religion, and thy moft Lord, thy Servant King Charles the holy Name, had contrived, and Second, (notwithstanding all the well-nigh effected the utter deftrupower and malice of his enemies) &ion of this Church and Kingdom: and by placing him in the Throne As we do this Day most heartily

and devoutly adore and magnific thy glorious Name for this thine infinite gracious goodness already vouchsafed to us; so we most humbly beseech thee to continue thy grace and favour towards us, hi

of stele Kingdoms; thereby reftoring also unto us the publick and free Profeffion of thy true Religion and Worship, together with our former peace and profperity, to the great comfort and joy of our hearts: We are here now before ding and covering us under the shathee, with all due thankfulness, to dow of thy wings, that no such acknowledge thine unspeakable dismal calamity may ever again fall goodness herein, as upon this day upon us. To this end send forth thewed unto us, and to offer up thy light and thy truth, for the difour facrifice of praise for the same, covery of these depths of Satan, this unto thy great and glorious Name; mystery of iniquity. Infatuate and humbly besreching thee to accept defeat all the fecret counsels of the this our unfeigned though unwor ungodly. Abate their pride, af


fwage their malice, and confound of Defence against the face of all cheir devices. Strengthen the hands his enemies. As for those that are of our gracious Sovereign King implacable, clothe them with fhame GEORGE, and all that are put and confufion, but upon himself in Authority under him, withJudg- and his pofterity let the Crown ment and Juftice, to cut off all for ever flourish. So we that are fuch workers of iniquity, as turn thy people, and the theep of thy Religion into Rebellion, and Faith Pasture, thall give thee thanks for

into Faction; that they may never again prevail, against us, nor triumph in the ruin of the Monarchy and thy Church among us. Protect and defend our Sovereign Lord the King, with the whole Royal Family, from all Treasons and Con spiracies. Be unto him an Helmet of Salvation, and a strong Tower


ever, and will always be thewing forth thy praise from generation to generation, through Jefus Chrift our only Saviour and Redeemer; to whom with thee, O Father, and God the Holy Ghoft, be glory in the Church throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

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That these three Forms for the Fifth of November, the Thirtieth of January, and the Twenty ninth of May, be forthwith Printed and Published, and for the future annexed to the Book of Common Prayer and Liturgy of the Church of England, to be used Yearly on the said Days, in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and Chapels, in all Chapels of Colleges and Halls within both Our Universities, and of Our Colleges of Eaton and Winchester, and in all Parish-Churches and Chapels within that part of Our Kingdom of Great Britain called England, the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed.

O of Prayer and Service made

UR Will and Pleasure is,

Given at Our Court at St. James's the Ninth Day of November, 1714. in the First Year of Our Reign.

By His Majesties Command,


A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving to Almighty God; to be used in all Churches and Chapels within this Realm, every Year upon the First Day of Auguft: Being the Day on which His Majesty began His Happy Reign.

The Service sball be the fame with the usual Office for Holy-days in all things; Except where it is in this Office otherwile appointed.

If this Day shall happen to be Sunday, the Proper Office for that Sunday Soad be wholly omitted. and this used instead of it: But however, it sball happen, there sball be Notice thereof given publickly in the Church the Sunday before.

Morning Prayer sball begin with O hold thou up these Sentences.


bis Goings in thy Paths: that his Footsteps flip not. Pfal. 17.5.

Grant the King a long life and make him glad with the joy of thy Countenance. Pfal. 61.6. & 21.6. Let him dwell before thee for ever:

Exhort that first of all, Sup plications, Prayers, Interceffions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men: for Kings and all that are in Authority; That we may lead a quiet, and peaceable O prepare thy loving Mercy and Faithfulness, that they may preserve him. Pfal. 61.7.

life in all godliness and honefty: For this is good and acceptable unto God our Saviour. 1 Tim. 2. 1, 2, 3. If we say that we have no fin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us; But if we confess our fins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our fins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

IS. S. Fohn

1.8, 9.

Instead of of Venite, exultemus, the Hymn following shall be faid or fung: One Verse by the Priest, and another by the Clerk and Peo


Lord our Governor : how
excellent is thy Name in all

the world! Pfal. 8.1.
Lord, what is Man, that thou
baft such respect unto
or the
Son of Man, that thou so regardest
him! Pfal. 144.3.


The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his marvellous Works: that they ought to be had in remembrance. Pfal. 111.4.

O that Men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness: and declare the Wonders that he doth for the Children of Men! Pfal. 107.21. Behold, O God our Defender: and look upon the Face of thine Anointed. Pfal, 84. 9.

In his time let the Righteous flourish: and let Peace be in all our Borders. Pfal. 72.7. & 147.14. As for his Enemies clothe them with shame: but upon himself let his Crown flouriso. Pial. 132. 19. Blessed be the Lord God, even the God of Ifrael: which only doch wondrous things. Pfal. 72. 18. And Bleffed be the Name of his Majesty for ever: and all the Earth shall be filled with his Majesty. Amen, Amen. Pfal. 72. 19. Glory be to the Father, Oc. As it was in the beginning, &c. Proper Pfalms are XX, XXI, CI. Proper Leffons.

the end of the

The Firit, Jom. I. to
9th Ver. Te Deum.
The Second, Rom. xiii. Jubilate Deo.
The Suffrages next
shall stand thus.
after the Creed
Prieft. O Lord, shew thy mercy
Answer. And grant u thy Sal-

upon us.


Prieft. O Lord, save the King. Anfw. Who putteth his trust in thee.

Prieft. Send him help from thy holy place.



Answ. And evermore mightily defend him.

Prieft. Let his enemies have no advantage againft him.

Answ. Let not the wicked ap-
Prieft. Endue thy Minifters with

proach to hurt him.


Answ. And make thy chosen people joyful.

Prieft. O Lord, save thy people.
Answ. And bless thine inheri-


[blocks in formation]

Answ. Because there is none other that fighteth for us, but only thou, O God.

Prieft. Be unto us, O Lord, a ftrong tower,

Answ. From the face of our enemies.

Prieft. O Lord, hear our prayer,
Answ. And let our cry come unto


Instead of the First Collect at Morning Prayer, ball be used this following Collect of Thanksgiving for His Majesties Acceffion to the


wanting in Honour to his Person, and Dutiful Submiffion to his Authority; let his Reign be long and profperous, and Crown him with Immortality in the life to come, thro' Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. In the end of the Litany (which ball always be ufed upon tha Day) after the Collect [We humbly befeech thee, O Father, shall the following Prayer (for the King and Royal Family) be used.


Lord our God, who upholdest and governest all things in heaven and earth, receive our humble Prayers, with our hearty Thanksgivings for our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, as on this day, set over us by thy Grace and Providence to be our King; and so together with him bless his Royal Highness GEORGE Prince of Wales, the Princess, and their Iffue, and the whole Royal Family, that they all ever trufting in thy goodness, protected by thy power, and crowned with thy gracious and endless favour, may continue before thee in health, peace, joy and honour, a long and happy life upon earth, and

after death obrain everlasting life and glory in the Kingdom of Heaven, by the Merits and Mediation of Chrift Jesus our Saviour, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Then sball follow this Collect, for Gods Protection of the King against all his Enemies.

Almighty God, who ruleft over all the Kingdoms of the World, and disposest of them according to thy good pleasure; We yield thee unfeigned thanks, for that thou wast pleased, as on this day, to place thy Servant our Sove reign Lord King GEORGE upon the Throne of these Realms. Let thy wisdom be his guide, and let thine arm strengthen him, let ju ftice, truth and holiness, let peace and love, and all those virtues that adorn the Chriftian Profeffion, Ancestors, we most humbly beflourish in his days; Direct all his Counsels and Endeavours to thy Glory, and the Welfare of his People; and give us Grace to obey him cheerfully and willingly for Confcience fake, that neither our finful paffions, nor our private in terefts may disappoint his Cares for the Publick Good ; let him always pofiess the hearts of his People, that they may never be

Oft gracious God, who hast MO set thy fervant GEORGE our King upon the Throne of his feech thee to protect him on the fame from all the dangers to which he may be exposed; Hide him from the gathering together of the froward, and from the Infurrecti on of wicked doers; Do thou weaken the hands, blaft the designs, and defeat the enterprises of all his Enemies, that no secret Conspiracies, nor open Violences may difquiet his Reign; but that being fafely

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