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LoLord Keep

Lord be my
Lord plead
Like as the

Let God arife
Lord give thy
Lord bow thy
Lord God of
Lord unto thee
Lord fave me
Lord hear my


12 O God the Gentiles
13 O Lord thou
51 O come let us
56 O fing ye now
67 O God my heart
84 O all ye Nations
91 O give ye
102 O thou that


79 What is the caufe

94 Within thy tabernacle

139 Yield unto God

106 These ye shall have after

RememberDavid's132 Veni Creator.

Save me O

121 Sing ye with

122 Such as in God
6 Sing ye unto




He man

There is

M My heart doth 4 The hof gods

My foul to God

My Lord my

59 Te Deum laudamus.

69 Benedictus.

96 Magnificat anima mea.

125 Nunc dimittis.

149 The Lords Prayer, or Pater



14 The Ten Commandments.
19 The Prayer after them.

23 Quicunque vuit.

24 The Twelve Articles of the


Christian Faith.

35 The heavn's

42 The Lord is
68 The earth is
72 The Lord is both
86 Thou art

88 The man is bleft

130 The wicked by
140 The man is bleft
143 The Lord is our
23 mighty

62 The foolish man
71 Take pity for

28 APrayer to the Holy Ghoft.
32 AThanksgiving after Recei
36 ving the Lord's Supper,
41 The fuit of a finner.
46 The lamentation of a finner
50 The Lamentation
50 Venite, exultemus
53 Preferve us Lord.

57 Gloria Patri.

A Form of PRAYER to be used in private Houses every Morning and Evening.


Morning Prayer.

Lmighty God and most merciful almuch as they cannot believe except they Father, we do not present our hear,nor cannot hear but by preaching, and felves here before thy Majoty, none can preach except they be fent, there. truiting in our own merits or fore, O Lord, raise up faithful dittributers of worthinets, but in thy manifold mercies, thy mysteries, who fetting apart all worldly which hatt promited to hear our prayers, refpects, may both in their life and doctrine and grant our requests which we Thali only teek thy glory Contrarily, confound make to thee in the Name of thy beloved Satan and Antichrift, with all hirelings, Son Jesus Chrift our Lord, who alfo hath whom thou hait already cast off into a re. commanded us to afiemble our felves toge probate fenfe, that they may not by fefts, ther in his Name, with full aflurance that fchifms, hereties and errours, ditquiet thy he will not onely be amongit us, but al lurtle flock. And because, O Lord, we be so be our Mediatour and Advocate towards fallen into the latter days and dangerous thy Majelty, that we may obtain all things times, wherein Ignorance hath gotten the which mall feem e pedient to thy blefted upper hand, and Satan by his minitters teek. will, for our necelities. Therefore we be. eth by all means to quench the light of thy seech thee, moit merciful Father, to turn Goipet. we beseech thee to maintain thy thy loving countenance towards us, and cause against those ravening wolves, and impute not unto us our manifold fins and strengthen all thyservants whom they keep offences, whereby we jultly deferve thy in priton and bondage. Let not thy longwrath and sharp punishment, but rather fuffering be an occasion either to increase receive us to thy mercy, for Jesus Christ's their tyranny or to difcourage thy children: fake, accepting his death and patlion as a neither yet let our fins and wickedness be just recompence for all our offences, in an hinderance to thy mercies, but with whom thou art well pleased, and through speed, O Lord, confider these great miferies. whom thou canit not be offended with us. For thy people Ifrael many times by their And feeing that of thy great mercies we fins provoked thine anger, and thou punish. have quietly pafied this night, grant (O edit them by thy just judgment: yet though heavenly Father) that we may bettow this their fins were never to grievous, if they day wholly in thy fervice, so that all our once returned from their miquity, thou rethoughts, words, and deeds, may redound to ceivedit them to mercy. We therefore, moft the glory of thy great Name, and good ex- wretched tinners, bewail our manifold fins, ample to all men, who feeing our good and carneftly repent us of our former wick. works may glorifie thee our heavenly Fa. edness, and ungodly behaviour towards ther. And forafmuch as of thy meer fa. hee: and whereaswe caannot of our selves vour and love thou hast not onely created purchase thy pardon yet, we humbly be. us to thine own fimilitude and likeness, feech thee for Jesus Christs fake, to thew but also hait chosen us to be heirs with thy mercies upon us, and receive us again thy dear Son Jesus Christ, of that immor. to thy favour. Grant us, dear Father, these tal kingdom which thou preparedit for us our requests, and all other things neceflary from the beginning of the world, we be. for us and thy whole Church, according to seech thee to increase our faith and know thy promise in Christ Jesus our Lord: In ledge, and to lighten our hearts with whose Name we befeech thee as he hath thy holy Spirit, that we may in the mean taught us, saying, Our Father which art, &c.

time live in godly conversation and inte. grity of life, knowing that idolaters, adulterers, covetous men, contentious perfons, drunkards, gluttons, and fuch like, Chall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Evening Prayer.

Lord God, Father everlasting, Ο


full of pity, we acknowledge and And because thou hast commanded us to confess that we be not worthy to lift up pray one for another, we do not only make our eyes to heaven, much leis to prefent request OLord, for our selves, and for them our felves before thy Majesty, with confi. that thou haft already called to the true dence that thou wilt hear our prayers, and understanding of thy heavenly will, but for grant our requests, if we confider our own all people and nations of the world, who deservings: For our confciences do accufe as they know by thy wonderful works that us, and our fins do witness against us, and thou art God over all, so they may be in we know that thou art an upright Judge, structed by thy holySpirit to believe in thee which dost not justinne the finners and their only Saviour and Redeemer. But for- wicked men, but punisheit the faults of all

A godly Prayer to be faid
at all times.


fuch as tranfgrefs thy commandments: yet, moit merciful Father, fince it hath pleased thee to command us to call on thee in all our troubles and adversities, promiting even then to help us, when we feel our selves as it were fwallowed up of death Lord God Almighty, most dear FaH Tonour and praise be given to thoe, O and defperation, we utterly renounce all ther of heaven, for all thy mercies and loworldly confidence, and fly to thy fovereign ving kindnefies thewed unto us, in that it bounty as our only stay and refuge: be hath pleated thy gracious goodness, freely feeching thee not to call to remembrance and of thine own accord to eleft and chufe our manifold fins and wickedness, whereby us to falvation before the beginning of the we continually provoke thy wrath and in world. And even like continual ual thanks dignation againit us, neither our negli- giving to thee, for creating us after thine gence and unkindness, which have neither own image, for redeeming us with the worthily efteemed, nor in our lives fuffici precious blo blood of thy dear Son, when we ently exprefied the sweet comfort of thy were utterly loit; for fanctifying us with Gospel revealed unto us: but rather to thy holy Spirit in the revelation and know. accept the obedience and death of thy Son ie ige of thy holy word; for helping and Jesus Christ, who by offering up his body fuccouring us in all our needs and necetti. in facritice once for all, hath made a futficities, for laving us from all dangers of body ent recompence for all our fins.Have mercy and foul; for comforting us so fatherly in therefore upon us, O Lord, and forgive all our tribulations and perfecutions, for us our offences. Teach u by thy holy sparing us so long, and giving us so large a Spirit that we may rightly weigh them, time of repentance. Thete benefits, O moft --and earnestly repent for the fame. And fo merciful Father, like as we acknowledge to much the rather, O Lord, because that the have received them of thy only goodnefs, reprobate, and fuch as thou hast forsaken, even fo we befeech thee for thy dear Son cannot praise thee, norcall upon thy Name, Jesus Chrift's fake, to grant us always thy but the repenting heart, the forrowful holy Spirt, whereby we may continually mind, the confcience opprefied, hungring grow in thankfulness towards thee, to be and thirsting for thy grace, shall ever fet led into all truth, and comforted in all ad. forth thy praise and glory. And albeit we be versities. O Lord itrengthen our faith, kin. but worms and duft, yet thou art our Crea. dle it more in ferventness and love towards tour, and we be the work of thine hands, thee, and our neighbours for thy fake. yea, thou art our Father, and we thy chil. Suffer us not, most dear Father, to receive dren, thou art our Shepherd, and we thy thy Word any more in vain: but grant us Rock thou art our Redeemer, and we the always the affittance of thy grace and holy people whom thou hast bought, thou art art Spirit, that in heart, word and deed, we our God, and we thine inheritance. Cor. may fanctifie and do worship to thy Name sect us not therefore in thine anger, OLord, help to amplifie and increase thy kingdom neither according to our deserts punish us, and whatsoever thou fendeft, we may be but mercifully chaftise us with a fatherly heartily well content with thy good ples. affection, that all the world may know that sure and will. Let us not lack the thing, at what time foever a finner doth repent O Father, without the which we cannot him of his fins from the bottom of his serve thee: but bless thou fo all the works heart, thou wilt put away his wickedness of our hands, that we may have fufficient out of thy remembrance, as thou haft pro. and not be chargeable, but rather helpful mised by thine holy Prophets.


unto others. Be merciful, O Lord, to our

Finally, forafmuch as it hath pleased thee offences and seeing our debt is great, which to make the night for man to reft in, as thou haft forgiven us in Jesus Chrift, make thou hast ordained him the day to travel us to love thee and our neighbours fo in; grant (dear Father) that we may so much the more. Be thou our Father, our take our bodily reft, that our fouls may captain and defender in all temptationsa continually watch for the time that our hold thou us by thy merciful hand, that Lord Jesus Christ shall appear for our deli we may be delivered from all inconvenien verance out of this mortal life; and in the ces, and end our lives in the fanctifying mean season, that we, not overcome by and honouring of thy holy Name, through any fantasies, dreams, or other temptations, Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour. may fully set our minds upon thee, love Let thy mighty hand and out-ftretched thee, fear thee, and rest in thee: further arm, O Lord, be still our defence; thy mer. more, that our fleep be not excellive or cy and loving kindness in Jefus Chrift thy overmuch, after the insatiable defires of dear Son, our falvation, thy true and holy • our flesh, but only sufficient to content our Word, our inftru&ion, thy grace and holy weak nature, that we may be the better Spirit, our comfort and confolation, unto disposed to live in all godly conversation, the end, and in the end. So be it. to the glory of thy moit holy Name, and

profit of our brethren. So be it.

A Prayer

A Prayer to be laid before a
man begins his work.

us, O Lord, of mercy, through Jesus Chrift
thy Son our Lord and
Saviour. Amen.

A Confeffion for all Estates
and Times.

Lord God, most merciful Father and Saviour it hath pleased thee to command us to travel that we may EternalGod and most merciful Father, relieve our need, we befeech thee of thy we confers and acknowledge here be grace so to bless our labour, that thy fore thy divine Majesty, that we are mife. Bleiling may extend unto us, without the rable finners, conceived and born in tin which we are not able to continue; and and iniquity to that in us there is no good. that this great favour may be a witness nefs: For the flesh evermore rebelleth a unto us of thy bountifulness and aliitance, gainst the spirit, whereby we continually to that thereby we may know the fatherly tranfgrefs thy holy precepts and command. care that thou hast over us.

ments, and fo purchase to our feives Moreover, O Lord, we beseech thee that through thy juit judgment, Death and thou wouldst strengthen us with thy holy Damnation. Notwithitanding, O heavenly Spirit, that we may faithfully travel in our Father, forasmuch as we are difpleafed Aate and vocation without fraud or de with our felves for the fins we have com ceit, and that we may endeavour our selves mitted against thee, and do unfeignedly re to follow thy holy Ordinance, rather than pent us of the fame, we moit humbly be. feck to fatishe our greedy affections, or de seech thee for Jesus Chriuts fake, to thew fire to gain. And if it please thee, O Lord, thy mercy upon us, to forgive us all our to profper our labour, give us a mind alfo fins, and increase thy holy Spirit in us, that to help them that have need, according to we may acknowledge from the bottom of that ability that thou of thy mercy thalt our hearts our own unrighteoufncis, may give us and knowing that all good things from henceforth not only mortifie our fin come of thee, grant that we may humble ful lints and affections, but alfo bring forth our selves to our neighbours, and not fuch fruits as may be agreeable to thy mo by any means lift up our felves above them blefied will, not for the worthinessth which have not received to large a portion of, but for the merits of thy de of thy mercies as thou hait given us. And loved Son Jesus Christ our only Saviour if it please thee, O Lord, to try and exer- whom thou hast already given an oblation efe us by greater poverty and neceffity and offering for our fins, and for whof than our flesh would defire, that thou fake we are certainly perfwaded, that the wouldest yet, O Lord, grant us grace to wilt deny us nothing that we shall ask in know that thou wilt nourish us continual. his Name, according to thy will. For the ly through thy bountiful liberality, that Spirit doth affure our confciences, we be not fo tempted, that we fall into thou art our merciful Farher, and so lovel diftrust, but that we may patiently wait us thy children through him, that nothing till thou fill us, not only with corporal is able to remove thy heavenly grace and graces and benefits, but chiefly with favour from us. To thee therefore, thine heavenly and spiritual treasures, to Father, with thy Son and the Holy Ghoft the intent that we may always have be all Honour and Glory, world without more ample occafion to give thee than

and wholly to rest upon thy mercies







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