The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church...Clarendon Press, 1718 |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 47
... fave his foul alive . Ezek . Jer . 10. 24. Pfal . 6. 1 . 18.27 . Repent ye ; for the kingdom I acknowledge my tranfgref- of heaven is at hand . S. Matth . fions , and my sin is ever before 3. 2 . me . Pfal . 51. 3 . Hide thy face from ...
... fave his foul alive . Ezek . Jer . 10. 24. Pfal . 6. 1 . 18.27 . Repent ye ; for the kingdom I acknowledge my tranfgref- of heaven is at hand . S. Matth . fions , and my sin is ever before 3. 2 . me . Pfal . 51. 3 . Hide thy face from ...
... fave thy Anfiw . And bless thine inhe . people . ritance . Prieft . Give peace in our time , O Lord . Anfw . Because there is none other that fighteth for us , but only thou , O God . Prieft . O God , make clean our hearts within us ...
... fave thy Anfiw . And bless thine inhe . people . ritance . Prieft . Give peace in our time , O Lord . Anfw . Because there is none other that fighteth for us , but only thou , O God . Prieft . O God , make clean our hearts within us ...
... fave uncircumcifed ; that he might his people from their fins . be the father of all them that ( Now all this was done that it believe , though they be not might be fulfilled which was circumcifed ; that righteousness spoken of the Lord ...
... fave uncircumcifed ; that he might his people from their fins . be the father of all them that ( Now all this was done that it believe , though they be not might be fulfilled which was circumcifed ; that righteousness spoken of the Lord ...
Sivu 2
... fave us , we fupport us in all dangers , and perith . And he faith unto carry us through all temptati- them , Why are ye fearful , O ons , through Jesus Chrift our ye of little faith ? Then he a- Lord . Amen . piphany . L The Colloct ...
... fave us , we fupport us in all dangers , and perith . And he faith unto carry us through all temptati- them , Why are ye fearful , O ons , through Jesus Chrift our ye of little faith ? Then he a- Lord . Amen . piphany . L The Colloct ...
... fave one . had faid these things , he cried , Thrice was I beaten with rods . He that hath ears to hear , let Once was I ftoned . Thrice I him hear . And his disciples fuffered shipwrack . A night asked him , saying , What might and a ...
... fave one . had faid these things , he cried , Thrice was I beaten with rods . He that hath ears to hear , let Once was I ftoned . Thrice I him hear . And his disciples fuffered shipwrack . A night asked him , saying , What might and a ...
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alfo alſo Amen anſwered becauſe behold beſeech thee Bleffed bleſs bleſſed caft cauſe children of men Chrift our Lord Church commandments death defire deliver diſciples doft doth dwell earth enemies evermore evil fafe faid unto faith fame Father fave fear felf fing fins fleſh fons fore foul ftrength fuch fure glory grace haſt hath hear heart heaven Holy Ghost honour houſe Ifrael increaſe Jefus Jerufalem Jeſus Chrift King Lords Supper moft Morning Prayer moſt neſs paſs perſons Pfal Pfalm pleaſe praife praiſe Prayer Priest PSAL rejoyce righteous righteouſneſs ſaid ſave Saviour ſay ſee ſelves ſet ſhalt ſhew ſhould ſpeak Spirit ſtand ſtrength ſuch thall ther theſe things thine thoſe thou art thou hast thou shalt thy fervant thy holy thy law thy mercy thy Name thy right thy word truft truth ungodly unto the Lord unto thee whoſe wicked ye ſhall