LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL MARCH 24, 1964. To Hon. EMANUEL CELLER, Chairman, House Committee on the Judiciary. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: One hundred and forty-six resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution have been introduced during the 88th Congress in the wake of the recent Supreme Court decisions relating to the recital of prayers and Bible reading in public schools (Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421, and Abington School District v. Schem. *** 374 U.S. 203). These resolutions have been referred to the Commi on the Judiciary. Thirty-five different forms of resolution have be proposed. At your direction, we have prepared this staff study for the ass the committee in considering the pending resolutions. endeavored to set forth objectively the questions ARNARLY pending resolutions in the light of the relevant has a background and the issues posed by the Samme Cons We have not attempted to deal with the poly ashona ▼ solely within the province of the members of che ammitas No member of the committee partengoad in de ma study, and the study does not necessary member of the committee. Respectfully submitted. |