Laws of the State of New York, Nide 11952 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 59
Sivu v
... passed by a majority vote , " passed by a two - thirds vote , " or " passed by a majority vote , three- fifths being present , " and if passed on a message required by the constitution , that fact also shall be stated , and , if the ...
... passed by a majority vote , " passed by a two - thirds vote , " or " passed by a majority vote , three- fifths being present , " and if passed on a message required by the constitution , that fact also shall be stated , and , if the ...
Sivu 19
... Passed , by a majority vote , three - fifths being present The People of the State of New York , represented in Senate and Assembly , do enact as follows : Law , Section 1. Subdivision six of section one hundred eighty - two Judiciary ...
... Passed , by a majority vote , three - fifths being present The People of the State of New York , represented in Senate and Assembly , do enact as follows : Law , Section 1. Subdivision six of section one hundred eighty - two Judiciary ...
Sivu 808
... Passed , by a majority vote , three - fifths being present The People of the State of New York , represented in ... passing east of Stillwater , thence northerly through the village of Falconer , thence following the Cassadaga ...
... Passed , by a majority vote , three - fifths being present The People of the State of New York , represented in ... passing east of Stillwater , thence northerly through the village of Falconer , thence following the Cassadaga ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
00 Assistant 00 Associate 00 Clerk G 00 DEPARTMENT 00 Junior 00 Principal 00 Senior clerk 00 Senior stenographer 00 Stenographer 00 Typist G account clerk act shall take ACT to amend amended by chapter amended to read approval avenue Became a law chapter 44 commissioner conservation law corporation DEPARTMENT-Continued district enact as follows engineer G examiner G exceed expenses of maintenance expenses of personal file clerk following schedule fund Governor grade crossing hereby amended inspector G key punch last amended law March laws of nineteen maintenance and operation majority vote March 25 matter substituted nineteen hundred fifty-two Office machine operator Park payment personal service Principal clerk Principal stenographer pursuant read as follows represented in Senate Senate and Assembly services and expenses subd subdivision substituted for word superintendent supplies and expense take effect immediately Telephone operator thereof three-fifths being present tion Total of schedule York