Laws of the State of New York, Nide 11954 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 57
Sivu 38
... dollars per week ; except that if the employee's wages at the time of injury are less than twelve dollars per week , he shall receive his full weekly wages ; further provided , that in each case of permanent total disability minimum ...
... dollars per week ; except that if the employee's wages at the time of injury are less than twelve dollars per week , he shall receive his full weekly wages ; further provided , that in each case of permanent total disability minimum ...
Sivu 39
... dollars but shall not exceed twenty - eight dollars per week for permanent or temporary total disability due to an accident or disablement resulting from an occupational disease that occurred on or after June first , nineteen hundred ...
... dollars but shall not exceed twenty - eight dollars per week for permanent or temporary total disability due to an accident or disablement resulting from an occupational disease that occurred on or after June first , nineteen hundred ...
Sivu 803
... dollar for each face page or fraction thereof , minimum of two dollars . 19. For affixing and indexing a notice of foreclosure of a mortgage as prescribed in section five hundred forty - three of the real property law , one dollar . 20 ...
... dollar for each face page or fraction thereof , minimum of two dollars . 19. For affixing and indexing a notice of foreclosure of a mortgage as prescribed in section five hundred forty - three of the real property law , one dollar . 20 ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
00 Assistant 00 Associate 00 Clerk G 00 DEPARTMENT 00 Principal 00 Senior stenographer 00 Stenographer 00 Typist G account clerk act shall take ACT to amend amended by chapter amended to read approval Became a law chapter 23 commission commissioner comptroller director district enact as follows engineer G exceed expenses of maintenance expenses of personal File clerk following schedule fund Governor grade crossing harness racing hereby amended highway inspector G jurors key punch last amended law March laws of nineteen MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION majority vote March 15 March 26 matter inserted matter substituted nineteen hundred fifty-four Office machine operator Park personal service Principal clerk Principal stenographer public health law pursuant read as follows represented in Senate salary Senate and Assembly services and expenses subd subdivision substituted for word supplies and expense take effect immediately thereof three-fifths being present Total of schedule York