Laws of the State of New York, Nide 11955 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 59
Sivu 514
... hereby amended to read : Electric elevator - building No. 10 .... 20,700.00 ; the sum of $ 4,300.00 being the amount of reduction between the appro- priation in chapter 44 , section 10 , of the laws of 1954 , and as herein amended , and ...
... hereby amended to read : Electric elevator - building No. 10 .... 20,700.00 ; the sum of $ 4,300.00 being the amount of reduction between the appro- priation in chapter 44 , section 10 , of the laws of 1954 , and as herein amended , and ...
Sivu 1088
... amended New ( bb ) . added . CHAPTER 423 AN ACT to amend the banking law , in relation to banking organizations ... hereby amended to read as follows : ( b ) Each such loan , if secured by real property , shall be subject to the ...
... amended New ( bb ) . added . CHAPTER 423 AN ACT to amend the banking law , in relation to banking organizations ... hereby amended to read as follows : ( b ) Each such loan , if secured by real property , shall be subject to the ...
Sivu 1235
... amended by chapter five hundred fifty - two of the laws of 1 , nineteen hundred fifty - four , is hereby amended by adding at the new end thereof the following : ; Mile Strip road , from a point on state highway five thousand nineteen ...
... amended by chapter five hundred fifty - two of the laws of 1 , nineteen hundred fifty - four , is hereby amended by adding at the new end thereof the following : ; Mile Strip road , from a point on state highway five thousand nineteen ...
Laws of New York 1955 | 1 |
bar 2133 | 980 |
School districts increasing constitutional tax limita | 1234 |
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00 Assistant 00 Associate 00 Clerk SG 00 DEPARTMENT 00 SCHEDULE 00 Senior stenographer 00 Stenographer SG 00 Typist SG account clerk SG act shall take ACT to amend amended by chapter amended to read appropriation approval April 12 Became a law chapter 44 clerk II clerk SG 11 comptroller corporation DEPARTMENT-Continued director district election enact as follows engineer SG exceed expenses of maintenance expenses of personal File clerk SG following schedule fund Governor grade crossing hereby amended highway inspector SG last amended law March laws of nineteen MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION majority vote matter substituted nineteen hundred fifty-five offset printing operator SG Park personal service pursuant read as follows represented in Senate Senate and Assembly Senior clerk SG Senior stenographer SG services and expenses subd subdivision substituted for word supplies and expense take effect immediately thereof three-fifths being present tion Total of schedule York