The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church : According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : Together with the Psalter, Or Psalms of DavidBishop White Prayer-Book Society, 1887 - 440 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 88
Sivu 22
... to set we confess their faults . Re- store thou those who are penitent ; According to thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord . And grant , O most merciful Father , for his sake ; That we 22 MORNING PRAYER .
... to set we confess their faults . Re- store thou those who are penitent ; According to thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord . And grant , O most merciful Father , for his sake ; That we 22 MORNING PRAYER .
Sivu 29
... grant us thy salvation . Minister . O God , make clean our hearts within us . Answer . And take not thy Holy Spirit from us . lect for the day , except when the Communion Service is read ; and then the Collect for the day shall be ...
... grant us thy salvation . Minister . O God , make clean our hearts within us . Answer . And take not thy Holy Spirit from us . lect for the day , except when the Communion Service is read ; and then the Collect for the day shall be ...
Sivu 30
... grant them in health and prosperity long to live ; and finally , after this life , to attain everlasting joy and feli- city ; through Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen . The following Prayers are to be omitted here , when the Litany is read ...
... grant them in health and prosperity long to live ; and finally , after this life , to attain everlasting joy and feli- city ; through Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen . The following Prayers are to be omitted here , when the Litany is read ...
Sivu 31
... grant their requests ; Fulfil now , O Lord , the our creation , preservation , and all the blessings of this life ; but above all , for thine inestimable love in the re- demption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of ...
... grant their requests ; Fulfil now , O Lord , the our creation , preservation , and all the blessings of this life ; but above all , for thine inestimable love in the re- demption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of ...
Sivu 33
... grant , O most merciful Father , for his sake ; That we may hereafter live a godly , righteous , and sober life , To the glory of thy holy Name . Amen . The Declaration of Absolu- tion , or Remission of sins . A LMIGHTY God , the Father ...
... grant , O most merciful Father , for his sake ; That we may hereafter live a godly , righteous , and sober life , To the glory of thy holy Name . Amen . The Declaration of Absolu- tion , or Remission of sins . A LMIGHTY God , the Father ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Almighty Amen Answer Apostles art thou Baptism baptized behold beseech thee Bishop blessed children of men Christ our Lord Church cometh commandments death deliver disciples doth dwell earth endureth enemies Epistle everlasting evermore evil faith Father fear flesh forgive give thanks unto glory God the Father godly goeth Gospel grace grant hath heart heaven heavenly Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour humble Israel Jerusalem King kingdom liveth Lord Jesus Christ Lord's Lord's Prayer mighty Minister Morning Prayer mouth ness peace praise the LORD pray Presiding Bishop Priest Psalm receive rejoice right hand righteousness Saint saith unto salvation Saviour say unto sing sins soul Sunday teth thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt thy holy thy mercy thy Name thy right thy servant thy word tion trust truth ungodly unto the LORD unto thee unto thy wickedness world without end