Sivut kuvina

Information for Investors

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FTEN investors are uncertain regarding some of the terms used in the "Language of Bonds." These terms are sometimes of the greatest importance to the investor as they explain not only the type of the security, which varies in almost every issue offered, but also many of the important points regarding earnings, assets, financial condition, etc.

The underwriters must confine themselves to the use of such terms. However, if you wish an explanation of any expression whose meaning is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to make use of our educational service without any obligation whatever. Address Correspondence Department.

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Members New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati, and Detroit Stock Exchanges, New York Cotton Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade

Unified Management


NIFIED management for electric light and power companies located in a dozen or more states makes it possible for the investor today to obtain in a single security an unusual form of diversification. In buying electric light and power securities, each well chosen purchase gives you an income and a large measure of safety which could only be obtained by numerous purchases of other types of securities.

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of the




FLORENCE CONVERSE, member of the Editorial Board of The Atlantic Monthly, author of Into The Void, The Children of Light, and Long Will.

THEODORE MORRISON, of the editorial staff of The Atlantic Monthly Press, formerly Assistant in English at Harvard University.

QUINCY HOWE, A.B. 1921, Harvard, Assistant Editor of The Living Age.

First Prize $50

Contest Prizes
Second Prize $25

Third Prize $10

1. Students competing must be in classes regularly enrolled on the Atlantic
high school list as using the ATLANTIC in courses during the 1926-1927


2. The type of essay is not restricted but essays must not exceed 2000 words in

3. The names of the student and school should not appear on the essay, but
must be noted in full with the instructor's endorsement and attached to
the manuscript.

4. Essays must reach the office of the Atlantic Monthly by March 31st, 1927.
5. The Prize-winning essays will be announced in the June Atlantic Monthly.
6. No manuscript submitted in the contest will be returned.

Special Classroom Rates

The following reduced rates are quoted to instructors for their students on
ten or more subscriptions. A desk copy is included free upon request.
3 Months' Subscription.....$.75 9 Months' Subscription.$2.25
6 Months' Subscription... 1.50 12 Months' Subscription... 3.00

8 Arlington Street, Boston


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