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Every Week this Winter... On the finest rail-
road trains in the world, built exclusively for
Raymond-Whitcomb and running through to
California without change. Add three days to
your regular schedule and include sightseeing in
such renowned American localities as the Louisiana
"Evangeline Country", the Texas-Mexico Frontier, the Apache Trail, the
Southwestern Indian Lands and the Grand Canyon.


June 28, 1927


January 14, 1928

January 18, 1928


Raymond Building, Boston, Mass.

New York



Los Angeles

San Francisco

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T is proper that an Adams should have written the story of a country which so often took its cues from others of that name. It is exhilarating. to discover that an Adams on New England, unlike a Lodge, is clearsighted and critical. This is sound history, and full of the stuff of life. The volume is eminently professional, al masterpiece of skilled workmanship, and provides for the amateur in history a finished and absorbing story.

This is the opinion of the reviewer, in the New York Evening Post, of



By JAMES TRUSLOW ADAMS This reviewer, Herbert Solow, continses

The completeness of Mr. Adams' history amazing. While he neglects no political or milita event of importance, neither does he scant valuable detail of his picture of day-to-day li Manufacture, trade, finance, transportation, a culture, literature, education, religion and eva social problem is treated in convincing detail. E has a way of insinuating indispensable statist that makes them as interesting as anecdotes. Hey corrects fallacious notions about a score of sit nificant events and personalities: John Hancock Brook Farm, the Hartford Convention, Fish Ames. Not infrequently he is guilty of a sweepin moral judgment with which many readers w disagree. Invariably, however, these judgmen are explicit and confuse in no way his estimate the facts.

He has produced a work worthy of a place beside those of George Bancroft, Henry Adams and Charles A. Beard. He has unearthed a quantity of new information which makes possible a more ordered and confident judgment of New England's history. He has brought to his task a real affection for the New England character, and a critical sense that is never dulled by the cant of chauvinist of mocker. These are his qualifications as an historiang that he is in addition a skillful writer assures him a wide non-professional public.

And it is particularly satisfying at this time to read of that old provincial New England. We have today only a vague legacy and souvenir of a time when to be a Yankee meant to be a thousand things quaintly provincial and individual.

Illustrated, 5.00, at all booksellers, or




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Great President Liners take you in incomparable comfort. Large, out-
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Return over the same route, or, go direct to Seattle from Japan on the
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where health, sunshine and gorgeous scenery await the health seeker and home seeker

OREthan 300 days of healing sunshine, mild winte
cool summers, dry, clear air, gorgeous mounta
scenery and all-year recreational features are attracting
Colorado Springs and Manitou a rapidly increasing
ber of permanent residents, as well as those who set
recovery from tuberculosis, throat and bronchial troubles
Here in the Pikes Peak region is the ideal spot to reti
and build a home, to engage in business or ranching, as w
as to enjoy year-round golf, mountain hiking, motoring
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For further information, fill out this coupon

E. E. JACKSON, Secretary


Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce 504 Independence Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. Please send information regarding Colorado Springs as follows:

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Colorado Springs, Colorado

Railroads grant stopovers and side trips en route on transcontinental tickets.

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