Sivut kuvina

Golden-Voiced Deagan Tower Chimes, sending forth each day, Tom the belfry of your Church, their sweet musical message of good will and inspiration! In what way can you provide greater beneficence to the community a more stately tribute o a loved one, a sublimer expression of the true memorial spirit?... That posterity may have ever before it an impershable record of so worthy an endowment, there is provided with each set of Deagan Chimes a bronze tablet comnemorating the gift and setting forth its hallowed purpose. Literature, including beautiful memorial booklet, on request. Standard Sets, $6,000 and up.

J.C. Deagan Inc.

246 Deagan Building

Deagan Chimes played by organist from electric keyboard.

the First Kilgen Organ Old Time Abbey

was built in an

N an ivy-clad abbey that had seen Knighthood flower and fade, Sebastian Kilgen built the first pipe organ which bore his name. That rare old instrument and its home are now in ruins: but the pride of craftsmanship that went into it is still preserved. (Generation after generation the Kilgen Family has carried on this traditional craft devotion until now after almost three centuries it remains the creed of the Kilgen Pipe Organ Guild. (In great auditoriums and houses of worship, both impressive and modest, millions of music lovers are inspired by Kilgen harmonious tones and stately melodies. An interesting brochure will be sent on request... Geo. Kilgen & Son, Inc., 4016 North Union Blvd.... St. Louis, U.S.A.




racy is a matter not only of careful planning, careful machining, careful adjusting; it is the result of testing -thorough, searching testing-over a period of months. Every day, for weeks at a time, each Hamilton Watch ticks away under the keenestscrutiny, under the closest checking. When you slip a Hamilton into your pocket you may be confident that it will give you time-accuracy, year in and year out. And in a watch there can indeed be no possible substitute for accuracy.

The Hamilton "Jefferson," here illustrated, is cased in chased white or green filled gold, with a 17-jewel ad


movement. Price

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has won for itself the reputation being the watch of railroad accurac Indeed, it is a fact that a large pr

portion of the railroad men of the country are served by the Hamilton Watch.

The Hamilton Watch is priced from $48 to $685 for pocket models, strap models, $50 to $88; women's wrist models, $48 to $60.

We should be glad to send you upon request our attractive booklen "The Timekeeper" and "The Cam of Your Watch." Address Hamilton Watch Company, 859 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, Pa., U. S. A.

Hamilton Watch

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Shur-on Twintex spectacles have a patented double-strength joint that maintains the delicate original adjust ment and thus savethe eyestrain resulting from poorly fitting glasses

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Scientific precision, permanent fit-
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Have yourself fitted with Shur-ons
and you get not only the right styles
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fine lenses, specially tempered metal
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most expert craftsmen in the industry.

Send for the authoritative booklet, "STYLE IN GLASSES"

All types of SPECTACLES




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