Sivut kuvina

Facts and Figures That Tell an
Interesting Story

R R ADIOTELEPHONE commercial service
between the United States and
Great Britain in the near future is a
reasonable probability, according to
D. B. Carson, United States Commis-
sioner of Navigation, in his annual re-
port. Tests which have been conducted
show encouraging results, but it is
pointed out the difference in time in
connection with office hours of banks,
stock exchange, and brokerage houses
may present some difficulty.

Commercial pictoradiogram services, the report reveals, are now in operation between New York and London and San Francisco and Hawaii. By means of this development photographs, pictures, advertisements, legal documents, bank checks, cartoons, fingerprints, and similar pictorial or printed matter are quickly transmitted and reproduced. This new field, the commissioner states, may develop into an important branch of radio communication.

There has been a material increase in power used. The average power per station in watts is 715.8, as compared with 312.4 last ye year and 190.5 the year previous. During the past fiscal year 117 new stations were licensed and 160 discontinued. The previous year 281 new stations were licensed and 245 discontinued.

Continued growth in the use of radio is predicted by Commissioner Carson, together with improved service to the public.


The sales of radio apparatus for the United States alone will reach $520,000,000 for 1926. The figures for the former years, compiled by the Radio Manufacturers Association, are as follows:

1922, $46,500,000; 1923, $120,000,000;
1924, $350,000,000; 1925, $449,000,000.
From orders that have been placed the
various radio trade associations know
now that the 1926 figure will be ex-
ceeded in 1927.

An analysis made by the management
of Station WEAF is the basis of an es-
timate that in the territories covered by
stations in the cities listed here, radio
sets are distributed as follows: New
York, 702,000; Boston, 380,000; Phila-
delphia, 265,000; Washington, 166,000;
Buffalo, 125,000; Pittsburgh, 208,000;
Cleveland, 172,000; Detroit, 224,000;
Cincinnati, 187,000; Chicago, 354,000;
St. Louis, 146,000; Minneapolis, 73,000;
Davenport, 88,000. Making a total of
3,090,000. Based upon these figures it is
believed that there are approximately
5,200,000 receiving sets in the United


These figures mean that millions of people have been taking a keen interest in the broadcasting situation and in the prompt passage of adequate radio laws by Congress to prevent interstation interference, determine who shall broadcast, establish standard broadcast station requirements, and other essential points.

Such federal action has been urged by all branches of the radio industry, by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, by the public press throughout the country, and by many thousands of radio owners.

While 1927 will no doubt be another record-breaking year for the radio without such legislation the need for it has been none the less imperative in the interest of public service.



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Great music-at home
as you never could get it before

ITH this remarkable development, RCA has led radio through a new era, has brought an entirely new conception ne music to thousands of homes.

v-much imitated-it stands - preeminently, the tried, ed and perfected product of t engineers.

s combination of Radiola 28 RCA Loudspeaker 104 not just work on the house ent with a batteryeliminator, is built upon new electrical ciples, based on the use of the current. Now all these have the test and proof of time.


What has it done, this Radiola with its power speaker-so simply tuned with a single finger? It has brought reality to radio. It reproduces the actual tone of the original. It captures the quality of beauty that makes great music great.


RCA Loudspeaker 104, complete,
$275. Radiola 28, with 8 Radio-
trons, $260. A. C. Package for
adapting Radiola 28 for use with
Loudspeaker 104 on 50-60 cycle,
110 volt current, $35.

Buy with

Authorized where you see
this sign


And now thousands of people everywhere are getting something more out of radio than just dance music, entertainment, speeches. There's nothing like a Radiola 28, with its power speaker, for making these things real. But there is something more......a new day of great music in the home!

RCA Radiola



of the




FLORENCE CONVERSE, member of the Editorial Board of The Atlantic Monthly, author of Into The Void, The Children of Light, and Long Will.

THEODORE MORRISON, of the editorial staff of The Atlantic Monthly Press, formerly Assistant in English at Harvard University.

QUINCY HOWE, A.B. 1921, Harvard, Assistant Editor of The Living Age.

First Prize $100

Contest Prizes
Second Prize $50

Third Prize $25

1. Students competing must be in classes regularly enrolled on the Atlantic
college list as using the ATLANTIC in courses during the 1926-1927 term.
2. The type of essay is not restricted but essays must not exceed 2000 words in

3. The names of the student and school should not appear on the essay, but
must be noted in full with the instructor's endorsement and attached to
the manuscript.

4. Essays must reach the office of the Atlantic Monthly by March 31st, 1927.
5. The Prize-winning essays will be announced in the June Atlantic Monthly,
and the essay winning First Prize will be published in that number.

6. No manuscript submitted in the contest will be returned.

Special Classroom Rates

The following reduced rates are quoted to instructors for their students on
ten or more subscriptions. A desk copy is included free upon request.
3 Months' Subscription...$.75 9 Months' Subscription...$2.25
6 Months' Subscription... 1.50 12 Months' Subscription... 3.00

8 Arlington Street, Boston

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


25 West 45th Street, New York City Afiliated: UNITED HOTEL COMPANY OF AMERICA

put a Hodgson House there now to rent? Make your land pay dividends.

Our new illustrated catalog gives prices and complete information regarding Hodgson Portable Houses for cottages, camps, play houses, garages, dog kennels, poultry-houses, bird houses, etc. Write for catalog M today.


1108 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. 6 East 39th Street, New York City Florida Branch-Bradenton

HODGSON Portable

Short-Story Writing


How to write, what to write, and where to sell Cultivate your mind. Develop your literary gifts. Master the art of self-expression. Make your spare time profitable. Turn your ideas into dollars.

Courses in Short-Story Writing, Versification, Journalism, Play Writing, Photoplay Writing, etc., taught by our staff of literary experts, headed by Dr. J. Berg

Esenwein, famous critic and teacher; Editor of The Writer's Monthly. Dr. Esenwein offers you constructive criticism; frank, honest, helpful advice: real teaching. One pupil has received over $5,000 for stories and articles written mostly in spare time-"plav work," he calls it. Another received over $1,000 before completing her first course. Hundreds are selling constantly to leading publishers.

There is no other institution or agency doing so much for writers, young or old. The universities recognize this, for over one hundred members of the English faculties of higher institutions are studying in our Literary Department. The editors recognize it, for they are constantly recommending our courses. 150 page illustrated catalog free. Please address

The Home Correspondence School

Dept. 126

Established 1897

Springfield, Mass.

We publish The Writer's Library, 13 volumes; descriptive booklet free. We also publish The Writer's Monthly, the leading magazine for literary workers; sample copy 25c, annual subscription $3.00.

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January, 1927


St. Hilda's Hall...



St. John's Military Academy 31


St. Margaret's School..



Santa Barbara School...



Sea Pines School of Person-




Staunton Military Academy. 31


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



Ackerman, Rev. A. W.......
Bruchman, R. M..........
Curtis & Cameron.

Dramatic Pub. Co........

Macoy Publishing and Ma-

sonic Supply Company

Medici Society..

Newall & Sons, S. A...........

Roberts, Adeline.

Weil, Mathilde.


Abbott Academy.

Allen School, Misses..

American Schools' Ass'n...

Arden School.

Baldwin School.

Bancroft School..

Barry's School, Miss

Beard's School, Miss.

Birch-Wathen School.

Bogue Institute....

Boston Stammerers' Institute 28

Bradford Academy.

Brown School, Moses.

Burnham School, Mary A....

Cambridge-Haskell School.

Chateau de Bures..

Chauncy Hall School

Chestnut Hill Academy.

Choate School.

Culver Military Academy.

Curtis Institute of Music

Deane School..

De Witt Clinton School.

Dongan Hall..

Dwight School.

El Coronado Ranch School.

Ely School.

Fisk & Co., E. Ο....

Gateway School.

Hall's School, Miss.

Highland Hall.

Home Correspondence School

31 and 97

International Corr. School.

Kenilworth School

Kent Place.

Kirk's Prep. School, Misses

Knox School.

Lake Placid Club.

Lasell Seminary.

Lindenwood College.

Litchfield School..

Loveland School.

Lyon School, Mary

Mannes Music School, David 30

Martha Washington Seminary

Mason's School, Miss.

Mass. Gen.

Hospital Tr.

School for Nurses.

Mohonk School.

Monticello Seminary
National Park Seminary.
Northampton School..

Ogontz School.

Ojai Valley School

Pelman Institute.

Pine Manor.

Pratt Teachers' Agency

Roxbury School.

Rumsey Hall...

Vapo-Cresolene Co....
Wessell, Nickel & Gross.....

Whitman & Son, Stephen F..



Book-of-the-Month Club...

Bobbs-Merrill Co....


Collier & Son, P. F.......
Devin-Adair Co...

Doubleday, Page & Co......
Dramatic Publishing Co.....
Little, Brown & Co...

Macoy Pub. & Masonic Sup-
ply Co..
Medici Society.
National Ass'n of Book Pub-


New York Herald Tribune..
Putnam & Son, G. P.......
Scribner's Sons, Charles....


Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.......
Freshman Co., Inc., Charles
Grebe & Co., A. H........
Radio Corp. of America...


Admiral-Oriental Line...
Art Crafts Guild Travel Bureau
Cunard Steamship Co...
Colorado Springs Chamber of



Dollar Steamship Line.
Hawaii Tourist Bureau....
Holland-American Lines.
Int. Mercantile Marine

Los Angeles Chamber of Com-


Porto Rico Line.

Raymond & Whitcomb Co...

Southern Railway Systems...

United American Line..

Ward Line

Where-To-Go Bureau

75, 76, 77,748

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