WORKS OF E. B. WILSON, E.M., PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. Cyanide Processes. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Practical Mine Ventilation. For the Use of Mining Engineers, Students, and INSTRUCTOR IN DRIFTON INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR MINERS FIFTH EDITION. SECOND THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 EAST TENTH STREET, い ARY PREFACE. THE author, aware of the interest manifested by miners in this subject, which is so intimately connected with their daily employment, has endeavored to deal with ventilation in such a manner that no one with a fair knowledge of the English language and of arithmetic need despair of thoroughly mastering it. Knowing that the miner possesses but a comparatively small stock of words, and is not an adept in algebraic formulas, the writer has taken a different position from the standard works on the subject, endeavoring to do away with abstruse language, and such highly mathematical formulas as are only calculated for well-educated engineers. In order that the text may be more readily followed, each article is illustrated by an example. From the number of fatal explosions which have taken place within the past eighteen months, it is evident that either managers are ignorant of the laws of ventilation, or else negligent in providing methods in conformity with those laws. If the latter is the case, they are the more blamable; as ignorance of the subject, even at this time, may be excusable, but negligence can never be. There are many practical hints given for engineers, who, owing to lack of time, have been unable to keep as well informed on this subject as they may have wished to do: also many useful memoranda, and tables for saving time and labor when dealing with questions relating to ventilation, will be found in this little volume. The author would also state, that this book is intended for miners, and not for engineers; but at the same time it is believed that it will be found useful to many engineers. In hopes of showing how men's lives may be lengthened, and preserved from the dangers that lurk in improperly ventilated mines, this work has been written, and is now offered to the class most interested, by their friend and well-wisher, E. B. W. DRIFTON, PENN., June, 1884. |