Sivut kuvina

the sum of £60 during the current year. A very wide field exists for the spread of the heavenly doctrines in that part of Europe; and that the Professor is doing valuable missionary work in various ways, the following extract from his report to the Committee will show :

"Thus, being convinced of the eminently rational character of the doctrines of the New Church, I have constantly in propagating them avoided the means commonly used by sects, and which are adapted more to excite the emotions than to enlighten the intellects of men and convince their reason; and I have directed my attention especially to the educated classes of the people and to the Catholic clergy. I have reason to be satisfied that my method is a good one; for, although the practical results obtained in the course of seven years have been comparatively small, yet they are secure and stable. Seven Catholic priests and about thirty of the laity, dwelling in various localities, now form the Italian Society of the New Church. The first stone is therefore laid, and under the Lord's Divine auspices we have good foundation to hope that in the future this spiritual edifice may be built up by means of the co-operation of the same neophites. Nevertheless, I have not neglected the less cultivated classes of the people. In two Workmen's Institutes in Florence I have been invited to give lectures on Ethics. The rules of these societies forbid discourses on religion. But having shown my hearers, in one of my lectures, that without faith in God, in His justice, and in the future life, morality is like a building without a foundation, the directors of the two institutes have given me full liberty to treat the subject in the manner that I think best. In consequence of this I explain to these workmen morality according to the teachings of Swedenborg contained in that golden treatise entitled "The Doctrine of Life." Besides this, I have begun to hold private meetings at my own house. As yet few people have come to these Sunday meetings; but I trust with time that their numbers will increase. Florence is a stronghold of Jesuitism, and it is therefore very hard ground to labour on."

Professor Scocia has also translated

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into Italian "The New Jerusalem and
its Heavenly Doctrine," "The Heaven
and Hell," "The Divine Providence,'
"The Divine Love and Wisdom," and
and is
"The Summary Exposition,
now engaged in translating "The True
Christian Religion," besides publishing
a periodical entitled La Nuova Epoca.
The Committee trust that those who so
liberally subscribed last year will con-
tinue their pecuniary aid, and that
other friends will render what help
they can towards supporting this cause,
and thus enable the Committee to ful-
fil their promise.

Subscriptions may be sent to any members of the Conference Committee, viz. the Rev. John Presland, 25 Rochester Square, London, N.W.; the Treasurer of Conference, Mr. Richard Gunton, 19 Oseney Crescent, Camden Road, London, N.W.; Mr. Samuel Teed, 37 Colebrooke Row, Islington, London, N.; the Secretary to the Committee, Mr. William Milner, 211, 212, and 213 Tottenham Court Road, London, W.C. All subscriptions will be duly pub. lished on the wrapper of the Intellectual Repository.

BRADFORD.-The bazaar in aid of the building fund of the church in Drewton Street was opened by the Mayor of Bradford (Mr. Angus Holden), in the saloon of the St. George's Hall, the opening ceremony being attended by a large number of ladies and gentlemen interested in the welfare of the church. The object of the bazaar is to raise the necessary funds for purchasing the premises in Drewton Street, which up to the present time have been rented by the congregation. About £650 is required for this purpose, and it is hoped that ere the bazaar closes, the requisite amount will have been raised to enable them to complete the purchase. The fact that the congregation is a small one appears, with regard to the bazaar, to have operated rather in its favour than against it, for the lack of numbers was made up by the zeal displayed in bringing the affair to a successful termination. The lady members of the church were for several months busily at work preparing articles, and their exertions resulted in the production of such a collection of fancy needlework as is seldom seen at a bazaar. One of the most noteworthy features is a very beautiful

assortment of needlework of a somewhat the spread of their common Christian

novel character, in which great taste and originality of design is displayed. The designs consist of representations of familiar subjects, tastefully worked in dark-coloured silk upon some light material. This work, we understand, was executed by various lady friends of the church, and as an example of what may be done by ladies with the aid of the needle it is well deserving of attention. Amongst other articles of a special character are two screens, which also attract notice by reason of the beauty of the design and the excellent manner in which they have been executed. The first of these, a fire-screen in oaken frame, contains a representation in crewel-work of a stork and the lotus flower. The colours are well defined, and the design is altogether very effective. The design of the second screen is similar, the representation in this case being of birds and flowers. The former was the work of Mrs. Holme, and the latter of Mrs. Rendell.

The bazaar was opened by prayer, after which Dr. D. Goyder gave a short explanation of its objects. The worshippers of the New Church, he stated, had hitherto met in a building in Drewton Street which had not belonged to them. An opportunity had occurred of purchasing this at a very reasonable sum, but as they had not the wherewithal to make the purchase the ladies of the Society had set to work, and the result was what they saw before them. In conclusion Dr. Goyder expressed a hope that the bazaar would be successful. The Mayor remarked that, when passing down Drewton Street, he had frequently noticed on bills the name of the New Jerusalem Church, and a momentary curiosity had arisen in his mind as to what this church could be. He had never had curiosity enough to inquire further about the church until their respected minister called upon him to ask him to take part in the opening proceedings at the bazaar. As the result of some questions which he then asked, he found that there was nothing very peculiar or extraordinary about this New Church; and that the Society differed only from other Christian denominations on some non-essentials in their common Christian faith. It was satisfactory to contemplate the fact that, as Christians, they united in one object

ity; and he had no doubt that they, with other sections of the Church, were endeavouring in their way to do as much good as they could for their fellow-men. This being the case, they had his entire support, and it was with the greatest possible satisfaction that he opened the bazaar that morning. Bazaars were very useful for raising funds for such objects as they had in view, and he sincerely trusted that their efforts would be completely successful.

On Thursday the saloon was crowded by purchasers from the time of opening to the closing hour. On Friday and Saturday a keen frost interfered with the attendance, but in the evening of both these days the bazaar was crowded. The result of the effort has been very gratifying. It is only a year since it was resolved to make an effort to purchase the building used as a place of worship. Towards the purchase-money (£650) more than £450 have been raised. The result of the effort has been to strengthen and greatly encourage the Society. Some of the more sanguine members are even looking forward to the time when a more commodious church may be built. The bazaar has not only proved useful in raising money, but also in making the doctrines of the Church known to many who had never heard of them before, for Mr. Stephenson, who had charge of the book-stall, succeeded in selling many volumes illustrative and explanatory of the New Church doctrines.

The bazaar has also been the means of cultivating a taste for work of real artistic merit. The ladies spared no labour to procure examples of the best Indian, Japanese, and European needlework. These were used not to copy, but as models, and the results of the labours were greatly appreciated by the ladies of the town, many of whom travelled long distances to see the art needlework. Some specimens of work were sold three times. The proceedings of the bazaar were terminated on Saturday evening at 10.15 by singing the last verse of the evening hymn.

BURY, LANCASHIRE.-A bazaar was held at this town on the 28th and two following days of November, the proceeds of which are to enable the Society to liquidate the debt remaining on their place of worship, and to erect a school

room, which is much needed for the growth of their Society. At the time of opening a large and respectable company had assembled in the room, including many leading citizens who are not members of the New Church. The Society is small, and none of the members belong to the wealthy class. There was, therefore, a general expression of surprise and gratification on witnessing the large supply of goods and the elegant fitting up of the room. At eleven A. M. the Rev. R. Storry announced the 503rd Hymn, commencing "Help us to help each other, Lord," which was heartily sung by the people assembled. In continuation of this part of the service, Mr. Storry said that he might be permitted to offer a very few remarks before the bazaar was formally opened. Much had been said both in favour and against bazaars. They were a portion of the worldly side of the Church; and as what related to the world had often a tendency to introduce jarring elements, we required watchfulness over ourselves in their management. There were few occasions on which the advice of Joseph to his brethren was more seasonable than in connection with these sales for the uses of the Church-"See that ye fall not out by the way." At the close of this address, Mr. Hopkinson read a letter from R. N. Phillips, Esq., M.P., enclosing a donation of £10 to the bazaar fund. Mr. Hopkinson was succeeded by Thomas Isherwood, Esq. of Heywood, who, after a brief reference to the political and commercial gloom which at present overspread the nation, said, The friends who had come there that morning had come with a desire to help the New Church congregation in Bury. They were but a small Society in Bury, but they had got a nice little chapel, and he hoped that before long it would be free from debt. The Society asked their friends also to come and help them to build a school, and that was mainly the object of the bazaar. A great deal had of late been said about schools. It had been said that if they secularized the schools of the country, the coming generation would be deprived of religious instructions; but however able a day-school teacher might be, and however willing he might be, it would take him all his time to keep the children up to the standards, which the Government were constantly raising. If

the Government paid for education, there ought to be really practical results, and it would take the day-school teacher all his time to accomplish those results without interfering with religion. He was himself a very great believer in Sunday-schools. Some people seemed to think that their time had gone by, but he was of opinion that their work was only just beginning. Sundayschools were not now what they used to be. He remembered that when he went to the Sunday-school they had to write upon sand; but since then a great change had come over such schools. Their main object now was to give that solid Christian instruction which would make people better citizens, and prepare them for the life which was to come. Personally, he could say that he was always glad to see a school erected where there was a want for one, no matter, whether that school was connected with Church or Dissent. They had no antipathy against any school, but wished them all success. They were trying to do their part in the work of the world. He hoped, therefore, that they would do their best to carry out the object in view, which could best be done by clearing the stalls of their contents, and he felt sure that if they did so their money would be well spent.


Mr. G. Benson said it was pleasing to find, amidst the gloom and almost impenetrable darkness that hung over our commercial and political affairs, that they could on an occasion like that pay a little attention to local matters. New Church had got a footing in Bury, but it was a very small one. He had no doubt, however, that the effort about to be made would largely increase the influence of the Church in Bury, and enable it to take such a position as its doctrines and teachings entitled it to do. It had been said that bazaars were the worldly side of religious life, but the worldly side of religion was important in the promotion of religious uses, and he was delighted to see and to know from some experience among bazaars that they were of immense service to religious bodies at the present time. In the great movement of education and in providing the means of instructing the people in the commonest elements of political and secular knowledge bazaars were equally beneficial.

Some further remarks were made by

Mr. Hopkinson on the local circumstances of the Society, after which Mr. Isherwood declared the bazaar open. A brisk traffic followed, which continued, with slight interruptions, to the end of the bazaar. The sum finally realized was £260.

BIRMINGHAM.-Mission-Room, Priestley Road.-(From the Manual of the New Church, Wretham Road, Soho Hill, Birmingham.)-The services at Sparkbrook have been conducted with attendance and interest certainly, if slowly, improving. The Bible-class has made notable progress, and the need for increased study and discussion of the Writings of the Church has been so sensibly felt by the members that it was considered desirable to arrange for a week-evening meeting. This was accomplished by the Committee, and on Tuesday, November 19th, the first meeting was held at the house of Mr. Garlick, Bolton Road, and was in every way encouraging. It will be continued weekly. The Sunday-school is also advancing, and the Committee was of opinion that in order to provide the teachers with books and appliances, which as yet had been very inadequate, a collection should be made on its behalf. This was fixed for Sunday, November 24th. A selection of hymns and anthems was prepared, under the conductorship of Mr. Wolverson, whose constant presence and earnest efforts deserve all praise. A number of members of the senior classes in the Wretham Road Sunday-school were present, and assisted the choir, in spite of the serious inclemency of the weather. The sermon in the morning was by Mr. J. W. Tonks; and in the evening by Mr. J. T. Freeth. In the after noon there was a gathering of the children and friends, addresses being given by Mr. Brittain, Mr. Tonks, and Mr. Freeth. The total collections amounted to £2, 5s. 6d., and in addition to this sum subscribed for the Sunday-school in the room, the Wretham Road friends devoted the contents of the offertorybox for the same day, amounting to £3, 8s. 1d. to the use of the mission.

GREENOCK.-The Scottish Association of the New Church has lost no time in carrying out their resolution to continue the missionary services commenced at

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some of the towns in Scotland. The Rev. J. F. Potts, B.A., of Glasgow, has given a course of four lectures in the Temperance Institute, on four successive Tuesday evenings, in the month of November and 3rd of December. The subjects discussed were "The Creation;" "The Tree of Knowledge, and what kind of Fruit grew on it;' The Talking Serpent of Eden;" and "The Nature, Scenery, and Eternity of Hell." The attendance seems to have increased during the progress of the lectures, and at the close the room was closely packed, about three hundred being present. The lectures were throughout closely listened to, and at the close of each a number of questions were proposed to and answered by the lecturer. These at some of the lectures occupied nearly an hour after the close of the lecture. After the last lecture a cordial vote of thanks was given to Mr. Potts for "the great amount of tact and kindness he had shown in answering the questions which had been put to him."

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Mr. Potts is succeeded by Mr. Allbutt, B.A., of Paisley, who continued the course by a lecture, on Tuesday evening, December 10th, on "The Remission of Sins. There was a very fair meeting, and the audience displayed marked attention to what the lecturer advanced. Mr. Allbutt took as the basis of his remarks the words of the Lord in John xx. 23, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." He showed that this passage was never intended to be taken literally, as giving authority to mere men to forgive sins, but that, like every other portion of the Word of God, it has an inner or spiritual meaning, applicable to every human being. When the Lord addressed the apostles He addressed them as representative characters, as typifying the various graces necessary to influence the soul before the heavenly kingdom can be established therein. It is therefore the heavenly virtues of faith and love, with all their minor or subordinate virtues meant by the word "ye" in the passage cited, that have the power of remitting sins. When we got these virtues to influence our hearts and lives, sins must of necessity be remitted, because all opposition to the laws of Divine order is then removed. If, however, we refuse to accept their influence, sins must be

retained, because we are unwilling to woodwork is of pitch pine, with baypart from them.

IPSWICH.-On Monday evening, December 2nd, Mr. Gunton of London delivered a lecture in the New Jerusalem Church "On the Origin, Nature, and Duration of Hell." The meeting was well attended by thoughtful listeners. The lecture occupied about an hour, and the chief points were, that evil originated in man's disobedience, and that evil was essentially hell; so that hell was not to be thought of as a place created by the Almighty in which to punish wicked people, but as the dwelling-place of wicked people, and that their wickedness made hell in the spiritual world, just as man's wickedness makes a hell upon earth. It was further argued that men continue in hells upon earth, because they love the wickedness which reigns there; and on the same principle they go to and remain with their like in the next world, and the wickedness there makes it hell, and they remain there because they prefer that life and that company. The lecturer further argued that according to the Word of the Lord, from which alone anything could be certainly known, hell is eternal: "These shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.' Several questions were asked and answered at the close.

KEARSLEY.-The opening services of the new church, which has been for some time in course of erection, took place on Wednesday afternoon, December 4th. The church, which is of beautiful proportions and most elegant appearance, will seat 750 persons, of whom 300 are to be accommodated in the gallery. The building is faced throughout with Kerridge parpoints, the whole of the dressings being of Alderley stone. The nave arches, supported by iron columns, are of buff and brown bricks; the walls are plastered, and the roof is open, and lighted by four clerestory windows. All the glazing is in lead lights, with tinted quarries. The chancel, divided from the nave by a lofty arch, is octagonal, and lighted by three single-light windows, with traceried heads. The ceiling is of pitch-pine boards, and the floor is laid with mosaic. The whole of the internal

wood introduced in the seat-ends. The pulpit, of pitch pine, oak, and baywood, stands on a shaft of polished red granite, with cap and base of Bath stone. The font is of Bath stone, on a shaft of red Runcorn stone. Over the vestry is a room suitable for a class or committee meeting. The total cost (including the spire, not yet completed) will be about £6800, or a little over £9 per sitting. At the time of opening a large and respectable congregation had assembled.

In addition to the members of the Society and many members of other Christian communities in the neighbourhood, members of the New Church from the neighbouring Societies of Manchester and Salford, Heywood and Radcliffe, Bury and Bolton, and other places, were also present. The interior fittings of the church are remarkably beautiful, and there was a general expression of admiration on the ' part of the visitors with the appearance, commodiousness, and elegance of the church. The entire work reflects the highest credit on the judgment and attention of the Building Committee. The opening ceremony commenced with an organ voluntary, "Andante with variations," by Mozart, which was followed by the hymn "Rise every heart and every tongue," and prayer by the Rev. P. Ramage. A chant was followed by an address pointing out the general uses and purposes for which the church had been erected, by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, and the dedication prayer by the Rev. J. Boys. The "Te Deum having been sung, the Rev. R. Storry read the lesson, which was taken from 1 Kings viii. 22-61. An anthem and hymn, "To Jesus, God above," having been sung, the Rev. P. Ramage preached the sermon, taking his text from Haggai i. 7, 8. In explaining it the preacher pointed out the necessity of vigorously proceeding with the building of the Lord's house in their own souls, and that that house of wood and stone was only the outward sign of the spiritual edifice, which it was necessary for all to strive to build. At the close of his sermon he said the religious community meeting in that place had for the last four years contributed £2100 a year, making £8400. That, of course, included the school and the church, and now they were desirous, if it were pos

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