Sivut kuvina


The Vifion of the Reaping-Hook to destroy Thieves and perjur'd Perfons. The Vi fron alfo of the Women with the Ephah, going to Babylon, and their fettling there.


'HEN Zachary law a Reaping Hook flying, the Length of it twenty Cubits, and the Breadth Ten; the Angel told him, This is the Curie, which goeth over the. Land; for every Thief fhall be punifh'd by this to death, and every perjur'd Perfon fhall be condemn'd by this to death; it fall confume the Wood and Stones of their Houles. (Great Quantities of Materials were then provided for the re building of the Temple; and therefore God threatens all Thieves and perjur'd Perfons to dettroy them and their Houses in an extraordinary manner, and cut them off, as the Harveft is, by a Reaping-Hook,

Vs. The Angel gives another Vifion to Zachary, an Ephah, or Measure; in which a Woman fitteth, as the Wickedness; on this a Talent of Lead was caft on the Mouth of it. And there came out two Women, and the Wind was in their Wings; and they lift up the Ephah between the Earth and Heaven to build it an House in the Land of Shinar, and it fhall be eftablish'd there upon its own Base.

This Prophecy relates to Women, who left Judea to return to Babylon, after their Return from the Capuvity, to poffefs the Houfes they had there: From whence, the Angel declares, they fhould not return.

This Return to Babylon might be occafioned by the Wives they married there: And therefore this Wickedness was reprefented by a Woman: The Measure might reprefent fome Searcity of Provisions in Judea; which, with the



Oppofition they met with in the Re-building the City and Temple, for many Years, fince Cyrus, and the Prophecies of Zachary's Four Horns to difperfe the Jews hereafter; these things might difturb them, and occafion their Return to Babylon. The Weight on the Measure intimates, their not being permitted to return to Judea again. Efdras caufed them to put away their Alien Wives; and thefe carried the Epbab.



The Prophecy of Four Nations, who should difperfe the Jews, under the the Symbol of Four Chariots. Jofhua is made King and Prieft in Judea.


HEN Zachary had a Vifion of Four Chariots going forth in the Middle of Two Mountains, which were Brafen. In the firft Chariot were Red Horfes; in the fecond, black Horfes; in the third, white Horses; and in the Fourth, Va rious and Swift, or of the Colour of a Starling, or Speckled, or Grifled.

V. 5. The Angel who fpoke to Zachary, thus expounds this Vifion: These are the Four Winds, or Spirits of the Heavens; that is, great Warriors, who affift the Lord of the whole Earth; that is, to execute his Decrees. These were reprefented by the Four Angels, called, the Spirits of the Hea vens, which go forth from Atanding before the Lord of the whole Earth, God Almighty. The Warriors are reprefented by the Angels. The Chariot with Black Horfes went forth into the North, and the White went after them; and the Various went out into the South; and the Starline, or Speckled, went forth to walk to and fro thro' the Earth.

Thele that go to the North, have quieted my Spirit in the North Countrey; that is, appeafed my Anger.

All thefe Conquerors, reprefented by Chariots coming out. of Brafen Mountains, Strong Countries would come on the Countrey of the Jews to poffefs it, after their City was rebuilt: But because the Red Horfes are not fent to any Place, they reprefent the Perfian Empire then ftanding, who had the Jews in fubjection to them; and this Empire was first to be conquered by Alexander the Grecian, who came to Babylon with his Black Horfes. And the Third Chariot with White. Hortes, fignifies the Roman Empire, which conquer'd the Gree cians, and Parthians afterwards and therefore they are faid

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to follow the Black Horfes into the North Countrey.


Various Horfes which went out into the South, are the Saracens, and the Speckled are the Turks, who are permitted to compals the Earth in their Conquefts. Zachary afterwards men ions the Injuries the Jews received from the Græcians, and Egyptian Princes, and their Difperfion by the Romans, and the Conqueft of the Jews by Gog,. Ch. 14. All these were reprefented by the Angels, Ch. 120. They are reprefented alfo by the Four Horns, or Nations, which should dilperle the Jews. The Four Angels govern thefe Nations, Ch. 1. v. 8. But the Black Horfes are there omitted, and the Order of the Horfes perverted. And I will make this obfervable Remark, that the Fourth Chariot had Various Horses, the Grifled and Bay: The Grifled, which are the Saracens, go towards the South; but the Bay, which are the Turks, go to and fro thro' the Earth: Therefore the Various, Grifled and Bay Horfes are joined in one Chariot, to fignifie, that the Saracens and Turks raised the Mahomet an Empire.

V. 9. The Word of the Lord came to Zachary, and bid him take thofe things which came from the Captivity of Heldai, Tobaiah, and Fedaiah, and go into the Houle of Fofiah the Son of Zephaniah, to make Crowns of Silver and Gold, and fet them on the Head of Joshua the Son of Fofedech the High Prieft, and fay unto him, Behold the Man who is called the Branch; he fhall build the Temple, and he shall bear the Glory, and Rule upon his Throne; and he fhall be a Prieft on his Throne, and the Council of Peace fhall be be tween them both, (he fhall be Prince and King,) and the Crown fhall be to Tobaiah, Fedaiah, and to Hen, for a Memorial in the Houle of the Lord.

After the Empires were defcrib'd, which fhould scatter the Jews, Zachary prophefies concerning the Government of the Jews; and Zachary here gives him a Commiffion from God to be Prieft and King, and gives him a Crown, and this is to be preferved in the Temple for his Succeffors, and for a Memorial of the Men named, who gave the Silver and Gold, which was brought from the Captivity, and was made the Subject of a Pfalm, in the House of the Lord. (This is in the Sept.)

V. 15. And hey that are far off, fhall come, and build in the Houfe of the Lord; and then you fhall know wherefore the Lord hath fen me, if you will obey his Voice.

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Efdras and Nehemiah returned to Jerufalem after this Pro phecy of them.


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Jefus, the High Prieft's Name, fhall be 'Aro, because the Temple Te, fhall rite under him, (viz. in the Sept.) The Perfians and Gracians made Prefents to the Temple, and Herod re-built it when decay'd. And when thefe Events happen, every one will acknowledge, tha Zachary is a true Prophet, who faid, they that are afar off. fha. build.

In the 23d of Jeremy, v. 5. 'tis faid, I will raise to David xxx, and he fhall rule as a King. V. 6. the Lord calls him 'Iridi; and Joshua was the Son of Fofedec. In his Days Judah and Jerufalem fhall dwell fafely. This is a plain Prophec of Jefus the High Prieft, and the Return of the Jews from Babylon. And 'A is to be called a Branch, when it is used for Fofbua; but diamond is the Eaft, when applied to Chrift, Ch. 3.

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