Sivut kuvina
[blocks in formation]

contracts by, i 429 n

when liable, i 431 n

Aggregate corporation, i 469
fund, i 331

Agistment, ii 452
Agnati, ii 235
Agnus Dei, &c. iv 115
Agreement, see Contract
Agriculture, its original, ii 7
Aid-prayer, iii 300
Aids, feodal, ii 63 86
parliamentary, i 308

Air, right to, ii 14
Albinatus jus, i 372 374,
Alderman, i 116
Alderney, island of, i 106
Alehouses, iv 64 168

Alfred, his dome-book, i 64 iv 411
Alias writ, iii 283 app 15 iv 319
Alienation, in general, ii 287
fine for, ii 71 iv 418
forfeiture by, ii 268 274 n
Alien priories, i 386 iv 113
Aliens, ii 249 274 293 iv 111

duty, i 314 316 372 374

who are, i 866 n

Amercement, ii app 5 iii 376 app 25, 26 iv

379 423

action for, iii 159

American colonies, i 107

transportation to, iv 401

Ancestor, ii 209

Ancestors, how numerous, ii 203

Ancestral actions, iii 186

Anchors, injuries, &c. to, iv 245 η
Ancient lights, ii 402

demesne, i 286 ii 99

Animals, see Cattle, Game

property in, ii 5

monkey and parrot, property in, 11 391 n
rooks, disturbing them, ii 393 n
what protected by statutes, ib
dogs, law relating to, ii 393 n
mischief by tame, iii 153 n
larceny of, iv 235 ii 393 n
maiming of, iv 244 246
Animus furandi, iv 230 232
revertendi, ii 392
Annual parliaments, i 153
Annuities, what, ii 40
for lives, ii 461
when a fee conditional, ii 113 n
law relative to, ib 461 n

Annulum et baculum, investiture per, i 378
Annus luctus, i 457

Answer in chancery, iii 446

Answer upon oath, iii 100

Apostacy, iv 43 and n

Apparel, see Clothes, excess in, iv 170

rights, &c. of, in general, i 366 371 n ii 293 n Apparent, heir, ii 208

naturalization and denization, i 374 and n

when may vote at elections, i 174 n

duty on, i 314 316 372 374

petty custom, duty on, abolished, i 316 n

women entitled to dower, ii 131 n

as to descent, ii 249

alienation by, ii 274

may be grantee in a deed, but cannot hold, ii

274 n

purchase by, ii 293

may hold house or shop by agreement, ii 293 n
when contracts by, suspended by war, ii 401 n
when privileged from arrest, iii 289 n

præmunire, iv 110

Alimony, i 441 iii 94
Allegation, iii 100
Allegiance, i 366 iv. 74

local, i 370
natural, i 369
oath of, i 367 iv 274
refusing it, iv 116
withdrawing from, iv 87
Allodial property, ii 47 60
Allodium, ii 105

Allowance of franchise, iii 263
pardons, iv 401, 402
writs of error, iv 392
to bankrupts, ii 483
Alluvion, ii 261 and n
Almanac, its authority, iii 333
selling unstamped, ii 420 n

Alteration of deeds, ii 308
Ambassador, king's prerogative as to, i 253
inviolability of, considered, i 254 n
cannot arrest servant of, i 256 n
arrest of, and servants, i 256 n iii 289 n
violation of privileges, iv 70 441

right of possession, ii 196

Appeal by approvers, iv 330

how differing from writ of error, iii 55

of arson, iv 314

death, iv 314 425

felony, iv 314

larceny, iv 314
mayhem, iv 314

rape, iv 314

in convictions, iv 282 n

prosecution by, iv 312
to parliament, iii 454
Rome, iv 115 421

Appearance to actions, iii 287 n 290

to mesne process, iii 287 n

day of the term, or return, iii 278

Appellee on approvement, iv 330
Appendant, advowson, ii 22

common, ii 33

Appointment to charitable uses, ii 376, see Offi-


Apprentice-fee, duty on, i 324

Apprentices, law respecting, i 426 and n

acts relating to parish, ib

to whom may be bound, i 426 n
master entitled to earnings of, i 429 n
enticing away or harbouring, ib
embezzlement by, iv 230 n

exercising trade without having been, offence
of, iv 160 and n
Apprenticii legem, iii 27
Appropriations, i 384
Approvement in felony and treason, iv 329

of commons, ii 34 iii 240

Approvers, iv 330

compelling prisoners to become, iv 128

Appurtenant common, ii 33
Appurtenances, meaning and effect of the word,

Amended bi'l in equity, iii 448
Amendment at law, iii 407 iv 439

ii 17 n

Arbitrary consecrations of tithes, i 113 ii 26
Arbitration in general, iii 16

choosing umpire, ib
title to land referred, ib n
terms of reference to, ib n
how revoked, ib

Archbishop, i 155 377 and n
Archdeacon, i 383

his court, iii 64
Archdeaconry, i 111
Arches court, iii 64
dean of, iii 65
Areopagus, court of, iii 365 iv 169 348
Aristocracy, i 49

Armed, being unusually, iv 149
Armies, see Soldiers, i 262

standing, i 414 iv 419 441
Armorial ensigns, ii 429 iii 105

Armour, &c. embezzling the king's, iv 101

statutes of, i 411

Arms and ammunition, exporting them, i 265

right of having, i 143
going armed, iv 149

Arraignment, iv 322 app 1

incidents to, iv 324 and n

Array, challenge to, iii 359 iv 352

commission of, i 411

Arrest of judgment, iii 393 app 11 iv 375
Arrest, see False Imprisonment

of persons in civil cases, iii 288
for what cause of action, iii 287 n
how made, iii 288 n

persons privileged from, iii 289 n
on border of county, iii 200 n
remedy for malicious, iii 126

of persons in criminal cases, iv 289

by warrant, and who may grant it, and for

what, iv 290 and n

form of warrant, ib and n

backing warrant, ib 291 and n

place of, ib

by officers without warrant, ib 292 and n

by private persons without warrant, ib 293
and n

by hue and cry, iv 293

Arson, see Fire

in general, iv 220 373

what a house to constitute offence, iv 221
where house must be burnt, iv 221

what a burning, ib 222
malice, ib


appeal of, iv 314

Articles of the navy, 420, 421

war, i 415

Artificers, their station in the state, i 407

combination laws, iv 136 n

leaving kingdom, i 260 n iv 160
seducing, iv 160

embezzlements by, iv 230 n
As, Roman divisions of, ii 462
Ascendants excluded from inheriting, ii 210
Asportation, iv 231

Assault, what constitutes, iii 120 and n
remedy for, iii 120
when justifiable, ib 3-5 and n
if death ensue, no civil remedy, iii 119 n
civil action after acquittal of, ib

[blocks in formation]

Assigns, ii 289

Assise, certificate of, iii 389

commission of, iii 59 iv 269 424

court of, iii 57

general, i 148

grand, iii 341 iv 422

justices of, iii 59 iv 269

killing them, iv 84

of arms, i 411 ii 66

bread breaking, iv 157
rent of, ii 42

turned into a jury, iii 403
writ of, iii 184 iv 422
Association, writ of, iii 59
Assumpsit, express, iii 158
implied, iii 159
Assurances, common, ii 294

covenant for farther, ii app 2

Atheling, i 198
Attachment against witnesses, iii 369
for contempts, iv 283 and n
in chancery, iii 443, 444

with proclamations, iii 444

writ of, iii 280 app 13

Attachments, court of, iii 71
Attainder, act of, iii 259

forfeiture of real property in treason, iv 381
ii 251 n 253 n

in petit treason and felony, iv 385
forfeiture of real property by praemunire,
&c. ib 386

forfeiture of personal property, ib 387 and n
difference between forfeiture of lands and

goods, ib 387

Attaint, grand jury in, iii 351
writ of, iii 402

Attainted persons, ii 290 iv 380
Attempt to rob, iv 242 and n
to steal fish, iv 235 and n

offence in general, iv 216 217 and n
to raise price of wages, iv 136 n
in churchyard, iv 145

on king's chancellor, &c. iv 84

in king's palace, iv 125

to commit crime, iv 100 n 131 n 140 n

Attestation of deeds, ii 307
devises, ii 376

Attorney at law, iii 25 and n

action against, iii 166 and n

[blocks in formation]

Averium, ii 424

Averment, iii 309 313 iv 340

Augmentation of vicarages and curacies, i 388
Aula regia, or regis, iii 38 iv 416 422

Aulnager, ii 275

Avowry, iii 149

Aurum reginae, i 220

Auter droit, ii 177

Auterfois acquit, iv 335 and n

attaint, iv 336 and n
convict, ib

Auter vie, tenant pur, ii 120
Authorities in law, i 72
Award, iii 16
Ayle, writ of, 1m 186
Bachelor, knight, i 404
Baeking warrants, iv 291
Bail above, iii 290

below, iii 291
common, iii 287
excepting to, iii 191
excessive, i 135 iv 297
in error, iii 410

justifying or perfecting, iii 291

refusing, iv 297

special, iii 287
taking insufficient, iv 297
to the action, iii 290

to sheriff, iii 290 and n

[blocks in formation]

Bailment, law of, ii 451 n

1. depositum, or deposits, ib

2. Mandatum, to do without recompense ib,

3. Commodatum, loan for use, ib

4. Pignori acceptum, pawns, ib

5. locatum, hiring, ib

Bail-piece, iii 291 app 20

Baking, regulations as to baking, &c. of bread,

iv 157 and n 162 n

selling bad bread, iv 162 and n

Ballot for jurors, iii 358
Balnearii, iv 239
Banishment, i 137 iv 377 401
Bank, i 327

misbehaviour of its officers, iv 234
embezzlement by, iv 230 n
notes, forgery of, iv 248 and n
Bankers, embezzlement by, iv 230 n
forging their plates, iv 250 n
Banks of rivers, &c. destroying, iv 244 and n
Bankrupt, ii 471 iv 431 436

embezzling effects, iv 156 n
fraudulent bankruptcy, id

Bankruptcy, ii 285 471

cognizance of, iii 428

fraudulent, iv 156

principles and objects of law, ii 471 n

statutes repealed, ib

who may become bankrupt, ib

acts of bankruptcy, ib

free from arrest, iii 289 n

fraudulent bankruptcy, iv 156 n

Banneret, knight, i 403

Banns, i 439

Bar of dower, ii 136

plea in, iii 306 iv 335 396

trial at, iii 352 iv 351

Bargain and sale of lands, ii 333 app 2
Bargemaster, action against, iii 164
Baron, i 398

and feme, i 433, see Husband and Wife
Baronet, i 403
Baronies, ii 62 90

of bishops, i 156
Barratry, iv 134
Barristers, see Advocate

hints to, i 23

their station in society, 1 406 n

their office, &c. in courts, iii 26 and n
may be made serjeant in vacation, iii 27 n
king's counsel cannot plead for prisoner, &c.
without licence, iii 27 n

attorney and solicitor-general precedence of
premier serjeant, iii 28 n

may lead at nisi prius in common pleas, iii
28 n

when silenced, iii 29

liabilities and privileges of, iii 28 n

action against, iii 165

when free from arrest, iii 289 n

not to disclose confidential communications,

iii 370 n

what to be done if offence not bailable, ib Base fees, ii 109


personating of, iv 128 n

Bailable or not, who, iv 297, 298, 299

Bail-bond, iii 290 app 19

Bailiffs, see Constable, i 345 427

of hundreds, i 115 345

making arrest, when wrongful, iii 288 n
may take deposit instead of bail, iii 290 n

agreement with, to put in bail, iii 290 n

Bailiwick, i 344 ii 38

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Benefit of clergy, iv 333 365 413 429 441
Benevolence, compulsive, i 140 iv 436
Berwick, i 98

part of England, i 99
Besayle, writ of, iii 186
Bigamy, iv 163 and n
Bill for patents, &c. ii 346
in equity, iii 442
parliament, i 181
standing orders, i 181 n
how passed, i 181 and n
king's refusal to, i 184 n
of exceptions, iii 372

exchange, ii 466 469 n
indictment, iv 302 app 1
Middlesex, iii app 18
privilege, iii 289
rights, i 128 iv 440

or note, forging, iv 248, 249

stealing, iv 234

Billa vera, iv 306
Bishop, i 155 377 401

not electing or consecrating, iv 115

Westminster, a see, when, i 115 n 380 n
part of parliament, i 155.

not one of the three estates of realm, i 153 n
their equality with other peers, i 157 n
their rights, appointments, &c. i 377

not entitled to trial as peers, i 401 iv 264
clergymen not to farm more than 80 acres
without the leave of, i 377 n

their consecration, style, &c. i 380 n
Irish bishops, &c. ib

Scotch presbytery established, ib

of St. David's deprived for simony, i 380 n
options descend to representatives, i 381 n
archbishop of York, privilege of, i 381 n
by whom dispensations now granted, i 381 n
Lambeth degree, what, i 381 n

powers of, i 382 n

commendams granted to, i 393 n

when may refuse to accept resignation, i 393

and n

require incumbent to employ curate, i 394 n
when required to support those they ordain, ib
power to regulate curates' salaries, ib

may fix curates' salaries, and enforce pay-
ment of arrears, iii 90 n

their rank, &c. in state, i 405, 406

contest for precedency between the archbish-
ops, i 405 n

Bishoprics, nomination to, i 378 iv 108 115 430
Bissextile year, ii 141

Black Act, remedies against hundred, iii 160

threatening letters, iv 144

shooting at another, iv 208 and n

stealing lead, iv 233

VOL. II.-95

[blocks in formation]

of arbitration, iii 16

tenants, ii 148

stealing of, iv 234

Bono et malo, writ de, iv 270

Book of rates, i 316 n

Book land, ii 90

Books, (see Copyright) and papers, production

of, iii 382

popish, importing or selling them, iv 115

Borough, i 114

courts, iii 82

English, i 75 ii 83

vote by residence in, i 175 n

Borrowing, see Bailment, Loan, Usury, ii 453
Borsholder, i 114 356 iv 413
Botes, ii 35
Bottomry, ii 457
Bound bailiffs, i 346

Bounties on exportation, i 315

Bourdeaux, mayor of, his certificate, iii 334
Boxing, see Assault and Battery

offence of, iv 183 and n

Bracton, i 72 iv 425
Brass, stealing, iv 233 n

receiving stolen, iv 132 n

Breach of close, iii 209
covenant, iii 155
duty, action for, iii 163
peace, iv 142 and n
pound, iii 146

prison, iv 130 and n

Bread, see Baker

Brehon law in Ireland, i 100 iv 313
Brevia Testata, ii 307

Bribery in elections, i 179

how punishable, ib n

magistrates, iv 139 n

Bricks, combinations to raise price of, iv 159 n
Bridges, i 35"

annoyances in, iv 167 and n
destroying, iv 244 and n

British constitution, i 50
islands, i 105

Case, reserved at nisi prius, iii 378

Britons, ancient, their laws, i 63
Britton, i 72 111 408 iv 427

stated out of chancery, iii 453


Castration, iv 206

embezzlement by, iv 230 n

Casu consimili, writ in, iii 51

Brokers, see Agent, Factor, Master, and Ser- Castigatory for scolds, iv 169

Brooke, i 72

Brothels, frequenting, iv 64

keeping, iv 29 64 168 and n

Bubbles, iv 117

Buggery, iv 215

Bulles, papal, iv 110

Buoys, destroying, iv 246 n

Burgage, tenure in, ii 82 iv 419

Burgesses in parliament, their election, i 174

Burglary, what, iv 223

as to time, ib 224 and n

as to place, ib and n

as to the residence, ib

as to mode of committing, ib 226

there must be a breaking, ib and n

also an entry, ib 227 n

as to intent, ib 227
punishment, ib 228
Burial charges, ii 508

of felo de se, iv 190

Burning in the cheek, iv 369 377

in the hand, iv 367 369 370 372 377
malicious, iv 244, 245, 246

the king's ships, &c. iv 102

to death, iv 93 204 216 222 377 408

Butcher, trading on Sunday, iv 63
Butlerage, i 315
Bye-laws, i 475

action on, iii 159

Calais, captain of, his certificate, iii 334
Calico stealing, iv 238 and n
Calendar of prisoners, iv 403
Calling the plaintiff, iii 376

Canal, destroying works of, iv 244 n

Cancelling deeds, ii 309

letters patent, iii 47
wills, ii 502

Canonical obedience, iv 106 112 203
purgation, iii 342 iv 368

Canon law, i 14 19 79 82 83 iv 421 422
Canons of a church, i 383

inheritance, ii 208

of 1603, i 83

Capacity of guilt, iv 20

to purchase or convey, ii 290
Capias ad audiendum judicium, iv 375

respondendum, iii 281 414 app 14 iv 318 429
app 1

satisfaciendum, iii 414 app 26
in withernam, iii 129 148 413

pro fine, iii 398 app 12

utlagatum, iii 284 app 17 iv 320

Capiatur, judgment quod, iii 398 app 11
Capita, distribution per, ii 517

succession per, ii 218

Capital punishment, iv 9 18 237 376 413 441
Capite, tenants in, ii 60

Caption of, indictment, iv 351 app 1
Captives, ii 402

Captures at sea, ii 401

Caput lupinum, iv 320

proviso, writ of entry in, iii 183

Casual ejector, iii 202 app 7

Catholics, see Church, Roman Catholic
Cattle, see Animals, Levant and Couchant, Dis-

[blocks in formation]

university, his court, iii 83

Chance-medley, iv 184

Chancery, court of, iii 46 iv 436
Chapters, i 382

Character, see Evidence-Witness

of witness in rape, iv 214 n
Charge to grand jury, iv 303
Charitable uses, ii 273 376
commission of, iii 428

Charities, cognizance of, iii 427
informations for, ib

Carnal knowledge of infants, iv 212
Carrier, law relative to, ii 451 n

action against, iii 164
travelling on Sunday, iv 64 n
larceny by, iv 230 n

Cart-bote, ii 35

Case, action on, iii 52 122 iv 442

Charter, ii 95

of the king, ii 346

governments in America, i 109
land, ii 90

Chase, ii 38 416 iv 415
beasts of, ii 38 415

Chastity, see Adultery, Seduction
homicide in defence of, iv 181

Chattels, ii 387

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