Sivut kuvina
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how statute for execution of, evaded, ib 336 n
use executed by the statute, ib n

when trust, merged in legal estate, ib 337 n
of chattels real or personal in remainder, ib
398 n

Tub-man, in the exchequer, iii 28

Tumultuous petitioning, i 143 iv 147
Turbary, common of, ii 34

Turnips, stealing, iv 233

Turnpikes, see Road, destroying of, iv 145
Tutor, i 460

Twelve tables, laws of, i 80

Two witnesses, when necessary, iii 370 iv 356
Tyranny, i 126 133

Ubiquity of the king, i 270

Umpire, iii 16

Unanimity of juries, iii 376 iv 414

Uncertainty of the law, iii 326
Uncore prist, ib 303

Under-sheriff, i 345

Underwood, stealing, iv 233

Union, articles of, i 96

of Great Britain, i 96 iv 427 440

Vagrants, incorrigible rogues, iv 170
harbouring, ib
Valor beneficiorum, i 285
maritagii, ii 70 88
Valuable considerations, ib 297
Valvasors, i 403
Vassal, ii 53

its etymology, ii 53 n

not protected by magna charta, ib 93 n
lord seized damages, recovered by, ib 94 n
last claim of villeinage, ib 96 n

Venire facias, writ of, iii 353 app 6 11 iv 318
351 app 3

Ventre inspiciendo, writ de, i 456
sa mere, children in, ib 130
Venue, iii 294

when changed, ib 294 384

local in action against magistrate, i 354 n
in criminal cases, iv 303, 4

where offence commenced or con
summated, ib 305 n

in county, where defendant arrested.

ib n

in adjacent county, ib n

in any county, ib n

when offence on boundaries of coun-

ties, ib n

when offence on high seas, ib n

when offence beyond seas, ib n

Verberation, iii 120

Verderors, ib 71 72

Verdict, ib 377 450 iv 360 app

false, iii 402 iv 140

in action, indictment on, iv 302 n

Verge of the court, iii 76

Vert, venison, and covert, injuries to, iii 71

United States of America, their separation from Vested legacy, ii 513

England, i 109 n

Unities of joint estates, ii 180

Universitates, i 469

University, ib 471

burgesses of, i 174

chancellor of, his certificate, iii 335
courts of, iii 83 iv 277

right of, to popish advowsons, iii 250
study of the law in, i 26

Unknown persons, larceny from, ív 236 359
Uses, ii 137 271 327 iii 52 iv 427 429 430

covenant to stand seised to, ii 338
deeds to lead or declare, ii 339 363

statute of, ii 332 iv 430

Usurpation of advowson, iii 242

franchises or offices, iii 262

Usura maritima, ii 458

Usury, ii 454

laws relative to, ib 463 n

bond securing purchase-money of foreign

estate, ib 464 n

offence of, iv 116 156

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remainder, ii 168

Vicar, i 387 see Clergy

his power and duty, i 387 n

rights, &c. in general, ib 387

vicarages, when established, i 387 iv 428
when presentation to parsonage dissolves vi
carage, i 386 n

of rector and vicar to same benefice, ib 386 n
vicarage derived out of parsonage, ib 387 n
vicarages, date of their establishment, ib n
no vicar where benefices not appropriated,
ib 388 n

age, &c. required for admission to deacon's
orders, ib n

abstract of acts enforcing residence of cler
gy, ib 392 n

raising funds to build or repair, &c. parson
age-house, ib n

chaplains, number the king and each noble-
man may have, ib n

cession and lapse by institution to second
living, ib n

commendams to bishops, ib 393 n

when bishop may refuse to accept resigna
tion, ib n

Vicarial tithes, i 388

Vice-admiralty courts, iii 69

Vicinage, common because of, ii 33

Vicontiel writs, iii 238

Vidames, i 403

View by jurors, iii 358
Vill, i 114
Villein, ii 92 93
in gross, ib 93
regardant, ib
services, ib 61

Villein socage, ii 61 98
Villenage, ib 89 92

privileged, ib 98

pure, ib 61 90

Villenous judgment, iv 136

Vinculo matrimonii, divorce a, iii 94

Viner, Mr., his institution, i 27

Violating the queen, &c. i 223 iv 81, see Rape
Violent presumption, iii 371

Virge, tenant by, ii 148
Viscount, i 398

Visitation, books of heralds, iii 105
Visitor, i 480

of civil corporations, ib 481
colleges, ib 482

hospitals, ib

Visne, iii 294 iv 350

Vivo vadio, estate in, ii 157

Voir dire, oath of, iii 332

Voluntary escape, ib 415 iv 130

jurisdiction, iii 66

manslaughter, iv 191
oaths, ib 137
waste, ii 281

Vouchee, in recoveries, ii 358 359 app 5
Voucher, iii 300

Voucher, in recoveries, ii 358 app 5
Vulgaris purgatio, iv 342

Wager of battel, iii 337 339 app 3 iv 346 424
law, iii 341 iv 414 424

on races when void, &c. ib 173 and n
Wagering policies, ii 460

Wages of members of parliament, i 174

of servants, ib 428

Waifs, ib 297
Wainage, iv 379
Wales, i 93 iv 427 431

courts of, iii 77

part of England, i 99
prince of, ib 223


223 iv 76

and imagining his death, ib

princess of, i 223

violating her, ib 223 iv 81

venue in criminal cases in, iv 304
Wandering soldiers and mariners, iv 165
Want, iv 31

War and peace, right of making, i 257
articles of, ib 415

levying against the king, iv 81

Warlike stores, embezzlement of, iv 101 and n

Ward by constables, &c. i 356 iv 292 426
Wards and liveries, court of, iii 258
Wardship in chivalry, ii 67 iv 418
copyholds, ii 97

socage, ii 87

Warehousemen, law relative to, ib 451 n
Warrant, i 137 iv 290

of attorney, to confess judgment, iii 397

Warrantia Chartae, ib 300

Warranty of chattels personal, ii 451
goods sold, iii 166

Lands, ii 300 app.

Warren, beasts and fowls of, in 38

robbery of, iv 236

in disguise, iv 144

Waste, see Landlord and Tenant, ii 281 iii

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Waste, modern form of action for, iii 226 n
writ of, ib 227

by fire, ib 228 n

lord may by custom grant to hold as copy-
hold, ii 96 n

equity will restrain malicious waste, ib 125 n
by tenant for life cutting timber, ib 282 n
power of, ib 283 n

Watch, i 356 iv 292 426

Watchman, his duty on arrest, iv 296 n
Water, ii 14

Watercourse, right to, ib 19 n 403 n

action for injuries to, iii 218

offences as to, iv 167

Watermen overloading their boats, iv 192

plying on Sunday, ib 64 n
Water-ordeal, ib 342

Ways, ii 35

and means, committee of, i 307
disturbance of, iii 241

in what right claimed, &c. ii 35 n

mode of using way by grant, ib n
way by custom, ib n

by necessity, ib n

by express reservation, ib n

Weights and measures, i 274 iv 275 278 424

false, iv 157

Weregild, iv 188 313 413

Wells, property in, ii 5
West-Saxon-lage, i 65 iv 412
Wharts, i 264

Wharfingers, laws relative to, ii 451 n
Whipping, iv 372 377

White rents, ii 42

Whole blood, ib 227

Widow's chamber, ib 518

Wife, i 433

battery of, iii 140

Will, defect of, ib 20

estates at, ii 145

of the lord, ib 95 147
vicious, iv 21

Wills and testaments, ii 11 12 373 489 499 iv 430
and testaments, of title by, in general, ii 373

489 499

at what age party may make, ib 497 n

by idiots, &c. ii 497

fraud on testator, ib

by feme-covert, ib 375 497, 8

what words in, pass fee simple, ib 109 n
neglect of surrender to uses, aided, ib 369 n
execution of, according to statute, ib 376 n
attestation of, ib 377 n

witness having interest, how admitted to
prove, ib n

witness to, may prove testator insane, ib
378 n

estates, though not so devised, chargeable
with debts, ib n

when lands acquired subsequent to, pass by,

ib n

death of devisee before testator, effect of, ib

379 n

effect to be given to intention of testator, ib
same estate twice devised in same, ib 381
heir disinherited only by plain intention. ib
cross remainders in, ib n

rule as to implications in, ib 382 n
bequest of chattels real or personal in re-
mainder, ib 397 n

bequests in joint-tenancy and tenancy in
common, ib 399 n

codicil annexed to will or not, ib 500 n

Wills, incomplete writing, when may be valid Wittena-gemote, i 148 iv 412

will, ii 501 n

cancellation by testator, ib 502 n

revocation of, ib 376


by posterior will, ib 502 n

infant sole executor, ib 503 n
proof of per testes, what, ib n

of soldiers and seamen exempt from stamp-
duty, i 417 n

ecclesiastical jurisdiction in, iii 95 n
Jurisdiction of, equity in, ib
old wills, proof of, iii 367 n
forgery of, iv 248 249 n
Winchester measure, i 274
Window tax, ib 325

Windows, see ancient Lights, Nuisance
obstruction of, legal or illegal, ii 402
Wine, adulteration of, iv 162 and n
licences, i 288
Witchcraft, iv 60436

Withdrawing from allegiance, ib 87
Withernam, iii 129 146 413
Witnesses, ib 369

for prisoners, iv 359 441
tampering with, ib 126

their expenses, iii 369 iv 362

to deeds, ii 307

wills, ib 501 376 377 n

trial by, iii 336

two, where necessary, ib 370 iv 350

must answer, though it subject them to ac-

tion, i 87 n

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Women, appeals by, iv 424

children, stealing or seduction of, ib 209
jury of, iii 362 iv 395

punishment of, for high treason, ib 93 n
liable as rioters, ib 146 n
Woodmote, court of, iii 71
Wood-stealing, iv 233

Wool, &c. transporting, ib 128 154 and n
Words, action for, iii 123, see Slander
costs in actions for, iii 400
treasonable, iv 79

in law, how expounded, i 59 n
of statutes must prevail, i81 88 n
Workhouse, iv 371

Wounding, iii 121 iv 216
Wreck, i 291 iii 106

Wrecks, plundering, iv 239 304
Writ, iii 272

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