Laws of the State of New York1952 |
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
action or proceeding administrative code amend the administrative amended to read amount application appointed approval assessment Became a law board of supervisors board of trustees centum certificate chamberlain chapter city clerk City Home Rule city of Ithaca city of Oswego city of Syracuse city treasurer collected Columbia county common council comptroller cost council as follows court determination duties employees enacted fund hereby amended Home Rule Law law number law shall take law to amend laws of nineteen legislative body local legislative body Mayor Niagara Falls nineteen hundred fifty nineteen hundred fifty-one nineteen hundred fifty-two notice ordinance paid Passed payment period police purchaser pursuant read as follows real property receipts refund relation salary section one hundred sewer street name subdivision take effect immediately tangible personal property tax imposed tax or penalty thereof tion vendor village treasurer Williston Park Yonkers York is hereby