Sivut kuvina



When Prometheus formed the figure of a man, and animated it with celestial fire, Jupiter, to punish him for his presumption, ordered Vulcan to form a woman, who was endowed with gifts by all the gods. Minerva gave her wisdom, Venus beauty, the Graces the art of pleasing, Apollo instructed her in music, and Mercury endowed her with eloquence; she was therefore called Pandora, which comes from the greek word wav, signifying many, and Sopov, gifts. Jupiter also made her a present, but one of a serious nature; it was a box containing all kinds of evils.

Pandora was carried to Prometheus from Olympus by Mercury; but the presence of mind and cunning of Prometheus prevented him from receiving a woman sent by the chief of the Gods. Epimetheus, his brother, was less cautions; he married Pandora; he opened the fatal box, and all the evils that were in it escaped, and were scattered over the human race.

This picture, which appeared in the saloon of 1824, has never been engraved; the colouring is agreeable, and the composition elegant; however, the long perpendicular line produced by the leg of Mercury and the body of Pandora should have been avoided.

Height, 10 feet 5 inches; breadth, 8 feet 4 inches.

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La quatrième salle du Conseil d'état contient divers tableaux, tous relatifs aux lois et à la civilisation des peuples. Dans celui-ci, M. Alaux a représenté la Justice descendant du ciel, source de toute lumière et de tout ce qui est bien. Il a supposé qu'en arrivant sur la terre elle y avait amené l'Abondance et l'Industrie : l'Abondance que l'on voit couronnée d'épis et répandant ses dons à pleine main : l'Industrie, tenant en mains quelques navettes et du filet. Son air modeste et la simplicité de sa mise font voir qu'elle a besoin de plus de soins; aussi parait-elle plus spécialement protégée par la Justice. Les vaisseaux que l'on aperçoit dans l'éloignement indiquent que par leur moyen toute la terre peut jouir de l'abondance, qui se trouve plus particulièrement dans quelques unes de ses parties, et de l'industrie, qui s'exerce avec plus d'avantage dans d'autres.

Dans le bas, à gauche, on lit: ALAUX, 1827.

Haut., 11 pieds 4 pouces; larg., 8 pieds 4 pouces.



The fourth hall of the Council of state contains many pictures, all of which relate to the laws and civilization of the world. In the present composition, M. Alaux has represented Justice descending from heaven, the source of all light and of all excellence. He has supposed that in arriving upon the earth, she brought Plenty and Industry there; Plenty, whom we see crowned with wheat-ears, is scattering round her favors with profusion; Industry is holding some thread and several shuttles in her hands. Her modest air and the simplicity of her attire show, that she stands in need of more than common attention; she appears indeed to be especially under the protection of Justice. The vessels perceived at a distance indicate, that all the earth is blessed throught their means with plenty, especially in particular places; while industry is exercised with as much advantage in others.

At the bottom of the picture, to the left, may be read: Alaux, 1827.

Height, 12 feet 9 inches; breadth, 8 feet 10 inches.

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