Sivut kuvina


The master of a Boys School has absented himself for a few moments, during play time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the youngsters wish to employ it, each according to his own whim: on one side, a boy of a quiet disposition is seen playing alone; he holds a strap in one hand, and in the other a birch to whip the form on which he is astride. On another side, a turbulent boy, catching up one the legs of a form has upset a school-fellow, who was sitting on it, and, he has, at the same time, thrown down another who was playing with an apple. The most mischievous of the lot has daringly placed himself in the master's arm-chair: he has even put on his gown, his cap, and his spectacles: he is lecturing two of the scholars, whilst a third, climbing up the back of the awful chair, is preparing to play two tricks at once; he has an inkstand in his hand and upsets it: part of the contents will smut his comrade's face, and part will dirty the master's cap.

The Pedagogue appears at this identical moment: he does not see all the scene, but he will soon know the particulars, for he is preceded by one of those sneaking youths, who find the means of being favourites with their masters, and never mix in the sports of their schoolfellows, but to carry tales. The master is already armed with the punishing instrument, which will instantaneously restore order; and retributive justice will not forget those who have taken the liberty to draw on the door a whimsical figure, to which their ingenuity has given some likeness of their master.

This picture by Richter, forms part of Gu. Chamberlayne's collection there is a Mezzotinto engraving of it by Turner. Width, 3 feet 2 inches? height, 2 feet 1 inch?

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Les parens d'un vieux militaire qui vient de mourir, et dont le portrait est suspendu dans l'appartement, sout assemblés pour entendre la lecture du testament: le notaire est assis à table; à sa droite on distingue le frère du défunt, tenant un cornet acoustique, il écoute attentivement, et témoigne son contentement de la manière dont les biens du défunt se trouvent partagés. Sa sœur, vieille demoiselle, éprouve au contraire, une telle contrariété, qu'elle se retire précipitamment, avant que les affaires soient terminées; elle tient encore ses lunettes à la main, et son jeune laquais emporte ses patins et son petit chien: la colère de cette mégère ne produit aucun effet sur le reste de la compagnie. Ung roupe fort intéressant, est celui d'un sous-officier de dragons, sa bellemère, son épouse et leur enfant : la jeune femme vient de recevoir le portrait en miniature du parent décédé, et c'est avec un vif plaisir qu'elle met à son cou ce souvenir d'affection; sa mère, qui tient l'enfant, partage cette satisfaction.

Tout, dans ce charmant tableau, indique une profonde connaissance de la nature humaine; le chien fidèle est tapi sous la bergère de son ancien maître; les sangsues, dans le bocal au-dessus de la cheminée, sont une allusion satirique à l'objet de la réunion. Le coloris et le clair-obscur sont excellens et en harmonie avec la composition, le dessin et l'expression. Ce tableau était dans la collection du feu roi d'Angleterre : il a été fort bien gravé par A. Raimbach.

Larg., 2 pieds 6 pouces ? haut., 1 pieds 10 pouces ?


The surviving relatives of an aged officer, whose portrait is seen in the apartment, are assembled to hear the reading of his "Last Will and Testament" by an attorney, who is seated at a table. He is attentively listened to by the brother of the testator, who is seen on his right hand, with an ear trumpet; the old gentleman's countenance is highly expressive of his satisfaction with the distribution the deceased has made. A strong contrast to this feeling is discernible in the looks and actions of his maiden sister, whom disappointment has prompted to withdraw from the presence of her relations before the conclusion of the business which called them together; the spectacles are still in her hand. Her indiguation has little effect on the company who are absorbed in their own affairs. An interesting group is composed of a subaltern of dragoons, his wife, her mother, and child. The younger female has just received a miniature of her departed kinsman, and places this token of his affection on her neck, with evident delight. Her mother, who holds the infant in her arms, participates in her feelings.

This admirable picture, in every part, evinces a close and accurate observance of nature: the faithful dog is seen under the chair of his old master: the leeches above the fire place are a satirical allusion to the business of the scene. The colouring, and light and shade, are equally excellent with the composition, drawing, and expression. It formed part of his late Majesty's Collection, and has been finely engraved by A. Raimbach.

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