WITH DESCRIPTIVE, CRITICAL AND Historical NOTICES, VOLUME VI. LONDON: TO BE HAD AT THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS AND PRINTSHOPs. 1829. FRENCH SCHOOL... ANT. COYPEL. FRENCH MUSEUM. ELIEZER AND REBECCA. We have already seen, n°. 779, a picture on this subject by Poussin, and remarked the judgment with which it is composed, and the elevated moral character impressed upon it. It was an act of temerity to venture on the same subject, and Coypel's attempt has succeeded as might have been expected: the figure of Eliezer is short, and the drapery heavy; that of the other figures also, by no means possesses the simplicity admired in the ancient statues, and in Poussin's pictures the heads are pretty, but rather coquettish than beautiful. This performance of Antoine Coypel, painter to the Regent, Duke of Orleans, was long in the King's apartments at Versailles, and it is now in the Royal Residence of St. Cloud: it has been engraved by Pierre Imbert Drevet. Height, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet five inches. |