bosses, yet that belongs clearly to another subject; and this would not have been inserted but for the frequency with which such accidents happen, and from the necessity of applying quick remedies. For further information, see "Mine Foreman's Pocket-Book," issued by T. J. Foster, Shenandoah, Penn. INDEX. Accidents in mines, 73. causes of, 96. Acceleration of gravity, 22. of fan and furnace, 112. Adding airways, 82. Air, properties of, 1. height of, 2. weight of, 3. analysis of, 3. to find weight of, 19. expansion of, 19. motion of, 23. boxes, 70. return, 73. stoppings, 74. splitting, 76. common pressure, in mines, of, 85. Air for sanitary purposes, 90. measurements, 97. quantity per man, 128. sectional area of, 42. enlargement of, 92, 97. Anemometers, 99. varieties of, 99. Aneroid barometer, 105. and quantity, 61. Arnold, Mr., 98. Asphyxia, treatment of, 130. Atkinson, Sir John, 47, 49. Atmosphere, thickness of, 1. pressure of, 2. variations of, 27. Barometer, discovery of, 2. correction for, 104. use of, 106. 135 diffusion of, 10. properties of, 10. sources of, 10. fatal nature of, 11. of white-damp, 12. of fire-damp, 14. Compressed air in mines, 69. Correction for anemometer, 100. composition of, 9, 90. Cost of ventilation, 91, 118. for barometer, 104. by fan, 92, 118. by furnace, 92, 118. Carbonic oxide, 12. fatal effects of, 13. Centrifugal ventilators, 110, 115. tute of Mining Engineers, 113. Circular airways, 43. Clanny safety-lamp, 31. Coal-dust in dry mines, 95. Darlington's testimony, 37. lamp, 32. Daubisson, M., 53. Defective ventilation, 10, 17, 73. Deputy lamp, 37. Design of ventilation, 97. Detection of fire-damp with can- Detection of fire-damp with safety- proto-carburetted gen, 14. hydro- marsh-gas, 14. hydrosulphuric-acid gas, 14. Hydrosulphuric-acid gas, 14. Improvements in safety-lamps, 34. light carburetted hydrogen, Illuminating power of, 36. government warnings, 108. Injustice to men, 96. Gay-Lussac, 53. Goodwin, Mr., 128. Gravity, action of, 22. fan experiments, 113. Guibal, M., experiments of, 99. Inspectors, 92. Irregular airways, 85. Large airways, 92. Laughing-gas, 6. |