A Treatise on Practical and Theoretical Mine VentilationJ. Wiley & sons, 1900 - 141 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 25
Sivu 17
... air- current ; so that it would find its way downwards by virtue of the extra force of pressure of the imprisoned gas into the top of the holes , goaves , or receptacles in the top - rock , and it would be more likely to escape or find ...
... air- current ; so that it would find its way downwards by virtue of the extra force of pressure of the imprisoned gas into the top of the holes , goaves , or receptacles in the top - rock , and it would be more likely to escape or find ...
Sivu 18
... current , so that the air scarcely travels , and then apply the lamp , and the fire - damp issuing from the cracks may be detected . Active ventilation sweeps away all the gas which escapes from cracks in the line . of the top rock or ...
... current , so that the air scarcely travels , and then apply the lamp , and the fire - damp issuing from the cracks may be detected . Active ventilation sweeps away all the gas which escapes from cracks in the line . of the top rock or ...
Sivu 28
... air to ascend against the down current . Natural venti- lation is not a help to artificial ventilation , but often is of very great hinderance to a fan , on account of the vacillating atmospheric changes . On this account , therefore ...
... air to ascend against the down current . Natural venti- lation is not a help to artificial ventilation , but often is of very great hinderance to a fan , on account of the vacillating atmospheric changes . On this account , therefore ...
Sivu 30
... current is ascertained . The first indication of the presence of inflammable air is a slight tinge of blue , a bluish - gray color , shooting up from the top of the spire of the candle , and termi- nating in a fine extended point . This ...
... current is ascertained . The first indication of the presence of inflammable air is a slight tinge of blue , a bluish - gray color , shooting up from the top of the spire of the candle , and termi- nating in a fine extended point . This ...
Sivu 32
... air above the flame , and to permit the fire - damp to come in below in a small quan- tity , to be burned as it came in , the burnt air would prevent the passing of the explosion upwards ; and the velocity of the current of the air from ...
... air above the flame , and to permit the fire - damp to come in below in a small quan- tity , to be burned as it came in , the burnt air would prevent the passing of the explosion upwards ; and the velocity of the current of the air from ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
air circulating air gave air in mines air passing air-column air-course air-current amount anemometer asphyxia atmosphere barometer brattice carbonic acid coal coal-dust Colliery column cubic feet cubic foot cubic inches Davy lamp diameter discharge districts double downcast drifts employed engine equal explosion fan-drift feet of air feet per minute feet square fire-damp flame formula furnace gallery gases gauze height hence horse-power inches of mercurial inches water-gauge increased ksv2 lamp length marsh-gas measured mechanical ventilators mercury method miners morocco motive-column Mueseler lamp multiplied number of revolutions oxygen perimeter piston pounds per square pressure per square pressure required Problem proportional quan quantity of air regulators required to overcome resistance revolutions per minute rubbing-surface safety-lamp sectional area shaft shutter smaller airway splitting square feet square foot Suppose temperature tion tity total pressure tube upcast velocity ventilating pressure volume of air