A Treatise on Practical and Theoretical Mine VentilationJ. Wiley & sons, 1900 - 141 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 25
Sivu vii
... Furnace and Fan Venti- lation § 44. Formulas § 45. Problems • § 46. Quantity of Air necessary per Man § 47. Treatment of Asphyxiated Persons 109 112 115 • 117 121 124 128 • 130 MINE VENTILATION . CHAPTER I. 1. THE atmosphere is composed ...
... Furnace and Fan Venti- lation § 44. Formulas § 45. Problems • § 46. Quantity of Air necessary per Man § 47. Treatment of Asphyxiated Persons 109 112 115 • 117 121 124 128 • 130 MINE VENTILATION . CHAPTER I. 1. THE atmosphere is composed ...
Sivu 8
Eugene Benjamin Wilson. the savage to the roaring blaze of the blast - furnace , or the raging flames of a grand conflagration . Amount of Oxygen required Daily . Whole population Animals • · . Combustion and fermentation Decay and other ...
Eugene Benjamin Wilson. the savage to the roaring blaze of the blast - furnace , or the raging flames of a grand conflagration . Amount of Oxygen required Daily . Whole population Animals • · . Combustion and fermentation Decay and other ...
Sivu 24
... furnaces are em- ployed to ventilate mines . They are placed at the bottom , or near the bottom , of the upcast ... furnace . Let us take an example to see in what manner this difference in density will cause ventilation . Suppose ...
... furnaces are em- ployed to ventilate mines . They are placed at the bottom , or near the bottom , of the upcast ... furnace . Let us take an example to see in what manner this difference in density will cause ventilation . Suppose ...
Sivu 28
... furnaces or steam - jets are employed to produce ventilation , the longer the upcast , the better ; as the longer upright column of light air gives rise to a brisker ventilation . For this reason , furnaces should not be used in shallow ...
... furnaces or steam - jets are employed to produce ventilation , the longer the upcast , the better ; as the longer upright column of light air gives rise to a brisker ventilation . For this reason , furnaces should not be used in shallow ...
Sivu 45
... furnace , and hence is very useful as a check to the furnace - man . As it tells the amount of resistance to the air in the air - courses , their state or condition may be inferred . If the pressure per square foot exerted by the motive ...
... furnace , and hence is very useful as a check to the furnace - man . As it tells the amount of resistance to the air in the air - courses , their state or condition may be inferred . If the pressure per square foot exerted by the motive ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
air circulating air gave air in mines air passing air-column air-course air-current amount anemometer asphyxia atmosphere barometer brattice carbonic acid coal coal-dust Colliery column cubic feet cubic foot cubic inches Davy lamp diameter discharge districts double downcast drifts employed engine equal explosion fan-drift feet of air feet per minute feet square fire-damp flame formula furnace gallery gases gauze height hence horse-power inches of mercurial inches water-gauge increased ksv2 lamp length marsh-gas measured mechanical ventilators mercury method miners morocco motive-column Mueseler lamp multiplied number of revolutions oxygen perimeter piston pounds per square pressure per square pressure required Problem proportional quan quantity of air regulators required to overcome resistance revolutions per minute rubbing-surface safety-lamp sectional area shaft shutter smaller airway splitting square feet square foot Suppose temperature tion tity total pressure tube upcast velocity ventilating pressure volume of air