A Treatise on Practical and Theoretical Mine VentilationJ. Wiley & sons, 1900 - 141 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 4 kokonaismäärästä 4
Sivu 100
... number of revolutions per minute , a equals constant proportional to the number of linear feet traversed by the air in a revolution , and u repre sents the losses due to friction . For the anemometer generally used in Pennsylvania , the ...
... number of revolutions per minute , a equals constant proportional to the number of linear feet traversed by the air in a revolution , and u repre sents the losses due to friction . For the anemometer generally used in Pennsylvania , the ...
Sivu 112
... number of revolutions per minute , the quantity of air produced should be the same per revolution at any speed where the conditions are unchanged , for the volume of air varies as the square root of the water - gauge ; i.e. , the square ...
... number of revolutions per minute , the quantity of air produced should be the same per revolution at any speed where the conditions are unchanged , for the volume of air varies as the square root of the water - gauge ; i.e. , the square ...
Sivu 113
... quantity of air increases in proportion to the speed of the fan . 2d , The water - gauge increases proportionately to the square of the number of revolutions of the fan . 3d , The horse - power in the air increases as the cube of the ...
... quantity of air increases in proportion to the speed of the fan . 2d , The water - gauge increases proportionately to the square of the number of revolutions of the fan . 3d , The horse - power in the air increases as the cube of the ...
Sivu 114
... revolution of the fan to be 1,778 cubic feet , then , at 25 revolutions per minute , the number of cubic feet pass- ing will be 25 x 1778 = 44450 cubic feet . This does not always hold good when the number of revolutions are greatly ...
... revolution of the fan to be 1,778 cubic feet , then , at 25 revolutions per minute , the number of cubic feet pass- ing will be 25 x 1778 = 44450 cubic feet . This does not always hold good when the number of revolutions are greatly ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
air circulating air gave air in mines air passing air-column air-course air-current amount anemometer asphyxia atmosphere barometer brattice carbonic acid coal coal-dust Colliery column cubic feet cubic foot cubic inches Davy lamp diameter discharge districts double downcast drifts employed engine equal explosion fan-drift feet of air feet per minute feet square fire-damp flame formula furnace gallery gases gauze height hence horse-power inches of mercurial inches water-gauge increased ksv2 lamp length marsh-gas measured mechanical ventilators mercury method miners morocco motive-column Mueseler lamp multiplied number of revolutions oxygen perimeter piston pounds per square pressure per square pressure required Problem proportional quan quantity of air regulators required to overcome resistance revolutions per minute rubbing-surface safety-lamp sectional area shaft shutter smaller airway splitting square feet square foot Suppose temperature tion tity total pressure tube upcast velocity ventilating pressure volume of air