Sivut kuvina
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Papers, etc., to accompany requi



Requisitions of the surrender of fugitives from justice shall always be made through a diplomatic channel.

If the person whose extradition may be asked for shall have been convicted of a crime or offence, a copy of the sentence of the court in which he may have been convicted, authenticated under its seal and attestation of the official character of the judge by the proper execu tive authority, and of the latter by the minister or consul of the United States or by the Minister or Consul charged with the interests of Luxemburg, respectively, shall accompany the requisition. When, how ever, the fugitive shall have been merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant for his arrest in the country where the crime may have been committed, and of the depositions upon which such warrant may have been Issue of warrant, issued, must accompany the requisition as aforesaid. The President Surrender of fu- of the United States or the proper gitives. authority in Luxemburg may then issue a warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive, in order that he may be brought before the proper


ou contre celle des membres de sa famille, lorsque cet attentat constituera le fait soit de meurtre, soit d'assassinat, soit d'empoisonne



Les parties contractantes ne seront point obligées de se livrer leurs propres citoyens ou sujets en vertu des stipulations de la présente convention.


Lorsque la personne dont l'extradition est réclamée aux termes du présent traité aura été arrêtée à raison de faits délictueux dans le pays où elle a cherché un asile ou lorsqu'elle aura été condamnée de ce chef, son extradition pourra être différée jusqu'à son acquittement ou jusqu'à l'expiration de la peine prononcée contre elle.


Les demandes d'extradition seront toujours faites par voie diplomatique.

Lorsque la personne dont l'extradition est réclamée aura été condamnée à raison du crime ou du délit qu'elle a commis, la demande d'extradition sera accompagnée d'une expédition authentique de l'arrêt de la cour ou du jugement du tribunal qui a prononcé la sentence, munie du sceau de cette juridiction. La signature du juge devra être légalisée par l'agent compétent du pouvoir exécutif, dont la signature sera, à son tour, attestée respectivement par le Ministre ou le Consul des États-Unis, ou par le Ministre ou le Consul chargé des intérêts du Luxembourg. Quand le fugitif sera simplement prévenu d'un crime ou délit, la réquisition devra être accompagnée d'une copie authentique du mandat d'arrêt rendu à sa charge dans le pays où le crime aura été commis et des dépositions sur lesquelles ce mandat a été décerné. Le Président des États-Unis ou l'agent compétent du pouvoir exécutif dans le Luxem bourg peut alors requérir l'arres

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And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of Berlin on the fourteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four:

Now, therefore, be it known that I, Chester A. Arthur, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington this 12th of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four and [SEAL.] of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and ninth.

By the President:



Secretary of State.

Convention for an exchange of Money-Orders between the Kingdom of December 27, 1884; Sweden and the Republic of the United States of America, signed at February 17, 1885. Stockholm, Decem' er 27, 1884, and at Washington, February 17, 1885.



Between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of the United States of America there shall be a regular exchange of Money-Orders.



1. The Money-Order Service between the two countries shall be performed exclusively by means of offices of exchange.

2. The office of exchange, on the part of the Kingdom of Sweden, shall be Malmö, and, on the part of the Republic of the United States of America, New York, N. Y.



1. The maximum amount for which a money-order may be drawn in Sweden upon the United States shall be one hundred eighty six (186) Kronor, 50 öre; and the maximum amount for which a moneyorder may be drawn in the United States on Sweden shall be fifty dollars ($50.).

2. This maximum of 186 Kronor, 50 öre, respectively 50 dollars, may, however, be increased to three hundred seventy-three (373) Kronor, respectively, one hundred dollars ($100.) by mutual agreement between the Post Offices of the two countries, provided the Post-Office Department of the United States of America is authorized, by law, to assent to such an increase.

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Payment, in either country, shall be made in gold coin or its equiv alent in the currency of such country.



1. The Post-Offices of the respective countries shall each have power to fix from time to time the rates of commission to be charged on all money orders they may respectively issue.

2. The commission, so charged, to belong to the country of issue; but the Swedish Post-Office shall pay to the Post-Office of the United States three-fourths of one per cent. on the amount of money-orders issued in Sweden and advised to the United States, and the PostOffice of the United States shall make a like payment on the amount of money-orders issued in the United States and advised to Sweden.

3. Such payments to be calculated on the totals of the lists (A) exchanged every quarter of a year by the two countries.



1. The conversion of the money of the two countries shall be in accordance with the average rate of exchange, which, it is agreed, shall be taken at three Kronor, 73 Öre to the gold dollar.

2. The two offices are, however, authorized to fix by common agreement another rate of conversion, should the course of exchange between the two countries render such a step necessary.

3. No account shall be taken of any fraction of a cent or of 4 Öre.



Utbetalningen skall i hvartdera landet verkställas i guld eller dess motsvarande värde i annat gångbart mynt.



1. De båda ländernas Postförvaltningar skola, hvar för sig, ega rätt att fastställa den afgift, som vid olika tider bör af afsändare erläg. gas för postanvisning, som inom vederbörande land utställes.

2. Denna afgift tillfaller det land, som utstält anvisningen, men det Svenska Postverket skall till Förenta Staternas Postverk betala trefjerdedels procent å sammanlagda beloppet af de postanvisningar, som äro utstälda i Sverige, för att utbetalas inom de Förenta Staterna, och på samma sätt skall Förenta Staternas Postverk till det Svenska utgöra enahanda procents utbetalning å beloppet af postanvisningar, utstälda i de Förenta Staterna för att utbetalas inom Sverige.

3. Denna procent beräknas å totalsummorna i de förteckningar (A), som för hvart qvartal utvexlas mellan de båda länderna.



1. Reduktionen af de båda ländernas mynt verkställes efter en öfverenskommen medelvexelkurs af tre kronor 73 öre för en dollar i guld.

2. De båda Postförvaltningarna kunna likväl gemensamt öfverenskomma om äfven en annan kurs för myntförvandlingen, derest vexelkursen mellan de båda länderna skulle gifva anledning till vidtagande af en dylik åtgärd.

3. Bråktal af en cent och belopp af mindre än 4 öre tagas ej i beräkning.

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