Sivut kuvina
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Decree V.

Hereas it is the Precept of the Universal Church, that all that are in Holy Orders do recite the whole Divine Office, and the ufage of this Diocefs is, to recite it only when they go to Church, and there, tho' it happen to be near ended before they come, having heard a little to go away immediately, reckoning they have complied with their Obligation, tho' they do not fay over what they were not prefent at, there being very few that recite the Divine Office in their Houfes, fome imagining that they are not bound to do it any where but in the Church, and others excufing themselves for want of Books, there being but very few, and thofe that are, are in Manufcript in this Bishoprick; therefore the Synod doth declare, That all that are in Holy Orders, are obliged upon pain of Mortal Sin, to recite the whole Divine Office as it is recited in the Church; and that all fuch as fhall come late, fhall be obliged to recite what they have missed; and if they do not recite it in the Church, they fhall do it at home in their Houfes, having the conveniency of a Book, which being what a great many do want, the Synod obligeth all fuch to recite the faid Divine Office by Beads, that fo there may be none but what perform this duty either by Book or Beads: And tho' the Divine Office confifts of feven diftinct Canonical hours, yet in this Church, in conformity

to the Breviary thereof, they fhall only recite one part at two times in the Morning, and the other part in the Evening, without making any other difference in the Divine Office, befides that of repeating one part thereof in the Morning and the other in the Evening; and whereas they who have no Books are to recite with Beads, fuch beginning in the Morning as the Divine Office is begun in the Church, fhall fay Thirty-three Pater Nosters, and as many Ave Maries, with the Gloria Patri, &c. in the Morning; and when they are ended, they fhal! moreover fay twelve Pater Nofters, and twelve Ave Maries, for the Souls of the Faithful departed, and one Pater Nofter and one Ave Mary for the Pope, and the fame for the Bishop, instead of the Prayers that are faid for them in the Church: and inftead of the Prayers that are to be recited by them in the Evening, they fhall fay Thirty-three Pater Nofters, and as many Ave Maries, with the Gloria Patri, &c, as in the Morning; and when they are ended, they fhall fay *nine Ave Maries to our Lady,and one Pater Nofter and one Ave Mary for the Pope, and another for the Bishop as in the Morning, provided that

Mine. It would have been no true Roman Devotion, had not the Ave Maries exceeded the Pater Nofters; for one may fpeak within compafs, and fay, that the bleffed Virgin has ten Prayers and an hun dred Vows made to her in the Church of Rome, where Chrift

has one made to him; and of this the Tabule Votive in their Churches, are a clear demonftration, there being few or none of thefe Tables (and there are vast numbers of them in feveral Churches) but what are dedicated folely to the honour of the blessed Virgin.


fuch as have Books fhall recite by them, and not by Beads, and fuch as recite by Beads, if they have said any of the Prayers either in the Morning or Evening at Church, shall not be obliged to recite them again, but shall only recite those which they may have omitted there.

Decree VI.

THe Synod doth command the Creed of St. Athanafius, Quicunque vult, to be translated into Syrian, and to be put into all the Breviaries, and Books of Prayer of this Diocefs, and to be read every Sunday in the Church immediately after Morning Service, defiring the Reverend Father Francifco Roz, of the Society of Jefus to tranflate it, and all the Curates and learn the faid Creed by Heart, which is what the Holy Canons recommend to them, for as much as that Creed contains in it fummarily the chief Mysteries of our Faith, and is used and sung in the Universal Church.


Decree VII.

He Synod doth earnestly recommend it to all the Clergymen and Curates, not to be abfent from Church at the time of Divine Service, Morning nor Evening, and that none offer to talk or divert themselves there any other way, as has been the Cuftom, or to difpofe themselves to fleep whilft others are reciting,


who are alfo to take notice, that in reciting they ought not to begin a new Verfe before the Congregation has done with the former, and that tho' it has hitherto been the custom for the oldeft Clergyman that was present at Divine Service to give the Casture, that from henceforward the true Vicar of the Church being prefent, fhall in every thing be preferr'd to all others as he is the particular Pastor of the Church.


Decree VIII.

Here being no reason why they that do not minister in the Church, fhould be equally rewarded with thofe that do; it seems just to the Synod that the Curates and other Clergymen, that are abfent either from Morning or Evening Service, or from the Mass of the day on Sundays and Holydays, be marked by the Vicar, or the oldest Clergyman in his abfence, that when the Dividend comes to be made, for every time they have been absent so much may be deducted from their fhare, as they that make the diftribution shall think fit, in proportion to the quantity of the Dividend, which fhall be done only when they are not hindred by fome lawful Impediment, as Sickness, or are not otherwife employed in the Service of the Church, or by the Prelate, in all which cafes they are to be excufed: and the Sconfes fhall be equally divided among the rest.



Decree IX.

He Synod being informed, that great numbers of Clergy-men do ufe fuperftitious and Heathen Exorcifms, taking words out of an impious and prohibited Book called Parifman, for the cafting out of Devils, doth command in virtue of Holy Obedience, that none prefume to use any other exorcifms to that effect, but such as the Roman Church makes ufe of, and have been approved of by the Holy Fathers, which are to be bound up with the Offices of the Administration of the Sacraments, and all Clergymen, that shall be found to use any other, or to use any unknown fuperftitious words or Ceremonies with such as are poffeffed, fhall be fufpended from their Office and Benefice for a Year, and be fubject to what other penalties the Prelate fhall be pleased to lay upon them, according to the quality of the Superftitions they have made ufe of; and in cafe they fhall after they have been admonished and cenfured, perfift therein, they shall then be Excommunicated; and when it fhall appear that any have acted thus upon any compact or contract with the Devil, which God forbid, as it is faid fome do, they shall be declared Excommunicate, until they have done the condign Penance, which the Prelate fhall have impofed upon them, and fhall be moreover fufpended from their Office and Benefice during their Lives, without any hopes of a dif


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