Sivut kuvina

from the Empire of the Mahometan Power of Antichrift; and though this attempt has apparently failed, we fhall not find our

from an intercepted Letter, written by citizen Boyer, Etat Major in Bonaparte's army, and dated, Grand Cairo, July 28, 1798, proves, beyond a doubt, that an eftablishment in Egypt and Syria, was the object of this extraordinary expedition. It certainly had an ultimate view to our poffeffions in India; but it was never intended that this army fhould go thither. "Fraught with these ideas, and to indemnify herself for a lofs [meaning the lofs of the Weft India Colonies, and the destruction of her commerce] which feems almoft real -the Government have turned their eyes towards Egypt and Syria: countries which, by their climatė, goodness, and fertility of foil, may become the granaries of the French commerce, her magazine of abundance, and, by the course of time, the depofitory of the riches of India. It is moft indubitable, that when poffeffed of, and regularly organized in thefe countries, we may throw our views ftill farther, and, in the end, destroy the English commerce in the Indies, turn it to our own profit, and render ourselves the fovereigns alfo of that, of Africa, and Afia. All thefe confiderations united, have induced our Government to attempt the expedition to Egypt. That part of the 'ROMAN POWER [Intro ductory Chapter, Class II.] has been governed for many ages, by a fpecies of men called Mamalucks, who have Beys at the head of each district. Thefe deny the authority of the Grand Seignior; governing themfelves despotically and tyrannically a people and a country, which, in the hands of a polished nation, would become a fource of wealth and profit.”

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felves authorized to conclude that Empire fecure from any future attack, when we recollect the activity and machinations of a Power that has fucceeded in its enterprises, beyond all calculation of probabilities. Of this, however, no very confident opinion can yet be formed". We know that both the Mahometan and Infidel Powers must fall, as well as the Papal Power; but whether France will extend her conquefts over the Ottoman Empire, and, " pour out the vial upon the Euphrates;" or whether the exafperated Turk "will" again rife up with great fury to deftroy"--whether the worshippers of the Papal Beast will "ftrengthen themfelves for the battle," or whether the power of the Greek Church will be involved in the work of wrath, both as executing and fuffering punishment, time alone can determine; we "hear of wars, and rumours of wars," and we may be certain, that "the days of vengeance are near, even at our very doors," if it can be doubted that they are begun. But THE END IS NOT YET *. Much remains to be

* See Introductory Chapter.


I am happy in having the concurrence of the Bifhop of Rochefter, as expreffed in his Letter to Mr. King. From his Lordship's able elucidation of the xviiith


done before the mystery of God's Providence fhall be finished, and flash conviction on an unbelieving world.

It has been objected, that the fall of the

chapter of Ifaiah, which accords with my fyftem of Interpretation, and which was published fince this work appeared, I prefent my Readers with the following valuable extract.

"I fear I fee too clearly the rife instead of the fall of the Antichrift of the Weft. Or rather I fear I fee him rapidly advancing to full ftature and ripe age. His rife, ftrictly speaking, the beginning of the monster, was in the Apoftolic age; for it were easy to trace the pedigree of French Philosophy, Jacobinifm, and Bavarian Illumination, up to the first herefies. But it is now we see the adolefcence of that Man of Sin, or rather of Lawleffnefs, who is to throw off all the restraints of religion, morality, and custom, and undo the bands of civil fociety. That fon of Perdition, who is to rife out of an apoftafy; that Son of Perdition, who fhall be neither a Proteftant, nor a Papift; neither Christian, Jew, nor Heathen; who fhall worship neither God, Angel, nor Saint-who will neither fupplicate the invifible Majefty of heaven, nor fall down before an idol: He will magnify himself against every thing that is called God, or is worshipped; and with a bold flight of impiety foaring far above his precurfors and types in the times of Paganism, the Sennacheribs, the Nebuchadnezzars, the Antiochus's, and the Heathen Emperors, will claim divine honours to himself exclufively, and confecrate an IMAGE of himself. I doubt not but this Monster will be made an Inftrument of that pruning which the Vine must undergo."


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Proteftant powers of Holland and Switzerland, militates against this scheme of Prophecy, which fuppofes the present tyranny of France defigned to execute the judgments of God upon the kingdom of the Papal Beast. But furely few objections can be more futile. The word of the Lord appears to be exprefs upon this fubject alfo. 66 They" (the falfe teachers) fhall even allure those who were clean escaped from them which live in error," and the promise of protection and deliverance is given only to thofe, who "fhall continue faithful unto the end." We have feen, in the former part of this Chapter, that Holland" was the grand afylum of Infidelity in the north, the nursery and chief propagator of its works, by the licentious liberty allowed to the prefs"--We have seen her" fupport its caufe, and bafely yield to the torrent, because the enemy represented, that he would be unable to refift it;" and refign the establishment of that Religion, which preferved her in the purer days of infancy, to the dictates of Distrust, Avarice, and Indifference to the cause of Christ.-Can we fuppofe, that fuch a nation as this, because the enjoyed the light and rational freedom of the Reformed


Church, would be faved by a miracle, when the neglected, perverted, nay, threw away thefe bleffings? It is not the name of Christians, but the Spirit, which will be found a fecurity in this " day of trial, which is come upon all the earth."

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With refpect to Switzerland, we need not observe that, as a state, the greater number are Popish Cantons.-We have feen, that its Proteftant Cantons, particularly that of Berne, and the Pays de Vaud, have been long infected by the poison of Infidelity, daily iffuing from that polluted Spring, Geneva; which," though Calvin's own town," as D'Alembert triumphantly obferved, long ago, exchanged his principles, for those of the Philofopher of Ferney. And this city muft, perhaps, be allowed the earliest claim to infamy, as a feminary of corruption, from the multitude of pupils and emiffaries educated and fent forth under the immediate influence of Voltaire and Rouffeau.

It is impoffible to read "the deftruction of the Helvetic League, and Liberty," without aftonishment at the infatuation which palfied their ftrength, and gave up


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