Dogma Evolution & Papal FallaciesAuthorHouse, 30.5.2007 - 352 sivua Dan Brown's best-selling novel and subsequent popular movie, The DaVinci Code, created a sensation and intense criticism from the Roman Catholic clergy; yet it was fiction! Now, with Imma Penn's Dogma Evolution and Papal Fallicies, little known historical facts have been presented using the actual statements of priests, bishops, emperors, kings, popes and contemporary chroniclers. It shines a bright light on the evolution of Christian religious beliefs and practices that inspired Dan Brown's creation. A darker side of Catholicism is revealed - its schism controversies, the antipopes, papal corruptions and obscenities, the selling of indulgences, simony, the Inquisition condoned and encouraged by 73 popes, and the torture and the burning at the stake of hundreds of thousands of non-believers. Penn's critical history of the Roman Catholic Church shows the Curia presiding over an institution still in tune with the 13th century. Modern-day "cafeteria" Catholics may be surprised by some of the facts which have been kept out of the public eye. They may also be fascinated to learn how Catholic religious doctrine and rituals have evolved from pagan practices. Catholicism is ripe for reform. The recent priestly misbehaviors and the cover-up are well known and repetitive of the Church's reactions to the misdeeds of its past. A fresh, transparent approach is needed to cleanse the institution of it excessive non-spiritual baggage. It is no wonder that some prominent Catholics, like authors Garry Wills and James Carroll, have called for a Vatican III, a coming together of the Church, to bring about the necessary public apologies and reforms. Readers may be interested to learn of the revelations in this book. |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 46
... official " collection of Christian literature and history . A major result of the First Council of Nicaea was the establishment of the Bible's New Testament , the four Gospels and the other 23 books , which strangely were not arranged ...
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5 | |
13 | |
25 | |
Doctrine Dogma the Sacraments | 45 |
The Changing Nature of Jesus | 79 |
Catholic Symbolism | 91 |
The Primacy of Papal Power | 99 |
Papal Corruption Immoral Behavior PissPoor Papal Performance Perfidy | 163 |
The Unbroken Chain? | 219 |
Catholic Holy Days Festivals | 239 |
Celibacy Absurdities | 249 |
The Venerables | 277 |
Other Early Religions of the Middle East | 295 |
Religious Persecutions Just When You Thought You Were Getting Comfortable | 303 |
Catholic Chronology in Context | 321 |
Bibliography More Dull Reading Material | 343 |