or vessels arriving from the Cape of Gorfd Hope, and from places beyond the same. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a collection district be and hereby is, established in the state of Massachusetts, which shall include all the ports and harbours on the western shore of the Penobscot bay and river, from the town of Camden to the town of Bangor, both inclusive; and a collector shall be appointed for the district, to reside at Belfast, which shall be the only port of entry for said district. Approved, April 20, 1818. arriving from the Cape of Good Hope, &c. A collection district established. A collector to reside at Belfast, &c. Chap. CXIV.—An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to repay or remit certain alien duties therein described. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to cause to be repaid or remitted all alien or discriminating duties, either upon tonnage or merchandise imported in respect to all British vessels which have been entered in ports of the United States, at any time between the third day of July, inclusive, and the eighteenth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, which have been paid, or secured to be paid, contrary to the provisions of the convention regulating commerce between the territories of the United States and of his Britannic Majesty, bearing date the third day of July, eighteen hundred and fifteen: Provided, That this act shall not take effect until a similar provision shall be made by the government of Great Britain, in favour of American vessels, in regard to duties on tonnage and merchandise entered in the British European ports during the same period. Approved, April 20, 1818. Statute I. April 20, 1818. Alien duties to be repaid or remitted, in respect to British vessels which have entered between 3d July and 18th Aug., 1815, paid, &c. contrary to the provisions of the convention, fcc. Proviso; the British must have made a similar provision, Sic. Statute I. Chap. CXV.—An Act authorizing the disposal of certain lots of public ground in April 20, 1818, the city of New Orleans and town of Mobile. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oftheUnited States of America, in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States shall have power, and he is hereby authorized, whenever in his opinion it shall be consistent with the public interest, to abandon the use of the navy arsenal, military hospital, and barracks in the city of New Orleans, and of Fort Charlotte, at the-town of Mobile; to cause the lots of ground whereon the said arsenal, hospital, and barracks in New Orleans, and Fort Charlotte, at Mobile, now stand, to be surveyed and laid off into lots, with suitable streets and avenues, conforming as near as may be, to the original plan of the city and town aforesaid; and when the surveys are completed, one plat thereof shall be returned to the Secretary of the Treasury, and another to such officer or agent as the President shall have authorized to dispose of the said lots; and the said lots of ground shall be offered at public sale at the city of New Orleans and town of Mobile respectively, on such day or days as the President shall, by his proclamation, designate for that purpose, in the same manner, and on the same conditions and terms of credit, as is provided by law for the sale of public lands of the United States, and patents shall be granted therefor, as for other public lands sold by the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States is hereby authorized, as soon as in his opinion the public interest will permit, to cause the Fort St. Charles to be demolished, and the navy yard in said city to be discontinued; and the lot of ground on which the said fort is erected shall be appropriated to the use of a public square, Vol. III.—59 1822, ch. 16. The President may abandon the use of the navy, arsenal, military hospital and barracks in New Orleans, and of Fort Charlotte, at Mobile, and causO the ground whereon they stand to be laid off into lots, &c. A plat thereof to the Secretary of the Treasury, fte. The lots to be offered at public sale, &c. The President may cause Fort St. Charles to be demolished, and navy yard to be discontinued. A public square. Statute I. and may be improved for thai purpose by order of the corporation of the said city. Approved, April 20, 1818. April 20, 1818. Chap. CXXIII.—An Act for changing the compensation of receivert and regis ten of the land officei. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That, instead of the compensation now allowed by law to the receivers of public moneys for the lands of the United States, they shall receive an annual salary of five hundred dollars each, and a commission of one per centum on the moneys received, as a compensation for clerk hire, receiving, safe keeping, and transmitting, such moneys to the treasury of the United States: Provided aheays, That the whole amount which any receiver of public moneys shall receive under the provisions of this act, shall not exceed, for any one year, the sum of three thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, instead of the compensation now allowed by law, to the registers of the land offices, they shall receive an annual salary of five hundred dollars each, and a commission of one per centum on all the moneys expressed in the receipts by them filed and entered, and of which they shall have transmitted an account to the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided always, That the whole amount which any register of the land offices shall receive, under the provisions of this act, shall not exceed, for any one year, the sum of three thousand dollars. Approved, April 20, 1818. Instead of present compensation, receivers to be paid an annual salary of 500 dolls, each, and commission of one per cent. fee. Proviso. Registers to receive, each, 500 dolls, per annum and commission of one per cent. &c. Proviso. Statute I. April 20, 1818. All claims under the act authorizing payment of property lost, &c. not finally acted on &c, transferred to the office of the third auditor. Act of 1816, ch. 40. Act of 1817, ch. 110. The third auditor to he governed by the same rules, &c. 500 dolls, for performing the duties under this act. Statute I. April 20, 1818. Act of March 3, 1819, ch. 47. Chap.cxxiv.—An Act for transferring the claims in the office of the commissioner to the third auditor of tlte Treasury Department. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That all claims under the act, entitled "An act to authorize the payment of property lost, captured, or destroyed by the enemy, while in the military service of the United States, and for other purposes," passed on the ninth of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and the act in amendment thereof, passed the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, now remaining in the office of the commissioner of claims, and not acted on finally by said commissioner before the ninth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, be, and the same are hereby, transferred to the office of the third auditor of the Treasury Department; and the said third auditor, in all adjudications upon the claims aforesaid, shall be governed, in all respects, by the same rules, regulations, and restrictions, as have heretofore been prescribed to the commissioner of claims under the above-recited acts. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the third auditor aforesaid, for performing the duties hereby required of him, shall be allowed and paid the sum of five hundred dollars, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, April 20, 1818. Chap. CXXVT.—An Act respecting the surveying and sale of the public lands in the Alabama territory. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the powers and duties of the surveyor for the lands in the northern part of the late Mississippi territory, shall extend to the whole of the Alabama territory, and that only. And it shall be his duty to cause such of the said lands, to which the Indian title has been, or shall hereafter be, extinguished, as the President of the United States shall direct, to be surveyed and divided in the same manner, and under the same regulations, as are provided by law in relation to other public lands. And the said surveyor shall receive for his services, hereafter, an annual compensation of two thousand dollars, and shall be allowed not exceeding two clerks, whose whole compensation shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in every public sale hereafter to be made of public lands, in the territory of Alabama, there shall, in addition to the usual reservation of section sixteen, in each township, for the support of schools, be excepted from the sales such sections, not exceeding ten in any one land district, as the President of the United States shall have designated, for the purpose of laying out and establishing towns thereon; which sections, so designated and reserved, for the purpose aforesaid, shall be laid off into lots, and offered for sale, in the manner, and on the terms and conditions, and with the same limitation as to price, as is prescribed, for the laying off and sale of lots, by the fifth section of the act, entitled "An act to authorize the appointment of a surveyor for the lands in the northern part of the Mississippi territory, and the sale of certain lands therein described," passed on the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. And there shall be reserved from sale, in the Alabama territory, an entire township, which shall be located by the Secretary of the Treasury, for the support of a seminary of learning within the said territory; and also, any one entire section, which may be located under the direction of the governor of the said territory, for the seat of government therein. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all the lands lying between the basis meridian, and the first standard meridian,in the Alabama district, be attached to the land district east of Pearl river. And the lands so attached to the said district, east of Pearl river, after having been surveyed according tolaw, shall, with the exception of section number sixteen in each township which shall be reserved for the support of schools therein, and with the further exception of such reservations as may be made in pursuance of the second section of this act, shall be offered for sale to the highest bidder, under the direction of the register of the land office, and the receiver of public moneys, at the place where the land office is kept, and on such day or days as shall, by proclamation of the President of the United States, be designated for that purpose: the sale shall remain open two weeks and no longer. The lands shall not be sold for less than two dollars an acre, and shall, in every other respect, be sold in tracts of the same size, and on the same terms and conditions, as have been, or may be, provided for lands sold in the same district. All the lands offered for sale, and remaining unsold at the close of the said public sales, may be disposed of at private sale, by the register of the land office, in the same manner, and on the same terms and conditions, as are or may be provided for the sale of other lands in the same district; and patents shall be granted in the same manner, and on the same terms, as for other lands in the said district . Approved, April 20, 1818. The powers of the surveyor of the northern part of Mississippi, limited to Alabama. Lands to be surveyed. Compensation. Lands excepted from sale on which to build towns. Act of March 3, 1817, ch. 62. An entire township to be located for the support of a seminary of learning, and a section for the seat of government. Lands attached to the district east of Pearl river. The lands after having been surveyed to be sold, except No. 16, and other reservations, &c. The President to designate the time of sale. Lands offered, and not sold, may be disposed of at private sale, &c. Patents, &c. Statute I. April 20, ISIS. [Obsolete.] Judicial power of judges in Alabama extended to all the counties in the territory. Act of March 3, 1817, ch. 59. Superior court to be holden in all counties aliKe. Powers of general court to extend to admiralty jurisdiction. Subject to appeals to the supreme court, &c. Act of April 21,1820,ch. 47. The legislature may regulate the holding the superior courts, &c. not exceeding two terms annually. Part of sec. 3, of act of 1817, ch. 59, repealed. Officers to take an oath or affirmation to support the constitution before the governor or person appointed by him. Chap. CXXVII.—An Act to alter and amend an act, approved the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, entitled " An act to establish a separate territorial government for the eastern part of the Mississippi territory.." (a) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the judicial power of the judges of the Alabama territory, appointed, or hereafter to be appointed, under the authority of the government of the United Stales, shall extend as well to any other county or counties which have been or may be, found [formed] within the limits of said territory, as to those which are specially mentioned and named in the act, entitled "An act to establish a separate territorial government for the eastern part of the Mississippi tertory," approved March the third, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. And that in such county or counties, superior courts shall be holden by said judges in the like manner and with the like powers and jurisdiction, as the superior courts are now directed by law to be holden in the counties specially mentioned, as aforesaid, in the act aforesaid. And the powers of the general court of the said territory shall extend to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction: And their judgments or decrees in such cases shall be subject to appeals to the supreme court of the United States, in like manner, and upon the like terms, as appeals in similar cases are allowed and prosecuted from the judgments or decrees of the circuit courts of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the legislature of the said territory shall have power to appoint, change, and regulate, the times and places of holding the superior courts in each of the counties of said territory, and also to prescribe the number of terms to be holden in each county: Provided, They do not exceed two annually. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of the said act, approved March the third, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, as provides "that no judge shall sit more than twice in succession in the same court," be and the same is hereby, repealed. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of the said territory, judges, members of the legislative council, members of the House of Representatives, justices of the peace, and all other officers, civil and military, who may not have taken an oath of office, shaU, before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States, and for the faithful discharge of the duties of their office; which oath or affirmation shall be taken before the governor of the said territory, or such person as he shall appoint and direct. Approved, April 20, 1818. Statute I. April 20,1818. Chapi CXXVIII.— An Act to adjust the claims to lots in the town of Vincennes, and for the sale of the land appropriated as a common for the use of the inhabitants of the said town. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the trustees of the town of Vincennes shall have power and they are hereby authorized to examine and adjust all claims to lots in the town of Vincennes; and if, upon an accurate survey, it shall be found that there are lots within the precincts of the town to which no individual claims can be substantiated, the same are hereby granted to the inhabitants thereof, to be sold by the trustees, and the money arising from the sale to be applied to such public pur The trustees of Vincennes authorized to adjust claims to lots in that town. If lots are found within the precincts to which individual claims can (a) See notes to act of March 2, 1819, ch. 47, for the acts relating to Alabama. poses as may be agreed upon by a majority of the citizens. And the said trustees are hereby empowered, in all cases, when they shall confirm claims to lots, to give deeds to the claimants for the same. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the trustees of the town of Vincennes shall have power, and they are hereby authorized, to dispose of a tract of land containing about five thousand four hundred acres, which, by the fifth section of the act, entitled "An act for granting lands to the inhabitants and settlers at Vincennes and the Illinois country, in the territory north-west of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their possessions," passed on the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, was appropriated as a common, to the use of the inhabitants of the said town: the said tract shall be divided into lots, as the trustees shall direct, of not more than fifty nor less than the quantity of five acres, and shall be sold in the manner, and on the terms, which may by them be deemed most expedient and advantageous. They shall also have power to convey, by complete title, the lots sold to the purchasers; and the proceeds of the lands so disposed of, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose, shall be applied, under the direction of the said trustees, to the draining of a pond in the vicinity of the town; and the residue of the money arising from the said sales, if any there be, shall be paid over to the trustees of the Vincennes University, and shall, by them, be applied to the benefit of the said University. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees, when they shall have performed the duties assigned to them under this act, shall make a report thereof to Congress. Approved, April 20, 1818. not be substantiated, they are granted to the inhabitants, and may be sold, &c. The trustees empowered to dispose of a tract of land, which, by act of March 3d, 1791, ch. 27, was appropriated as a common. The tract to be divided into lots and sold, &c. Proceeds to be applied to the draining of a pond. Residue to Vincennes University. Trustees to report to Congress. Statute I. Chap. CXXIX.—An Act providing for the deposit of wines and distilled spirits April 20, 1818. in public warehouses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for any importer of wines or distilled spirits, which may be imported into the United States at any time after the first day of June next, at his option, to be determined at the time of making an entry therefor, either to secure the duties thereon, on the same terms and stipulations as on other goods, wares, and merchandise, imported, or to give his bond, in double the amount of the duties thereupon, with condition for the payment of the said duties, in twelve calendar months from the date of such bond; which bond shall be accepted by such collector, without surety, upon the terms following, viz: the wines or distilled spirits, for the duties whereof such bond shall be accepted, shall be deposited at the expense and risk 8f the importer, in such public or other storehouses as may be agreed upon between the importer and the surveyor, or officer of inspection of the revenue, for the port where the said wines or spirits shall be landed: and such wines or spirits shall be kept under the joint locks of the inspector and the importer; but no delivery shall be made of such wines or spirits without a permit in writing, under the hand of the collector and naval officer of the port. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That no permit shall be given for the removal of the wines or spirits deposited under the provisions of the foregoing section, unless the duties upon the wines or spirits, for which it shall be required, be first paid or secured, in the manner following, viz: the importer, or his assignee, shall give bond, with one or more surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector, in double the amount of the duties, upon the wines or spirits in each case to be delivered, with condition for the payment of the said duties, at the same credits, to be computed from the date of the permit, as would have been [Obsolete.] Act of March 3, 1819, ch. 82. Any importer pf wines or distilled spirits, may either secure the duties, as usual, or give bond in double the amount, without surety, Upon bond without surety the wines or spirits must be deposited. No permit to be given for the removal of the wines or spirits, unless the duties are first paid or secured, &c. |