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A Prayer.


with it and the clamor which is always raised against professors of religion attending such societies will cease, being unfounded. The agreement which a large number of Christians have entered into to meet statedly to unite in prayer for a revival of religion, has raised a great noise, talk and contempt; (among worldly people) but what of that; I am not afraid of noise, nor talk, nor contempt. If my profession means any thing, I do not fear them that kill the body. If I think I have the word of God, and conscience on my side, I am not at liberty to look to consequences: I may mistake, but I shall not be absurd. I will go to Mr. B's with all my heart, if the company will give me evidence, they join with all their hearts in the above prayer!! And would be pleased with me, for aiding and promoting their design by this prayer!! But I

in the love of God, and one another and improvements in refined manners, abound in the graces of thy Holy Spirit,-may they shine in us more and more, to thy glory, and the happiness of ourselves, families, and mankind: and may we be quickened abundantly to all other holy duties, public and domestic-And thus may we take away all occasion of grief in the hearts of thy children, on account of such societies!!! And finally be prepared to spend an eternity in thy presence to mingle with the heavenly hosts in their anthems of praise. We pray thee let thy blessing rest on the Zion of God-on the people of the United States-and the whole world. We pray that all wars may cease from under heaven, and all nations partake of the saving knowledge of the truth, and the world be filled with thy glory. These infinite favours we ask; not in our own unwor-conceive that the company taken thy names-but in the all-preva- collectively would not feel well: lent name of Christ, our only they would be disgusted, and Lord and Saviour to whom perhaps their resentment would with the Father and Holy Spirit run high! The reason would be, be eternal praises. AMEN. because the objects of the society, and such a prayer would be at war with each other. And they would think, I was either fanatical, or meant to reproach them. And can I go, where a Christian prayer cannot lead the way?

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I am, &c. Yours.

Now, Sir, such a concise prayer would be well adapted to any society where the objects are right in the sight of God and would be proper for a Christian to make; and very agreeable to sincere, well-meaning persons. The question is, would the circle to which I am invited be pleased and like to have me make N. B. Not a word was ever such a prayer? Do the petitions said more, to the above Christian in the prayer correspond, with on the subject.-May not this the objects and views of the so-example assist other Christians ciety? If they do, I can attend to determine the propriety of with the utmost propriety. Itheir attending at like places of need fear no consequences: pi- amusement?

ous people will all be pleased

Admonition from the death-bed. I forted, either under the troubles

The danger of backsliding, enforced by a particular instance.


of life or in the hour of death. It is a mark, commonly imposed on backsliders by a holy God, that they live in trouble, and die without special divine support. Who can deny the justice of such an appointment?

The following account of a man, who recently came under my observation, confirms this opinion.

LTHOUGH it is not supposed, that any one who is a subject of sanctifying grace can finally fail of salvation; yet, it is believed, that many back-Who can think that those who sliders, are so followed in this have once slighted the consolaworld, with marks of the divine tions of the cross, should be able, displeasure, that the apparent without extraordinary assistance, close of their lives is unhappy. to recover the shining of God's It cannot be expected that those, countenance? If Cain, who was who live in visible disobedience, a sinner, merited a mark to be in the day of trouble and at the set on him, how much more do apparent approach of death, Christian backsliders under the should be favored with high clear light of the gospel? This manifestations of the divine shews the reason why so many presence. If the great head of professingChristians die in darkthe church, without whose sen- ness. A more solemn warning sible presence no man can die cannot be given to disobedient comfortably, should at the hour professors. of death, or when men are under the troubles of the world, make no distinction between faithful and unfaithfulChristians, it would so far prove the libertine sentiment," what profit is there, that I serve him?" Clear manifestations in death, of the supporting and comforting presence of God, are most commonly the lot of those, who have been faithful in the duties of religion. At the same time, it must be allowed, that some, who were apparently sincere, have been left in darkness; and, that others, who were recently converted to obey the truth, have died in such triumphs as astonished every spectator. This is a fit evidence of the sovereignty Yet, through several of the of divine grace. Still, it is last months of his life, I believ questioned, whether instances ed him to be a Christian indeed, can be produced of those, who stricken and smitten of the have felt the reality of religion Lord, as a punishment for his and then backsliden into a world-backsliding life. His account ly life, have been greatly com- of himself was, that from the

This man, falling into poverty, removed from a distant part of the country within the limits of my charge. After one year, through pressure of spirit, he sunk into a state of lingering disease, which terminated in his death. For some months he was a very unhappy man, pained with disease, but more pained with the accusations of his own conscience, which, sometimes, rose so high, that the spectators of his agony were ready to declare him an outcast from the favor of God.

He conversed, in distinguishing language, on the sin of man, the natural state of the human heart, the nature of Christian repentance, and faith, and the duties of a Christian life; but, was himself comfortless, because he had not the sen

repeated to him sundry consol. ing promises; when, he answered, I knew all these. I begged him to join me in prayer, but he said at the conclusion of the service, "Although I attempt to draw nigh to God, he will not deign to draw nigh to me, nor do I wonder, that he will not; If I were in his place, I should withhold the light of my countenance from such an ungrateful creature. The sin of ingratitude to God bore him down, above all others. He could neither despair, nor confidently hope in divine grace.

age of fifteen to twenty five, he | ly describe the consolations of lived in the family of pious pa- religion, but could not regain rents, was attentive to all the them. duties of religion, and had more happiness in serious meditations than the whole world could have given him. At this time, he went into the employment of a man in large business, and was called into company of every description. At first his state was disagreeable, but soon it be-sible exercise of these graces. I came habitual, and he lost his relish for divine things. He soon began to omit the duty of prayer, and before his career of folly ended, was occasionally profane in his language. Sometimes he was on ship-board, at others, in the jockey yard, but generally, riding for his employer, when in taverns or other places of resort he mingled with the most vain company. The serious Christian reader will not wonder that a savor for divine things was banished from his mind. At length, an adventurous chance at sea closed all his worldly expectations, and he retired with a virtuous wife and young family to the cottage of want. In this situation, falling into disease, probably through the influence of disappointment, I first saw him. I was prepared, on my first visit, to reprove an abandoned sinner; but, before I left his lean habitation, all my commiseration was excited over an unhappy backslider. He told his story, and assured me that he had crucified Jesus Christ afresh. He asserted, that if he could wipe away the stain, which he had brought on Christianity, he could patiently endure poverty, and even to hear his babes cry for bread. He remembered and could accurate

His case was evidently that of a backslider, who against light and means had been betrayed into a life unworthy of a Christian professor. He died without any material change in the condition of his mind.



LET every one who hopes he is a Christian receive warning from this man's case. He was to be pitied; but it was fit he should be afflicted in the presence of men before whom he had dishonoured God by an unchristian life. Especially, it is the duty of Christian parents to forewarn their serious children of the snares they must

meet. Many young Christians | laid aside, and especially by every friend to religion. It is presumed that no benevolent person, would either withhold his liberality, or give grudging. ly, should he be fully convinced that the following good effects had been produced in conse quence of missions, viz. The restoration of religious order with a goodly number in many places, the promotion of a serious attention to the observation of the Lord's day, and public worship,-the conversion of numbers from the error of their ways, to the wisdom of the just-the quickening, union, edification and consolation of Christians the restraining of

are beguiled, ere they suspect the danger. Being inexperienced, the allurements of the world draw them away from God. It is not unfrequent, that business, which they cannot properly decline, becomes the means of their backsliding. When a young Christian engages in scenes of worldly business, he should be as careful not to forsake God, as he is to be faithful to men. If this rule were observed, multitudes would be saved from the pains of a doubtful death.


TO THE EDITOR OF THE CON- the licentious and checking the




progress of infidel principles. I appeal to all the pious and judicious people in the new settleS the time for the annual ments, and to such as have acted contribution for the Mis- as missionaries, whether the sionary Society of Connecticut above mentioned salutary effects is drawing near, I wish to sug- have not been produced, to a gest some thoughts on the sub-greater or less degree, in those ject of missions, for the benefit places, which have been made of such as perhaps, for the want from time to time, the fields of of right information, have had missionary labors. objections existing in their minds against the missionary cause.Having lately served as a missionary for several months in the new settlements, under an appointment from the Trustees of said Society, I am fully convinced, that incalculable good has been done among the people of those settlements by the respective Missionary Societies.Could the salutary effects which have already been produced, thro' the instrumentality of missionaries, be fully known by people in general, I am persuaded that all objections to the missionary interest would at once be

Setting aside all worldly mo tives, is there not sufficient to encourage the missionary cause from this consideration, that the kingdom of the Redeemer and the spiritual welfare of precious souls are thereby promoted? And what objects can be viewed of equal importance with these? And could any feeling minds hear the friends of Christ lamenting their destitute condition,in regard to their spiritual privileges, and the melancholy condition of their children; could they hear them expressing the warmest senti ments of gratitude to their brethren, for their generous con

tributions; and to the Mission- [ another. The above Question, ary Societies, for their faithful- it is hoped, however, will strike all with such force as to leave indelible thoughts of an ETERNITY and JUDGMENT to come.

ness in sending them preachers; or could they see their tears of grief flow on parting with their missionaries; and not feel something of that sympathy, which the Saviour exercised, when he was moved with compassion, when he saw the multitude, because they fainted, and were scattered as sheep having no shepherd.

I trust these considerations will have sufficient weight with all the benevolent people in this state, to continue their generous contributions to the Missionary Society, and that their pecuniary liberality will be accompanied with their fervent prayers to the great Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth faithful labourers into the destitute parts of his harvest.

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Know you not, vain man, that your life is short and uncertain? You know not what will be the event of another moment; this moment you are alive, the nexɛ you may be in ETERNITY.

I beseech you to reflect, for what purpose you was created? Was it to go the rounds of dissipation, and after death cease to be? or was it to heap up the riches and honors which this world affords? No thinking person can say this is the case.Had not the Divine Architect some greater design in creating man? did not he intend our existence here as preparatory for a better world? Then unwise in the extreme is that person who puts off for a moment a preparation for a future state. I may say as did a great and good man, Time is nothing, place is nothing, circumstances nothing, but ETERNITY is all to man.

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