Sivut kuvina


her communion. Her very flesh, septimo-octave head as that which was next eaten, by the sale of the St. John had before identified even church lands in revolutionary with the whole beast himself. And France, by the secularization of the whether the Infidel king is to beGerman ecclesiastical electorates come this head or not, this is certain and monastic principalities, and by that he will be a principal actor in the temporary creation of an atheisti- the time of trouble," and 66 shall cal republic in her capital. But she come to his end, and none shall help will not be utterly burnt with fire till him:" nor will the contrariety of the time of the end. infidelity to popery be an impediThe seventh vial is said to be ment to the accomplishment of the poured out into the air, in allusion to prophecy, that the beast and the the dreadful storms of political | false prophet shall be taken,banded thunder and lightning which it will in arms together. This union,

The Author brings together into one point of view the four prophecies of St. John, Daniel, Zechariah, and Joel, relative to the awful events with which the 1260 years will conclude, to which we refer our readers. Rev. xix. 21. Dan. vii. 9—11, 25.

produce. Thrce important events brought about by secret, diabolical inare comprehended under it. 1. The|stigation, will probably be directed earthquake by which the great city either against the Jews now beginis divided into three parts, whichning to be restored; or the great manifestly signifies some very great protestant states; or lastly against revolution by which the Latin Em- both the Jews and Protestants jointpire will be divided into three sov-ly. Hence it will probably be a sort reigntics. 2. The full of the spirit of crusade of all the atheistico-pauai Babylon described at large in pal powers, against the Jews, and the 18th chapter, which relates to their defenders the Protestants. the same event as the destruction of the little horn of Daniel's fourth beast. They both equally predict the complete subversion of the papacy at the end of the 1260 years. 3. Exactly contemporary with the fall of the spiritual Babylon, or the adulterous church of Rome, will be-27. and xi. 44, 45-and xii. 1. the overthrow of the secular Babylon or the ten horned Roman beast The power of both will be broken in the same battle of Armageddon. This is abundantly manifest from the concurring testimony both of Daniel and St. John. He is to be destroyed along with the false profihet.

Zech. xii. xiii. xiv. Joel ii. iii. From these prophecies he concludes that Palestine will be the scene of this battle. Since Zechariah and Joel are in these passages treating of the restoration of the Jews, all the matters of which they speak, as connected with that restoration, must be the

same as those of which Daniel

speaks as being similarly connected with it. Zechariah fixes in general terms the scene of action in Palestine, and in the neighborhood of Itrusalem. Joel likewise fixes the scene of action in Palestine, declar

The battle of Armageddon, the Author supposes to be the same with the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, mentioned by Daniel-the same likewise as the dreadful slaughter of the Gentiles in the neighborhood of Je-ing that the northern army, (which, rusalem, predicted in such forcible | terms by Zechariah and Joel. The beast, who is to take so active a part in this struggle, is the same VOL. I. NO. 10.

from his description, can be no other than the army of the infidel king, mentioned by Daniel coming by way of the north) shall be driven back, Z z

with its face toward the eastern or at least successful in their attempt dead sea, and its hinder part toward the former teaching us that before the utmost sea, the western or Med-| the infidel king shall come to his iterranean. Daniel no less expli- end, he shall have succeeded in citly affirms that the infidel king, af- | planting the tabernacles of his palter having planted the tabernacles aces in the glorious holy mountain ; of his palaces between the seas, in and the latter more openly informthe glorious holy mountain, shalling us that immediately before the come to his end, none being able to Lord shall go forth and fight against help him. And St. John informs us the assembled nations, those nations that the wine-press shall be trodden shall have sacked Jerusalem with in a land which extends 1600 fur- circumstances of great cruelty. See longs. Now the length of the region Zech. xiv. The last part of this between the two seas, which is des- chapter points out how the overtined to witness the fall of Anti-throw of the huge host, assembled christ and his congregated host, if a line be drawn along the sea shore from its southern to its northern frontier, amounts exactly to 1600 Jewish Kisin or Stadia.

at Megiddo, will in some measure at least be effected. A supernatural panic will be sent among them, so that they shall madly turn their swords against each other. Yet in. God will not forget his darling atthe midst of his righteous judgments tribute of mercy. A third part will be spared and become the people of God. Zech. xiii. 8, 9.

It is observable that Daniel dates

the beginning of the restoration of the Jews at the end of the 1260 years, that he pronounces him blessed that waiteth and cometh to a period 75 years later; and that he mentions an intermediate period 30 years later than the first, and 45 years before the accomplishment of the last, without giving the least hint of what is to take place at the era of this division. The Author supposes that the passage may receive light from

Not merely the land, however, is pointed out where this great battle is to be fought, but even the very flace in that land. Joel informs us not only that it shall be between the two secs, but in the valley of Jehoshaphat; and St. John, not only that the land extends 1600 furlongs, but in a certain place of that land called Armageddon. The valley of Jehosaphat, therefore, and Armageddon are the same. Now the word Jehoshaphat signifies the judgment of the Lord-and the valley of Jehoshaphat is indifferently styled by Joel, the valley of Jehoshuphat, or the judgment of the Lord, and the valley of concision or de-Zechariah xii. 7—“The Lord also struction. This, therefore, is only a descriptive not a proper name. Armageddon, signifies the destruction of Megiddo, and Megiddo is a town situated between the two seas, in the half-tribe of Manasseth at a

small distance from the shores

the Mediterranean.


It appears, both from Daniel and Zechariah, that the confederacy shall at the first prove in some measure

shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah." He thinks it no unnatural supposition that the 30 years will be devoted to the res

toration of Judah; and the remaining 45 in bringing back the house of David and the inhabitants of Jérusalem..

Many of our children may witness these events. For ourselves, we have only to labor through the grace of God and the assistance of his Holy Spirit, that we may be prepared to meet the Lord at his com

From the view which the author takes of the above mentioned prophecies, together with others, particularly the 18th and 60th chapters of Isaiah, he collects the following positions. The Jews most certainly will be restored. They will as cer-ing. Death whenscever it shall artainly be converted to our progress will assuredly be They will begin to be restored as the end of the world to each of us: soon as the 1260 years shall have ex- and neither a hearty reprobation of pired. They will successively be the cruelties and corruptions of Porestored in two great divisions. The pery; nor an abhorrence of the immain agent in restoring the first of pious imposture of Mohammedism; these divisions will be the prevailing nor a detestation of the diabolical protestant maritime power of the principles of Antichrist; are alone day. Agreat opposition will be made sufficient to prepare us for the kingto this attempt of the maritime pow-dom of heaven. We must beware, er,by a confederacy consisting of the lest we have a name that we live beast, the false-profihet, and the and are dead. We must be watchkings of the earth or Latin empire. ful and strengthen the things which The confederacy, one member of remain that are ready to die; lest which is certainly the atheistico-pa- our works be not found perfect bepal king, having sanctified their fore God. Blessed is he that readwar by proclamation, will invadeeth, and they that hear the words of Palestine, in order to prevent the re- this prophecy and keep those things turn of the Jews; and will succeed which are written therein: for the in taking Jerusalem, and in planting time is at hand.” the tabernacles of their palaces in the glorious holy mountain between the two seas. Their triumph how

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Three Dialogues between a Minister and one of his Parishioners, on the True Principles of Religion, and Salvation by Jesus Christ.


ever will be but short, for assembling FROM THE LONDON RELIGIOUS themselves at Megiddo, they will be struck with a preternatural confusion, and draw every man his sword against his fellow. The confederate hoat will consist of three parts. The Latin city will be divided by an earthquake into three parts immediately previous to these events. Two out of three parts of the confederacy will be destroyed¦ M. at Megiddo. The third will be spared and converted. The power of the beast and the false prophet will be forever broken. At the end of 75 years, after the termination of the 1260 years, the season of millennian rest will commence.


TEIGHBOR, good-morrow; I find you have been early up, diligently employed; your cattle are fed, and people at work. I see thriving in the world is a matter very near your heart.

P. Ay, sir, all this is necessary. Meat and clothes must be

provided; taxes must be paid; and this requires much care and labor.

M. I would by no means discourage your industry. It is your duty to be not slothful in business. But you know you have another calling besides husbandry the soul must be fed and clothed too.

P. Doubtless the soul ought to be minded in the first place, for that is the chief concern: but I hope I do not neglect my soul and the world to come: I should be sorry you should think me so bad a man: I believe you have no reason

M. No particular reason to be suspicious of you more than of others. But when I look round, and observe the general unconcern about salvation in which men live, I am anxious for my fellow-mortals; and with respect to you of this Parish in particular, I think myself obliged to admonish you of your danger, that you may not die before you have obtained forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ, and are made meet for an inheritance among them that are sanctified.

P. Lord, Sir! why should you entertain such uncharitable thoughts of us?

31. Do not abuse the word charity it signifies the same as love. Now love does not require that we think well of every body with or without reason, but that we wish and intend well to every body. If I give myself no trouble about you, that is, if I were utterly void of charity, would you think me a very charitable man?

P. But I hope you do not condemn us all: some of us in

deed are wicked, swearing, drunken men but we are not all so. You know yourself that I regularly attend public wor ship. I never hurt any man in my life, and pay every man his due.

M. And upon this you build your hopes of heaven!-If this be your foundation, I must plainly tell you, it will leave you hopeless in the day of trial. Let us examine it by the word of God, "You never hurt any man." You mean, I suppose, you never robbed or murdered any person; I do not think you have; but still you have committed much sin, and done much hurt, not only to others, but especially to your own soul, by great and numberless offences against the holy law of God. Nay you have broken every one of his commandments.

P. Who could give you such an account of me? I never committed idolatry, murder, adul tery nor theft.

M. Yes, all of them. Have you never loved any worldly thing more than God and his favor; nor feared any thing more than his displeasure, so as to neglect a known duty rath er than draw upon yourself some temporal evil? This was a breach of the first commandment. The second command. ment respects the manner of expressing the devotion of the heart: and therefore, whatever in your service has been unbe coming, such as wandering thoughts, carclessness, and irreverence, as well as using images, is a breach of this commandment: so is also neglect of God's service. And here you will not pretend, I suppose, to be not

guilty. Cosequently, your at- especially injurious language, is tending public worship in this accounted a degree of murder ; careless, unthinking manner, and who can acquit himself of deserves rather to be reckoned these? If you take the same among your sins, than trusted to method to understand the other for justification before God. But commandments, all parts of a few minutes ago, in my hear- your behavior that are unsuitable ing, you took the Lord's name in to your station, all irreverence vain, using it needlessly, and and rash censure of superiors, without an awful sense of his and all unkind and injurious Majesty, of whom you spake. treatment of those beneath you You have done the same per- will appear breaches of the fifth haps ten thousand times in your commandment. All evil-speaklife. This is a breach of the ing, and repeating stories injuthird commandment. When-rious to the character of others, ever you have neglected to at- contrary to the ninth; and all tend God's worship on the Sab-murmuring and discontent, enbath, without a necessary hin- vy and greediness, are sins fordrance; suffered worldly tho'ts bidden by the tenth, to unfit you for God's service; done worldly business on that day, that might have been done on another; and neglected to devote the whole to God, by reading, hearing, prayer, meditation, and useful conversation, you have profaned the Lord's day. The substance of these commands is, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart" but you have come short of this, whenever you have not acted to the glory of God. Now what think you of your innocence with respect to the duties of the first table of the commandments?

P. I cannot pretend to justify myself with respect to God; but I am sure I have done no hurt to man.

P. Then it seems there is but one commandment against which I have not sinned.


M. If you rightly knew your self and the law of God, you would not acquit yourself of that neither. De not offended, I speak out of love to your soul. do not think you a thief or a robber: yet, have you never concealed the faults of what you sold, when you knew that ignorance of these was the very thing that induced the person to buy? Nay, have you not often recommended your goods in such general terms as were not consistent with strict truth? Have you not cruelly taken advantage of the necessity of a needy seller, and beaten down his ware much below its real value? These will certainly

M. You would not say so, if you understood the spiritual na-witness against you. ture and extent of God's law, as explained by our Lord in his sermon on the mount. (Matt. v.) There you find that wantonness in the eye or heart is esteemed adultery in the sight of God; and causeless anger, and,

P. Why, sir, after this rate, you condemn all the world --According to your there is not a good man upon earth.


M. It is not my account, but the scripture account: "There

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