AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. AREA AND POPULATION. The area and total number of inhabitants (civil and military) of the various provinces of the Monarchy are given as follows in the returns of the censuses of December 31, 1880 and 1890: Upper Austria.. Salzburg... Styria.. Carinthia. The sources of revenue are indicated by the following budget estimates, for the common affairs of the Monarchy, for the year 1897: The branches of expenditure are shown in the following budget estimates for 1897: The income and expenditure of the Monarchy from 1880 to 1894 were as follows (in thousands of florins): The following table shows the growth of the debt of the Monarchy in thousands of florins: There is also to be reckoned a common floating debt amounting in December, 1896, to 192,846,145 florins. The cost of the general debt in 1893 was estimated at 127,377,468 florins, of which 97,066,393 florins was borne by Austria, and 30,311,075 florins by Hungary. The cost of the "special debt" of Austria was estimated at 70,696,391 million florins. *The great sum of transitory revenue and expenditure is the result of the financial operation for the regulation of the standard of money. The gold buying of the Government for this purpose represented 77.3 million florins. AGRICULTURE. According to an official statement of 1893, the ownership of land in Hungary was as follows: -Austria in 1894 The products of the soil in Austria and in Hungary in 1894 were as follows: Produce per hectare in hectol's. 16,982 Barley.. 1,336 Oats.. 1,879 38,659 20.6 1,078 Rye.. Pulse. In 1891 the amount of beer produced in Austria-Hungary was 14,253,000 hectolitres; in 1892, 15,557,000 hectolitres; in 1893, 16,261,000 hectolitres; and in 1894, 16,772,000 hectolitres. NOTE.-1 hectare 2.47 acres. 1 hectolitre = 2.8375 bushels. 1 metre-centner = 110.23 pounds avoirdupois. 1 hectolitre 26.417 gallons. MINERAL PRODUCTS. The following table shows the quantities and values, respectively, of the leading minerals and furnace products of Austria and Hungary in 1895: The following statement shows the production, imports, exports, and consumption of pig iron in Austria-Hungary, in metric tons: The entire commerce, comprising imports and exports of merchandise (specie excluded) and The values of the imports and exports as between the United States and Austria-Hungary for $8,158,000 The principal articles of import from the United States for the year ending June 30, 1896, were as The following table shows the condition of the Austro-Hungarian mercantile service, including coasting vessels: The following tabular statement shows the strength of the commercial marine of Austria-Hungary on January 1, 1896: Of the total number of vessels, 202 of 146,098 tons were steamers, and 11,710 of 118,095 tons were sailing vessels. RAILROADS AND TELEGRAPHS. The progress of mileage and capitalization of the railroads of Austria-Hungary from 1877 to 1895 are shown in the following statement, the capital being expressed in thousands of florins: The following table shows the traffic on the Austrian and Hungarian lines: In 1895 the number of passengers carried in Austria-Hungary was 158,232,833. The increase in goods traffic was 1.8 per cent. in Austria and 3.2 per cent. in Hungary. The total receipts amounted to 447,728,787 florins. TELEGRAPHS. The following are the telegraph statistics of Austria, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Hungary: |