THE BEST are invariably THE CHEAPEST This Rule Applies Ours are backed by a reputation of over 107 years' standing. As a guide to the Horticulturist or Agriculturist, whether he be Professional or Amateur, OUR CATALOGUE is invaluable. J. M. THORBURN & CO. 33 BARCLAY STREET, through to 38 PARK PLACE (Dept. T) NEW YORK BOOK PAPER IN LARGE QUANTITIES A SPECIALTY. ALSO RULED HEADINGS AND FLAT PAPERS Please Correspond With Us. FORTIETH YEAR. Fuller's N. Y. Detective Bureau J. M. FULLER, Principal. 866 BROADWAY A Night and Day Service All Investigations Est. 1870. Tel., 1064-Stuyvesant. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY ESTABLISHED 1841. R. G. DUN & CO. NEW YORK CITY and 210 Branches in all Leading Cities ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS. By Berlin H. Wright, De Land, Fla. TIDE TABLES. (From U. S. Coast Survey.) To find the time of high water for any place given in the table below apply the correction opposite the place to the times of high water for its respective port given for every day on the twelve calendar pages of this Almanac. Add the correction to time of high water when it is plus, and subtract it when it is minus. Example: To find time of high water at Rockland, Me., on January 8, 1910 Time of high water at Boston, January 8... Time of high water at Rockland, Me., January 8............. 9 25 p. m. -0 26 p. m. 8 59 p. m. Add 6 h. to this for the succeeding low water or subtract same for preceding low water, and apply 12 h. in the same way for the other high water of the same date. Corrections to times of high water at Boston, for: Eastport, Me...... Boothbay, Me..... Bath, Me.... Gardiner, Me.... Augusta, Me..... Portland, Me -0 35 Block Island, R. I.. -028 Middletown, Conn.. Portsmouth, N. H.. Gloucester, Mass.... Nahant, Mass... Boston Light, Mass. Plymouth, Mass..... Wellfleet, C.C., Mass. Provincetown, Mass. Siasconset, Nant'k I Tarpaulin Cove, Mass -036 E.110th st., N. Y. C. -01 Nthpt. H., L.I.S., N.Y -10 17 81 7 46 6 15 67 2 59 +5 1 Gray's F., S. R., Pa. +37 Cape Chas. L., Va.. .... + 028 +013 0 55 +14 + 9 11 + 9 25 +122 +5 7 0 11 + 018 +459 3 56 3 23 2 38 0 50 +2 10 +3 6 Elkton, Md... +0 1 Trum. B., L.I.S.,N.Y+2 11 Virginia Beach, Va.. +055 Sag Har., L.I.S., N.Y.) 4 6 Bellport, N. Y.... TIME CALCULATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF SIGNS AND ABBREVIA TIONS. All the calculations except the Moon's Phases, Tides and seasons are in mean local time. (See table for its conversion into Standard Time.) The Sun's rising and setting is for the upper limb and corrected for refraction. The signs used are as follows: conjunction or near approach, at which time a line from the North Star through one will also pass through the other; 8, opposition or 180° from the Sun, at which time the Superior Planets are the brightest; ☐, quadrature or 90° from the Sun;, Sun; ⊕, Earth; 0, Mercury; Q, Venus; ở, Mars, 24, Jupiter; h, Saturn; Uranus; Ψ, Neptune; 3, Moon generally; 2. Ascending Node; , Descending Node. Per.-Perihelion, or nearest to Sun; applied to Planets. 193294 |