Sivut kuvina


313. Cotton thread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, hereinCotton Manufactures. after provided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, two and one-half cents per pound on all numbers up to and including number fifteen, one-sixth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding number fifteen and up to and including number thirty, and one-fifth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding number thirty: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad valorem; colored, bleached, dyed, combed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, whether on beams, or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, hereinafter provided for, six cents per pound on all numbers up to and including number twenty-four, and on all numbers exceeding number twenty-four and up to number eighty, one-fourth of one cent per number per pound; on number eighty and up to number two hundred, three-tenths of one cent per number per pound; on number two hundred and above, sixty cents per pound, and one-tenth of one cent per number per pound additional for every number in excess of number two hundred; cable-laid yarns or threads, made by grouping or twisting two or more grouped or twisted yarns or threads together, not colored, bleached or dyed, four-tenths of one cent per number per pound; colored, bleached, or dyed, nine-twentieths of one cent per number per pound: Provided further, That said threads and yarns, colored, bleached, dyed. combed, advanced beyond the condition of singles, and cable-laid yarns or threads, as hereinbefore provided, except those (other than cable-laid threads and yarns) finer than number one hundred and forty, shall not pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem: And provided, further, That all of the foregoing threads and yarns as hereinbefore provided, when mercerized or subjected to any similar process, shall pay in addition to the foregoing specific rates of duty one-fortieth of one cent per number per round; cotton card laps, roping, sliver, or roving, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Cotton waste and flocks, manufactured or otherwise advanced in value, twenty per centum ad valorem.

314. Spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, on spools, reels or balls, containing on each spool, reel or ball, not exceeding one hundred yards of thread, six cents per dozen; exceeding one hundred yards on each spool, reel or ball, for every additional hundred yards or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred, six cents per dozen spools, reels or balls; if in skeins, cones or tubes, containing less than six hundred yards each, one-half of one cent for each one hundred yards or fractional part thereof: Provided, That in no case shall the duty be assessed upon a less number of yards than is marked on the spools, reels, cones, tubes, skeins, or balls: And provided further, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem.

315. Cotton cloth, valued at not over seven cents per square yard, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one Cotton Cloths. cent per square yard; if bleached, and valued at not over nine] cents per square yard, one and one-fourth cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed, and valued at not over twelve cents per square yard, two cents per square yard; cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch counting the warp and filling, and valued at not over seven cents per square yard, not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard; cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained. painted, or printed, not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and valued at over seven and not over nine cents per square yard, two and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over nine and not over ten cents per square yard two and three-fourths cents per square yard; valued at over ten and not over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, four cents per square yard; valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fourteen cents per square yard, five cents per square yard; valued at over fourteen cents per square yard, six cents per square yard. but not less than twenty-five per centum ad valorem; cotton cloth, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warn and filling, if bleached, and valued at not over nine cents per square yard, not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard: exceeding nine square yards to the pound, two and one-fourth cents per square yard: cotton cloth, not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, if bleached, and valued at over nine and not over eleven cents per square vard, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; valued at over eleven and not over twelve cents per square yard, four cents per square vard: valued at over twelve and not over fifteen cents per square yard, five cents per square yard; valued at over fifteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six cents per square yard: valued at over six-! teen cents per square yard, seven cents per square yard, but not less than twenty-five" per centum ad valorem; cotton cloth, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, if dyed, colored, stained,

painted, or printed, and valued at not over twelve cents per square yard, not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; cotton cloth, not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and valued at over twelve and not over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, three and threefourths cents per square yard; valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fifteen cents per square yard, five cents per square yard; valued at over fifteen and not over seventeen and cne-half cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over geventeen and one-half and not over twenty cents per square yard, seven and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, nine cents per square yard, but not less than thirty per centum ad valorem.

316. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding one hundred and not exceeding one hundred and fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; any of the foregoing valued at over nine and not over ten cents per square yard, three cents per square yard; valued at over ten, but not over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, four and three-eighths cents per square yard; valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fourteen cents per square yard, five and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard, but not less than thirty per centum ad valorem; if bleached, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, two and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square vard: exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, three and three-fourth cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, bleached, and valued at over eleven and not over twelve cents per square yard, four and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twelve and not over fifteen cents per square yard, five and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over fifteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard. but not less than thirty-five ner centum ad valorem; if dyed, colored. stained, painted. or printed, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and three-fourths cents rer square vard: exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one-fourth cents per square yard: exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and valued at over twelve and one-half but not over fifteen cents per square yard, five and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over fifteen and not over seventeen and one-half cents per square yard, seven cents per square yard; valued at over seventeen and one-half but not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem.

317. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed, exceeding one hundred and fifty and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding three and one-half yards to the pound, two cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; any of the foregoing valued at over ten and not over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, four and three-eighths cents per square yard; valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fourteen cents per square yard, five and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard: valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if bleached, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, four and one-fourth cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, bleached, and valued at over twelve and not over fifteen cents per square yard, five and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over fifteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard: valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if dved, colored, stained, painted or printed. and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and onehalf square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard: exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four and three

fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed, and valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fifteen cents per square yard, six cents per square yard; valued at over fifteen and not over seventeen and one-half cents per square yard, seven cents per square yard; valued at over seventeen and onehalf and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem.

318. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding two hundred and not exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding two and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding five square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding five square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; any of the foregoing valued at over twelve and one-half and not over fourteen cents per square yard, five and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem; if bleached, and not exceeding two and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and onehalf square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding three and onehalf and not exceeding five square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding five square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, bleached, and valued at over fifteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and onehalf cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, six and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, seven cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and valued at over seventeen and one-half and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad


319. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding two square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding three and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding four square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard; any of the foregoing valued at over fourteen and not over sixteen cents per square yard, six and one-half cents per square yard; valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem; if bleached and not exceeding two square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, five and onehalf cents per square yard; exceeding three and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard; exceeding four square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, bleached, and valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding three square yards to the pound, eight cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents per square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem.

320. The term cotton cloth, or cloth, wherever used in the paragraphs of this schedule, unless otherwise specially provided for, shall be held to include all woven fabrics of cotton in the piece, or cut in lengths, whether figDefinitions. ured, fancy or plain, the warp and filling threads of which can be counted by unravelling or other practicable means, and shall not include any article, finished or unfinished, made from cotton cloth. In determining the count of threads to the square inch in cotton cloth, all the warp and filling threads, whether ordinary or other than ordinary, and whether clipped or unclipped, shall be counted. In the ascertainment of the weight and value, upon which the duties, cumulative or other, imposed upon cotton cloth are made to depend, the entire fabric and

all parts thereof, and all the threads of which it is composed shall be included. The terms, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, mercerized, painted, or printed, wherever appiied to cotton cloth in this schedule, shall be taken to inean respectively all cotton cloth which either wholly or in part has been subjected to any of these processes, or which has any bleached, dyed, colored, stained, mercerized, painted, or printed threads in or upon any part of the fabric.

321 Cloth composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre and silk, whether known as silk-striped sleeve linings, silk stripes, or otherwise, of which cotton or other vegetatle fibre is the component material of chief value, eight cents per square yard and thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no such cloth shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth filled or coated, all ollcloths (except silk oilcloths and oilcloths for floors), and cotton window Hollands, three cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem; tracing cloth, five cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem.

322. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed of cotton, whether in the piece or otherwise, and whether finished or unfinished, if not hemmed, or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of duty on the cloth contained therein Handkerchiefs. as is imposed on cotton cloth of the same description, weight and count of threads to the square inch; but such handkerchiefs or mufflers shall not pay a less rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. If such handkerchiefs or mufflers are hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawn threads, they shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty herein before prescribed, and in no case less than fifty-five per centum ad valorem; if such handkerchiefs or mufflers are embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqued, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion, they shall not ray a less rate of duty than sixty per centum ad valorem.

323. In addition to the duty or duties imposed upon cotton cloth by the various provisions of this section, there shall be paid the following cumulative duties, the intent of this paragraph being to add such duty or duties to those to which the cotton cloth would be liable if the provisions of this paragraph did not exist, namely: On all cotton cloth in which other than the ordinary warp and filling threads are used to form a figure or fancy effect, whether known as lappets or otherwise, one cent per square yard if valued at not more than seven cents per square yard, and two cents per square yard if valued at more than seven cents per square yard; on all cotton cloth mercerized or subjected to any similar process, one cent per square yard.

324. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, or of which cotton or other vegetable fibre is the component material of chief value, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, and not otherwise provided for in this section, fifty per centum ad valorem.

325. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys and all pile fabrics, cut or uncut. whether or not the pile covers the entire surface; any of the foregoing composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, except flax, not bleached, dyed, colVelvets. ored, stained painted, or printed, nine cents per square yard and twentyfive per centum ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored. stained, painted or printed, twelve cents per square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That corduroys composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, weighing seven ounces or over per square yard, shall pay a duty of eighteen cents per square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That manufactures or articles in any form, including such as are commonly known as hias dress facings or skirt bindings, made or cut from plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys, or other pile fabrics composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, shall be subject to the foregoing rates of duty and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That none of the articles or fabrics provided for in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than forty-seven and one-half per centum ad valorem.

326. Curtains, table covers and all articles manufactured of cotton chenille, or of which cotton chenille is the component material of chief value, tapestries, and other Jacquard figured upholstery goods, weighing over six ounces per square yard. composed wholly or in chief value of cotton or other vegetable fibre; any of the foregoing, in the piece or otherwise, fifty rer centum ad valorem.

327. Stockings, hose and half-hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, and not otherwise specially provided for in this section, thirty per centum ad valorem.

328. Stockings, hose and half-hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose and half-hose, Stockings. and clocked stockings, hose and half-hose, all of the above composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than one dollar per dozen pairs, seventy cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than one dollar per dozen pairs, and not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen pairs, eighty-five cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen pairs, and not more than two dollars per dozen pairs, ninety cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than two dollars per dozen pairs, and not more than three dollars per dozen pairs, one dollar and twenty cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than three dollars per dozen pairs, and not more than five dollars per dozen pairs, two dollars per dozen pairs; and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than five dollars per dozen pairs, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. Men's and boys' cotton gloves, knitted or

woven, valued at not more than six dollars per dozen pairs, fifty cents per dozen pairs and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than six dollars per dozen pairs, fifty per centum ad valorem,


Shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, combination suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers and all underwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose and half-hose, composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, valued at not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, sixty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen and not more than three dollars per dozen, one dollar and ten cents per dozen, and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than three dollars per dozen and not more than five dollars per dozen, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, and in addition thereto twenty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at more than five dollars per dozen and not more than seven dollars per dozen, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at more than seven dollars per dozen and not more than fifteen dollars per dozen, two dollars and twenty-five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued above fifteen dollars per dozen, fifty per centum ad valorem.

330. Bone casings, garters, tire fabric or fabric suitable for use in pneumatic tires, suspenders and braces, and tubing, any of the foregoing made of cotton or other vegetable fibre, and India rubber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fibre is the| component material of chief value, and not embroidered by hand or machinery, fortyfive per centum ad valorem; spindle banding, woven, braided or twisted lamp, stove, or candle wicking made of cotton or other vegetable fibre, ten cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; loom harness, healds or collets made of cotton or other vegetable fibre, or of which cotton or other vegetable fibre is the component material of chief value, fifty cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; boot, shoe and corset lacings made of cotton or other vegetable fibre, twenty-five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; labels, for garments or other articles, composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, fifty cents per pound and thirty per centum ad valorem; belting for machinery made of cotton or other vegetable fibre and India rubber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fibre is the component material of chief value, thirty per centum ad valorem.

331. Cotton table damask, forty per centum ad valorem; manufactures of cotton table damask or of which cotton table damask is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, forty per centum ad valorem.

332. All articles made from cotton cloth, whether finished or unfinished, and all manufactures of cotton, or of which cotton is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, forty-five per centum ad valorem.


333. Flax straw, five dollars per ton.


Flax, not hackled or dressed, one cent per pound.

335. Flax, hackled, known as "dressed line," three cents per pound. Tow of flax, twenty dollars per ton.



Hemp, and tow of hemp, twenty-two dollars and fifty cents per ton; hemp, hackled, known as "line of hemp," forty-five dollars per ton.

Flax, Hemp, and Jute,

and Manufactures of.

338. Single yarns made of jute, not finer than five lea or number, one cent per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; if finer than five lea or number, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; yarns made of jute not otherwise specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem.

339. Cables and cordage, composed of istle, Tampico fibre, manila, sisal grass or sunn, or a mixture of these or any of them, three-fourths of one cent per pound; cables and cordage made of hemp, tarred or untarred, two cents per pound.

340. Threads, twines, or cords, made from yarn not finer than five lea or number, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, ten cents per pound; if made from yarn finer than five lea or number, twelve cents per pound, and three-fourths of one cent per pound additional for each lea or number, or part of a lea or number, in excess of five. 341.

Single yarns in the gray, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, not finer than eight lea or number, six cents per pound; finer than eight lea or number and not finer than eighty lea or number, forty per centum ad valorem; single yarns, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, finer than eighty lea or number, fifteen per centum ad valorem; ramie silver or roving, thirtyfive per centum ad valorem.

342. Flax gill nettings, nets, webs and seines shall pay the same duty per pound as is imposed in this schedule upon the thread, twine or cord of which they are made, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem.

343. Floor mattings, plain, fancy, or figured, manufactured from straw, round or split. or other vegetable substances, not otherwise provided for in this section, and having a warp of cotton, hemp, or other vegetable substance, including what are commonly known as China, Japan, and India straw mattings, three and one-half cents per square yard.

344. Carpets, carpeting, mats and rugs made of flax, hemp, jute, or other

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