of New York New OF NEW YORK Is a commercial bank in the truest sense of the word, conducted by business men on sound, efficient business principles, for men and women who like to do business in a businesslike way. It is an institution distinct and complete in itself, controlled and managed solely by its own directors, with no outside affiliations whatever. NEW NETHERLAND BANK OF NEW YORK 41 WEST 34th STREET :: Near Broadway Capital $200,000 Surplus $220,000 J. ADAMS BROWN, Pres. JOHN P. MUNN, M. D., Vice-Pres. JOSEPH T. VAN LOAN, Ass't Cashier INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT, SILVER and STORAGE VAULTS Scientifically fitted to suit each particular case. Schnoter's Athletic Supporters, or Jock-Straps, are universally used by Professional and Athletic people in general. For Horsemen, Racquet and Tennis players, Golfers, etc. Ask your dealer for the Genuine "Schnoter's" and only those bearing our trade mark J. C. S.-or we will send di- J. C. SCHNOTER CO., 533 Sixth Avenue. Near 31st St., New York, N. Y., New York City's Most Accessible Suburb LONG ISLAND Embracing all the conditions favorable to Health, Rest and Recreation-ideal for a Summer Home or All Year 'Round Residence. Long Island is divided naturally into three sections, each with its own strongly marked characteristics. The North Shore, bordering on Long Island Sound, is tree-clad, rugged, hilly and indented with fine harbors and small bays where good anchorage is found. The South Shore, or ocean front, is a charming country, sloping to the ocean washed shores for over a hundred miles. The Central Section comprises a series of hills and valleys, dotted with picturesque lakes and traversed by winding streams that add charm to the scenery. Long Island has over 400 miles of shore line on ocean, sound and bayscooled in summer by the southerly breezes from the ocean. Long Island has over 1,000 miles of excellent macadam roads, superb for driving and motoring; ideal conditions for boating, fishing, surf and still water bathing, hunting and golfing. Modern schools, libraries, clubs and churches of all denominations are located in all sections of the Island. Pure water, perfect drainage and equable climate. The water is from artesian wells, fed by subterranean streams. All parts of Long Island are reached by the excellent train service of the Long Island Railroad. Its equipment is first class, roadway protected by the block signal system, ballasted and laid with heavy steel rails. The electric train service, together with the additional facilities which will be afforded by the tunnels, places the Long Island home at the door of the metropolis. The Interborough subway trains run direct to the Long Island Railroad station in Brooklyn (Flatbush Avenue), which can be reached from New York in ten minutes. Long Island Railroad, 263 Fifth Ave., N. Y. SEABOARD NTL.-Tel. 5640 B.-S. G. ESTABLISHED 1860. WHEN ANSWERING ADVTS. TRIBUNE ALMANAC. Telephone 536 Franklin. SAMUEL WEIL & SON, - Manufacturers of Patent Machine-Made Paste, Sizings, Liquid Gums and Glues 194 and 196 Franklin Street, NEW YORK CITY. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Now ONE CENT IN NEW YORK CITY ELSEWHERE, TWO CENTS A Newspaper that prints all the General Get the Best. Any Dealer or Newsboy |