TRUST COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 49 Wall Street, New York THIS COMPANY under its special charter is authorized to act as Executor, Trustee, Administrator, Guardian and Agent; is a legal Depository for Court and Trust Funds, and takes entire charge of Real and Personal Estates. It acts also as Trustee under Mortgages made by Railroads and other Corporations, as Transfer Agent and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. It receives accounts from Individuals, Trustees, Estates and Corporations, and attends diligently to business connected therewith. Liberal rates of interest are allowed`on deposits. OFFICERS. BRAYTON IVES, President. BEVERLY CHEW, 2d Vice-President. Francis M. Bacon, Beverly Chew, Thomas De Witt Cuyler, J. Horace Harding, DIRECTORS. Edward B. Judson, Anton A. Raven, of New York New Netherland OF NEW YORK Is a commercial bank in the truest sense of the word, conducted by business men on sound, efficient business principles, for men and women who like to do business in a businesslike way. It is an institution distinct and complete in itself, controlled and managed solely by its own directors, with no outside affiliations whatever. NEW NETHERLAND BANK JOHN P. MUNN, M. D., Vice-Pres. J. ADAMS BROWN, Pres. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT, SILVER and STORAGE VAULTS |