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DEC. 1, 1815. The London Gazette of the 21st ult. announced, that H. R. H. the Prince Regent had been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to grant the dignity of a baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Sir D. Ochterlony, Knight Commander of the most hon. military order of the Bath, and major-general in the army in the East-Indies, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

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Lieut.-general Sir H. Lowe, it is said, will not proceed to St. Helena before Christmas. He will be accompanied by Lieut.-colonel Sir T. Reade, of the 27th regt., who goes to the island as dep. adj. gen. of the troops there. Sir H. will embark in the Phaeton, Capt. Stanfield. Capt. Emmett's company of sappers will also embark for St. Helena. They have been doing duty at Portsmouth some time. The Phaeton will receive her final instructions there.

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Streatham, in the course of the last autumn. The lady is 45 years old, the husband 52, and Major Barlow 30. Lady Barlow was the mother of a large family, consisting of seven sons, and as many daughters, of whom the eldest has been for some years married to the Hon. Capt. Pellew, son of Lord Exmouth, and the second to a gentleman resident in India.

2. In consequence of the palpable misconduct of the youths at Hertford College, the committee of directors, who have the superintendence of the concerns, have come to the resolution of expelling seven of the most refractory from the college fer ever, and seven others, less guilty, for a stated period, in the hope that the examples thus made, will prove sufficient to deter others from engaging in such lawless and outrageous proceedings,

4. Since the arrival of the late fleets from India, the captains of Indiamen in general, have found themselves involved in most serious charges of smuggling. The cases of not fewer than 20 ships or captains, have been brought before the Court of Exchequer on account of these contraband transactions. Three cases only have as yet been determined, and two of them are open to appeal; the one relates to the ship Glatton, and the other to the Neptune; both ships at present stand condemned. They are valued at nearly £60,000. The other case decided upon, refers to the captain of the

Henry Addington, who has been exchequered to the amount of £20,000 or upwards. These troubles amongst the Indiamen, as far as our inquiries go, have not originated generally with those who are chiefly interested in the ships, and who will suffer the loss; but in most cases they are petty smuggling transactions, which have been carried on by some inferior officer, passenger, or some of the crew of the ship, unknown to the principals on board. Some of the charges are confined to a few pounds of tea, or one or two pieces of handkerchiefs To have got at the facts which constitute the whole of the cases, it is believed that a league must have been formed by most of the qui tam attorneys eastward; for it appears, as fast as the ships arrived in the river, one or more of these beings introduced themselves to the crew, and extracted from them the necessary information to form the ground of action. Upwards of half a million of property is involved in the whole of the transactions.

It is reported that the directors of the East-India company purpose to grant a large sum instead of prize-money, to the forces engaged in the late war with the Nepalese, in consideration of the valuable provinces added to our Indian empire, by the victorious operations of the late campaign.

5. Capt. Denman, of the Redpole, arrived at the Admiralty yesterday mornIng, with dispatches from Sir G. Cockburn, dated the 22d Oct. the day she left St. Helena. Sir G. Cockburn and his squadron arrived off that island on the 13th of the same month, after a boisterous passage, all safe and well. Buonaparte is to inhabit the house on the top of the hill, called Longwood, the usual residence of the Lieut.-Governor, which is the most pleasant situation on the whole island, and the most central and safe, it being, as it is said, utterly impossible, with common care, that any person can either approach it or depart from it without being seen. All Buonaparte's companions, as well as himself, reached their destination in good health, but there were none of them that did not complain of the length of the

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stein, and after Napoleon's return, served under Clausel, at Bordeaux, resolved to save Buonaparte on board this vessel, while he was at Rochefort. For this purpose he had casks lined with mattrasses, in order to conceal Napoleon, Savary. and Bertrand, in case of need: he had every thing necessary on board. The ship was to sail, as soon as it had got into the open sea, to New York, instead of Kiel, but the plan was baffled by Buonaparte's impatience and surrender. The ship is now at Kick, where the lined casks, &c. are to be seen.

Dec. 6. It is said that although there is no foundation for the reports of the actual and direct recal of the Earl of Moira from the government of India, yet, it is certain,that an official letter has been sent out by the Court of Directors, sanctioned by the Board of Controul, commenting so pointedly on the bad policy of the war against the Napaulese, that it was very likely to have such an effect on the highspirited mind of the Noble Lord as to determine him to give in his resignation of his own impulse.

Dec. 7. The Prince Regent has been unanimously re-chosen Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free Masons of Scotland, at the meeting which was held in Edinburgh, on St. Andrew's day, and the Earl of Fife acting Grand Master for his Royal Highness.

The public will hear with much astonishment, that on Friday se'nnight a portrait of Lord Nelson was carried off from one of the rooms of his monument on the Calton Hill, Edinburgh. This was valuable, as having been one of a few executed at his Lordship's expense, and by him made in presents to some of his officers after the battle of Copenhagen. This very portrait is known among such a circle, that exposure of the theft cannot fail, at no distant period, to be accomplished.

-The Alceste frigate, which has lately been employed as a troop-ship, is to have her complement of men increased to 265, so as to make her again a ship of post rank: Capt. Murray Maxwell is to command her, and she is to be fitted for the purpose of taking out Lord Amherst and a numerous suite, on an embassy to the Emperor of China; and on a similar scale to that of the late Earl Macartney, who went out some years ago in his Majesty's ship Lion, when commanded by the late sir Erasmus Gower.

8. Further particulars of Buonaparte's arrival at St. Helena, have been communicated in letters from that island to the 22d of October. On the 16th of that month his Majesty's ship Icarus arrived there with the first tidings of Bonaparte's downfall, of his being a second time so strangely saved from punishment, and of his destination to that island as a place of confinement. The inhabitants naturally

were struck with no small degree of surprise. It was of course learnt at the same time, that a very considerable addition would be made to the population of the island by the new garrison, as well as the attendants of the celebrated adventurer, the commissioners to watch him, their suites, &c. Accordingly all was immediately hurry and bustle. Provisions experienced a sudden and enormous rise in price. Eggs, which were before about three shillings a dozen, now advanced to a shilling a piece. Almost every other article of produce rose in the same proportion, and even land itself assumed an increased value of 50 per cent. which is not much to be wondered at, considering the small extent of the island, and the still smaller portion that is fit for cultivation, to feed the increased number of mouths. Upwards of 900 troops arrived out in the squadron under charge of the Northumberland. A great bustle took place on the 11th, in making preparations for Buonaparte's reception; eighty of the Company's soldiers were stationed to guard the gates, and orders were immediately issued by the Governor, that no fishing boats were to be out of harbour after four o'clock in the afternoon. On the 15th the fleet arrived; when some persons from the town were allowed to go on board the squadron to dine. It was some days before all was ready for conveying Buonaparte to the house allotted for his reception. When he landed, he was dressed in a green coat, white waistcoat, light coloured small clothes, white stockings and cocked hat. The coat was trimmed with gold, and a plain gold epaulette was placed on each shoulder. He held in his hand an elegant telescope, and cast his eyes around him with great eagerness to survey the new objects; possibly not without a hope of noticing some particulars, which might, on a future occasion, assist him to escape. The Company's troops on the island were immediately to be sent to the Cape, to do duty there.

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Copy a letter from a gentleman on board the Northumberland :

"St. Helena, Oct. 19.-The Redpole is just getting under weigh for England, and I send you by her the following particulars:

"We arrived here on the 16th, after a very long and tedious passage, and landed Napoleon on the 18th. He is now living in the country at a gentleman's house of the name of Belcome, until Longwood is ready for him. His followers are all tired, and heartily regret, I believe, their having accompanied him. Madame Bertrand, who talks pretty good English, exclaimed to me to-day, that the island was a complete desert, the birth place of the demon Ennui.' She wants to go back to Europe already, to educate her children.

"I dined four times with Bonaparte, who talked very little at table, and gene

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By letters from on board the Horatio frigate, Capt. Dillon, at Rio Janeiro, we learn that she arrived at that port Sept. 15, and was about to proceed on her Voyage to China.

The Aurora, a licensed ship, arrived in the river from Bengal, whence she sailed July 17; but the letters by her do not add any thing of moment to the stock of intelligence with which we were exclusively furnished by preceding arrivals. The Lady Carrington, Indiaman, which sailed in company with the Aurora from St. Helena, is daily expected to arrive.

13. Yesterday were received a large mass of Paris papers, to the 10th inst. They present the whole of the proceedings in the case of Ney, commencing on Monday the 4th, and terminating on Wednesday the 6th, when he was found guilty of high treason, and condemned to death. This sentence was carried into execution by shooting him on the succeeding day, the 7th.

Dec. 15.-Calcutta papers to the 15th of June have been received. They contain further particulars of the war with Nepaul. No time appears to be lost in carrying into effect the stipulations of the convention. By the vigilance and assiduity of the British agents under general Ochterlony, all the petty Goorkha garrisons have been withdrawn, and the inhabitants were freed from the yoke of the Nepaul prince, whose administration of affairs in those conquered provinces, being purely military had heen long execrated by every clafs of the original inhabitants. On the 23d of May, the principal part of general Ochterlony's force was halted at Nalagurl; and it was supposed that all the corps would get out of the hilly region in the beginning of June. When the Kajee made his submission to gen. Ochterlony, at Tynngur, he evinced his gratitude and admiration of the British commander in many compliments, and asserted, that no power but the British could have subdued him. The following is a copy of the


Convention or Agreement entered into between Kajee Umer Sing Thappa and Major General Ochterlony :

In consideration of the high rank and character of Kajee Umer Sing Thappa, and of the skill, bravery, and fidelity, with which he has defended the country committed to his charge :-it is agreed:

1. That Kajee Umer Sing Thappa, with the troops now in Raujgurgh, shall march out, and retain their arms and accoutrements, the colours of their respective corps, two guns, and all private property, which shall be duly respected and preserved, and every attention and delicacy observed in respect to the Zenana of the Kajee, and every person under his authority.

2. In consideration also of the gallant conduct of Kajee Runjoor Sing Thappa, it is agreed, that he shall likewise march out of the fort of Jytuck, with 200 men, who are to retain their arms, colours, and one gun, with the Bharaders (chief officers), and their followers, about 300 more in number, unarmed, with his own and their private property, which shall be respected, and the sanctity of the Zenana preserved.

3. Kajee Umer Sing Thappa and Kajee Runjoor Sing Thappa, with their property and followers, are at liberty to proceed by the route of Thanusur, Hurdoowar, and Nujudabad, to join the troops eastward of the river Surgeo, or by whichever route they determine to proceed to that destination: conveyance shall be provided for the transportation of their property to the confines of the Nepaul territory.

4. Kajee Umer Sing Thappa, and Kajee Runjoor Sing Thappa, shall be at liberty to meet wherever they please.

5. All the troops in the service of Nepaul, with the exception of those granted to the personal honour of the Kajees Umer Sing and Runjoor Sing, will be at liberty to enter into the service of the British government, if it is agreeable to themselves, and the British government chuse to accept their services; and those who are not employed, will be maintained on a specific allowance by the British government till peace is concluded between the two states.

6. Kajee Umer Sing Thappa on his part, agrees to leave the fort of Malown whenever bearers and other conveyance are prepared for his property.

7. Kajee Umer Sing Thappa also agrees to send immediate orders for the evacuation and delivery to persons properly authorized, of the forts of Bhylee (Urkee), Soobathoo, Morne, Jytuck, Juggutt Jurgh, Roshun, and all other forts and fortresses now held by the Nepaul troops, between the Jumna and Sutleejee rivers. The garrisons of all which forts, strong holds, &c. shall enjoy their private property unmolested, and the arms and warlike stores in each, shall be left in deposit for the future decision of the right hon. the governor-ge

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Separate Article.-Kajee Umer Sing Thappa wishes it to be understood, that he shall give immediate orders for the instant surrender of the distant forts, in the hope that it may lead to an early renewal of the relations of amity, which have subsisted between the two states for these sixty years, and by the advice of Bum Sah and the Bharaders of Kemnoon. (A true translation.)

(Signed) D. OCHTERLONY, A.G.G. 16. "We are desired to say that the arrival of a number of cases at Brighton, from France, destined for St. Helena, may have given rise to the report that they were presents to Buonaparte; but these cases, we are now told, are the private property of the Commissioners of the Allied Powers going to St. Helena."

-. The following is given as the list of articles intended as presents for the Emperor of China and his Ministers :

"One large looking-glass and frame, about 16 feet by 9 feet; one large convex mirror and frame, the mirror three feet in diameter; several smaller mirrors; one large glass chandelier, and two sets dessert services of glass; two large candelabras, and superb services of silver; one dessart set porcelain, and three porcelain vases; two sedan chairs; several pieces finest superfine broad cloath; several pieces finest velvet; essences and perfumes; liqueurs and preserved fruits; portraits of their Majesties.-There are at the India House a collection of coloured and uncoloured engravings; a case of furs; some boxes of snuff; a selection of Bramah's patent locks; and a case of hand telescopes.”

- A vessel is arrived in the Thames from New South Wales, after the extraordinarily short passage of less than five months.

17. This morning, at nine o'clock, in his 70th year, after an illness of some months continuance, which he bore with the greatest fortitude and resignation, died, at his house in St. James's-square, the Most Noble Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Baron Fitz-Alan, Multravers, Clun and Oswaldestre; Premier Peer and Chief

of the Noble Family of Howard; Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Sussex, and Colonel of its Militia; High Steward of the cities of Gloucester and Hereford, and President of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures, F.R.S. and F.A.S. &c. &c.-His Grace is succeeded in the Earldom of Surrey, Earl Marshalship, and some other hereditary honours, and principal estates, by Bernard Edward Howard, Esq. of Fornham, in the county of Suffolk.

The late Duke was a descendant in the fourth degree from Charles Howard, the fourth son of Henry Frederick Howard, Earl of Arundel, who lived in the reign of Charles I. Mr. Howard descends in the same degree from Bernard, a younger son of that Earl, who was the great grandson of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, beheaded and attainted on account of Mary, Queen of Scots, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The Dukedom of Norfolk, and other honours, were restored to the family by the reversal of that attainder in the year 1661. The new Earl of Surrey is of the Roman Catholic persuasion.

19. The ship Bombay was to come out of dock at Bombay on the 8th July, and would be ready for sea on the 20th of August. The Essex, David Scott, Charles Grant, Marquis Camden, Inglis, and Vansittart, were expected to sail from Bombay for China on the 21st of Juiy.


-. Bombay Papers of the 15th July have been received. The accounts from Calcutta state that since the arrival of Umer Sing, and the conclusion of peace, all the petty Goorkha garrisons have been withdrawn, and the inhabitants are freed from the yoke of the Nepaul princes. Our troops are returning from the hilly country.--Letters from Nathpore state that the whole of the reserve was cantoned at that place on the 4th June. The impression made on Umer Sing and his followers, by the result of the war, is likely to be attended by the most lasting effects.

- Accounts from New Orleans announce the almost total destruction of the cotton crops, owing to the injury done to the lowlands by a long continued inundation, and to the uplands by the alarming ravages of the rat. The whole produce of the season was not expected to exceed 20,000 bales. In this deplorable state of the cotton-crops, the committee appointed to act for, and in behalf of the cotton manufacturers residing in Providence and its vicinity, had resolved upon a petition to Congress, praying for the prohibition, by law, of the importation of all cotton-goods, &c. the production of countries beyond the Cape of Good Hope, &c. -. It is understood, that the ministers from the great powers of Europe to the Court of St. Helena, will assemble immediately in London, in order to proceed to the place of their destination in the course Asiatic Journ.-No. 1.

of next month, in the same vessel which is to take out the new governor of the establishment, Sir Hudson Lowe and his lady.-The powers that send ministers are Austria, Russia, France, and Prussia.The wooden edifices for the accommodation of these joint superintendents of the wing-clipped eagle, and for the object of their solicitude, are to be sent out at the same time in frame.

22. Advices from the Hague, dated Dec. 14, state, that the Dutch squadron which sailed on the 29th October for the EastIndies, was off Madeira on the 8th November, in good condition, when the Texel pilots were landed, it being the first opportunity that had occurred. The squadron continued its voyage for its ulterior destination without stopping.


When the Bombay left St. Helena on the 12th November, Buonaparte was in very good health; he took several of the officers of the Bombay by the hand, and conversed with them a long time. He seems to be quite satisfied as to his habitation, but complains much of being so narrowly watched: he is not allowed to ride on horseback without being attended by some of the English officers. There had been no arrivals from England since the landing of Buonaparte on the island.

The ships Lord Eldon, Huddart, and Northumberland, arrived at Madras on the 6th of August. The ships Charles Grant, David Scott, Inglis, Essex, Marquess Camden, and Vansittart, sailed from Bombay to China on the 22d of July; and the General Harris on the 1st of August; also the Rose and Streatham, for the Mauritius, on the 8th of August. The private ships Loujee Family and Moffatt, arrived at Bombay from England the 4th of June.

Calcutta Gazettes of the 14th July have been received. They state that the late excessive rains, both in the lower and upper provinces, have been extremely prejudicial to the indigo crops.

The late truce between Holkar and his disorderly army, has already given rise to dire contention and open rebellion. The Hubshee troops are stated to have mutinied, confined their officers, and to have given them during several successive nights a sound bastinado. Part of the Rajah's own guard had refused to perform its accustomed duty. Baboo Jee Sindhiu meditated an attack on the fort of Ramnugger. Runjeet Singh has marched considerably to the north of Lahore, and on the 4th of last month entered Wuzeerabad, a city on the east bank of the Chunab. His prisoner, the late king of Cabul, has taken refuge with Ukbur Khan, the Rajah of Rujouree, who had been promised assistance by Ruh Ula Khan, the Rajah of Poonuch, and Zubbardust Khan, of Muliku, in the event of an invasion by the Sikhs. The Rajah of Ouree, a district lying on the southern border of Cashmeer, had incited Runjeet again to attempt the VOL. I.

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