480 468 4,287 4,170(c) Officers . (1207.–107.–1401.-15.-4507.) 1,880,952 1,914,036 Extra remuneration for additional Old Age 100 100 The rates and scales of pay shown in brackets (except where shown as inclusive) carry an addition in respect of Cost of Living bonus payable in accordance with the scheme set out in the Appendix on page 95. The money provision for each item represents the total remuneration, including bonus where payable. (a) The establishment is in process of reorganisation. (b) See note (c) to Subhead A (1) (page 6). One post of Inspector, 2nd class, is on an acting basis. (c) The number of Officers is subject to reduction and the number of Clerks is subject to increase as reorganisation proceeds. (d) A certain number of Temporary Women Pension Officers are employed temporarily in lieu of an equivalent number of established Women Pension Officers. The pay is 31. 7s. 6d. a week. This figure includes cost of living bonus corresponding to an increase of 75 per cent. in the cost of living and will be subject to review on 1st March, 1928, and thereafter at six monthly intervals should employment be continued for so long, in the light of the cost of living. (e) A number of posts of Clerk, Higher Grade, are blocked by Officers on a scale of salary of 1201.-101.-1401.-151.-450. (f) For Clerks employed in Provincial Offices the rates of pay are subject to a deduction of 10 per cent., except in Edinburgh and Belfast, where the deduction is 5 per cent. only. Two Clerks in the Provinces retain personal salaries on the London scale. A certain number of Temporary Clerks are employed in lieu of an equivalent number of established Clerks, and the cost is included in this item. The assignment of Clerks between London and the Provinces is tentative and subject to review. EXTRA REMUNERATION: A variable number of Officers whose salaries are provided out of the Customs and Excise Vote are seconded for 1 Collector receives 701. per annum for services in connection with the A number of Officers receive extra remuneration in excess of 501. per annum each for Overtime Pay, Night Pay and Oncers of the Department also receive Rewards (Subhead M) for the detection of evasions of Revenue Laws. i SALARIES, &c.-CUSTOMS AND EXCISE COLLECTIONS. The rates and scales of pay shown in brackets (except where shown as inclusive) carry an addition in respect of Cost of Living bonus payable in accordance with the scheme set out in the Appendix on page 95. The money provision for each item represents the total remuneration, including bonus where payable. (a) Two of these officers are for relief duty, and are termed Assistant Inspectors, see note (d) to Subhead A. 1 (page 6). (b) See note (d) to Subhead A. 1 (page 6). (c) These allowances cover all Waterguard overtime, night visits and Sunday and holiday pay. They may be temporarily increased by an amount not exceeding 201. per annum in respect of temporary pressure of work when this arises from special regulations. EXTRA REMUNERATION (exceeding 50%.) : A number of Preventive Officers and Assistant Preventive Officers receive extra remuneration in excess of 501. per annum each for Overtime Pay, Night Pay, and Sunday Pay (see under B. 4). (28354) C2 SALARIES, &c.-CUSTOMS AND EXCISE COLLECTIONS. B. 2.-CLERICAL ASSISTANCE (UNESTABLISHED STAFF). The rates and scales of pay shown in brackets (except where shown as inclusive) carry an addition in respect of Cost of Living bonus payable in accordance with the scheme set out in the Appendix on page 95. The money provision for each item represents the total remuneration, including bonus where payable. (a) A change is contemplated in the arrangements for the protection of the Revenue under which the Revenue Cruiser "Vigilant" will be disposed of and reductions will be made in the numbers and cost of staff. (b) Personal to present holder. (c) Senior Engineers at ports having more than one launch progress to 60s a week on a scale of 56s.-1s. 6d.-60s. a week. (d) Personal to present holders. (c) For scales of pay of Temporary Clerks see note on page 9. A number of Temporary Clerks are employed in lieu of an equivalent number of established Clerks and are provided for under B.1. EXTRA REMUNERATION (exceeding 501.): A number of the Launch Staff receive extra remuneration in excess of 504. per annum each for Overtime Pay, Night Pay and Sunday Pay (see under B 4). SALARIES, &c.-CUSTOMS AND EXCISE COLLECTIONS. B. 3.-OTHER UNESTABLISHED STAFF.* 1928. 1927. Porters 1 at 29s.-1s.-34s. a week Casual Labour, &c. B. 1.-ESTABLISHED STAFF B. 2.-CLERICAL ASSISTANCE (Unestablished Staff) B. 4.—EXTRA ATTENDANCE, DOUBLE DUTY, &c. (f).. B. 6.—NATIONAL INSURANCE SCHEMES, &c.:-Employer's Contributions Compensation for Withdrawal of Sick Leave Privileges Provision to meet fluctuation in the cost of living bonus .. £3,765,000 3,830,100 37,000 37,100 Deduct-For probable Savings by Retirements, TOTAL FOR SUBHEAD B.-SALARIES, WAGES, AND ALLOWANCES (g): The rates and scales of pay shown in brackets (except where shown as inclusive) carry an addition in respect of Cost of Living bonus payable in accordance with the scheme set out in the Appendix on page 95. The money provision for each item represents the total remuneration, including Lonus where payable. (a) Salary personal to present holder. (b) Subject to revision in the event of the cost of living index figure falling to 60 or below. (c) Subject to revision should there be any appreciable alteration in the cost of living. (d) Some retain personal wages superior to the provincial rate. (e) At present 1,231 Army, Navy, Air Force and Royal Irish Constabulary Pensioners, with pensions varying in amount from 121. 11s. to 2401. per annum, are employed. 17 Correspondents receive 1271. for performing Customs Duties at outlying places. (f) Includes provision for extra attendance given for the convenience of Merchants. The charges against the Merchants are brought to account as Appropriations in Aid. (See page 16.) (g) The expenditure incurred in the collection of Customs Revenue of the Isle of Man, although voted by Parliament, is borne by the Revenue of the Island, in accordance with the requirements of the Act 29 Vict. c. 23; the sums are recovered and form a portion of Subhead R., Appropriations in Aid. (See page 18.) The Rental value (including fuel and light) of official rooms occupied during the year 1928 is estimated as follows: 1 Preventive Officer 3 Assistant Preventive Officers. 13 Housekeeper-Messengers. Twenty-five of the above are in receipt of Cleaning Allowances varying from 131, to 1401. per annum (Subhead B. 5). (28364) C-8 C.-TRAVELLING AND SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCES, &c. : H.-PAPER, PRINTING, INSTRUMENTS, &c., FOR REVENUE PURPOSES: 1,400 1,300 10,500 9,500 £11,900 10,800 M.-EXPENSES OF PROSECUTIONS, REWARDS, &c. (b): 250 £20,000 16,850 2. Rewards to Officers and others for detection of evasions TOTAL FOR EXPENSES OF PROSECUTIONS, &c. .. £15,500 15,000 (a) The rates and scales of pay shown in brackets (except where shown as inclusive) carry an addition in respect of Cost of Living bonus payable in accordance with the scheme set out in the Appendix on page 95. The money provision for each item represents the total remuneration, including bonus where payable. (b) The proceeds of the Sale of seized Goods, and of Penalties and Law Costs recovered, form a portion of Subhead K. Appropriations in Aid. (See page 16.) |