VALUATION OFFICE. AA.—SALARIES, WAGES, AND ALLOWANCES: (a) (a) The rates and scales of pay shown in brackets (except where shown as inclusive) carry an addition in respect of cost of living bonus payable in accordance with the scheme set out in the Appendix on page 95. The money provision for each item represents the total remuneration, including tonus where payable. Some of these posts are filled by Temporary Clerks. CC.-CLEANING AND TAKING CARE OF OFFICES:-1. Wages of Caretakers, &c. 2. National Insurance Schemes- Employer's contribu- TOTAL.. 5. Fees to Burgh Registrars, Scotland, for facilities to work, and cost of obtaining local information 6. Other Miscellaneous charges Payment from the Road Fund in respect of services Fees in respect of Registration of Business Names Payments by Local Authorities for services rendered by Fee Stamp Receipts, viz. : Colonial Stock Act and Newspaper Registration (see note on page 20) 160 Companies Registration Miscellaneous Receipts, viz. : Fees on Stamping Envelopes and Cards .. Payment by Publishers of Law List Other Miscellaneous Items .. TOTAL.. The Board of Trade (c) Companies Winding-up The Land Registry (a) (c) .. Services in connection with (a) the Manufacture, (b) the Bankruptcy Fee The Customs & Excise Department (a) (b) (c) The Ministry of Transport (London Traffic Advisory Committee) 1. ESTIMATE of the Amount required in the Year ending 31 March 1929 to defray the Salaries and Expenses of the POST OFFICE, including TELEGRAPHS and TELEPHONES. Fifty-seven Million Three Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Pounds. II. SUBHEADS under which this Vote will be accounted for by the POST OFFICE. |