inclinations. Thus it occurs, that we reject what is inconsistent, and perceive error where we once admired beauty, and value the stores of the moralist, the records of the historian, and the genius of the poet, as that standard which they shall weigh, when the vanity of all human wisdom, has been filtered through the alembec of Christian principles. Discussions on doctrines were new to me ; and as I advanced in the History of the Church I became consicous of my total ignorance of the Christian scheme. But the lives of the faithful, and the death of the righteous, were noble transactions, I longed to be admitted into their secret. The Lord beautifully assimilates his lessons to our capacities; that benignant simplicity which characterised the divine language of Christ on earth, still identifies his instructions. I was pondering Milner's important narrative, and wondering if " grace were given to me in Christ Jesus, before the world began," and pitching upon various tokens which were painfully rejected, as all unsatisfactory or illusive, when the Glorifier of Jesus remembered me of our Lord's own sign: "And Jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the midst, and said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." -Matt. xviii. 3. I could almost have supposed that Jesus was conversing with me, for as the passage recurred to my mind, it was sweetly illustrated by the presence of my infant neice playing on her mother's lap; and lisping an inquiry after her father's evening return, in the endearing accent of childhood's She was instantly satisfied with What a fine image" of perfect love which casteth out fear." Children never doubt, they are in trouble, and cleave to you; they are anxious and inquire of you; they are ignorant and trust you. silver voice. the answer. Infancy gives at once the most remarkable contrast of helplessness, and security; exposed to every danger in itself, and guarded from every foe in the foresight and strength of another. As I looked at the dear babe, and measured its dawning faculties; I was forcibly struck with the entireness of that change which must operate to convert our sinful and darkened understanding, into such a state of pliability and simplicity. The very work proves that the power to effect it must be divine. The more I developed our Lord's similitude, the more clear was my conviction, that in seeking to know first the things concerning myself; I was actuated by unprofitable curiosity. To be taught Christ, and "Him crucified," was the only wise desire of an awakened spirit. I enter fully into the remark I once heard from a lady well advanced in the progress of grace: “that young believers generally begin their enquiries at the wrong end of divine subjects:" the full assurance of faith, is the Spirit's signature to the word and testimony; whereas, by examining primarily as to our own personal election, we draw our hope, not so much from an establishment in the truth, as from discoveries which we seek out of natural causes, and concurring probabilities. To see ourselves sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, is the highest consolation of grace; but then it is a sight, not a supposition: and we must be brought to this sight, by such measurement of celerity, or slowness, as he shall appoint who is our leader and guide. "Declare unto us this parable," said the disciples to Jesus; we have the same indulgent tutor now, on godly subjects. If we could but realize to our imagination the interviews which are recorded between Christ and his ignorant followers, we should discern the simplicity of their intercourse with the Master. There is something in the lumber of learning, when it is mingled with gospel research, which impedes our access to the throne. Scholastic definitions may aid, and establish the arrangement of thought; but these must not be substituted for divine influence. Communion with the Lord is a real dialogue between his Spirit and ours. The terms of such holy familiarity are those of confessed ignorance on our part, and implicit confidence in his love and wisdom. In conformity to this simplified view, I found every faculty of my understanding and every affection of my mind enlivened by one anxious pursuit. What a happy journey was that of the missionary Angel to this earth, when he delivered the Lord's commands to those who hovered round the sepulchre of Christ! "Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth which was crucified; he is risen, he is not here-but go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you."-Mark xvi. 6. I was brought to the tomb of my Saviour, in company with his few sorrowing friends; and though affrighted at the dismal place where my sins had laid the Lord; "Him whom I sought I found not." It was useless to linger by the grave: I must hasten on my way, until I learnt where and how my mourning soul could gain admittance to the place where "his honour dwelleth." The same Jesus who sent an Angel to announce an appointed meeting between himself and his brethren, does not lack efficient instruments by whose ministry to report glad tidings of great joy. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and for ever," is our security for the reception of every mercy. Since his ascension it is impossible to calculate the variety of conveyances by which the Lord proclaims himself to his own, as he doth not unto the world. 66 The Scriptures are the depository of all Christ's love and thoughts towards us; they are an epistle in which his express image is delineated; and in proportion as we diligently examine the lineaments therein pourtrayed, we E |