Outlines of truth, by a lady1825 - 80 sivua |
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Sivu 8
... allurements , might withdraw others from the seduction of their pursuit . We are apt to conclude that pleasures which reason sanctions must satisfy the heart ; but mental superiority , however it may dignify the uses of time , has no ...
... allurements , might withdraw others from the seduction of their pursuit . We are apt to conclude that pleasures which reason sanctions must satisfy the heart ; but mental superiority , however it may dignify the uses of time , has no ...
Sivu 17
... allurements of the world perish in the using , there is another page in our knowledge which must be often read over with contempla- tive retrospection . Sorrow is inseparable from our being , and perhaps all the festivities we frequent ...
... allurements of the world perish in the using , there is another page in our knowledge which must be often read over with contempla- tive retrospection . Sorrow is inseparable from our being , and perhaps all the festivities we frequent ...
Sivu 59
... , whether exercised in its allurements , or distresses , and the merciful dis- pensations which brought me through the period of youth ! With what faithfulness can I appeal to an acute understanding OUTLINES OF TRUTH . 59.
... , whether exercised in its allurements , or distresses , and the merciful dis- pensations which brought me through the period of youth ! With what faithfulness can I appeal to an acute understanding OUTLINES OF TRUTH . 59.
Sivu 107
... allurements , our final parting with all that nature covets , our love of charac- ters whom the generality either condemn or pity ; these , and every token of divine health in the renewed mind , are symmetrically joined together by the ...
... allurements , our final parting with all that nature covets , our love of charac- ters whom the generality either condemn or pity ; these , and every token of divine health in the renewed mind , are symmetrically joined together by the ...
Sivu 122
... allurements of the natural mind , the renewed spirit keeps up this warfare until death . The effects of regeneration on the life and conversation will always be apparent ; the Lord himself gives you an unexceptionable test , 66 " Lord ...
... allurements of the natural mind , the renewed spirit keeps up this warfare until death . The effects of regeneration on the life and conversation will always be apparent ; the Lord himself gives you an unexceptionable test , 66 " Lord ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
affections allurements Almighty anxious apostle appointed apprehension attainment beauties believers bestowed Bible blessing boards brethren CHAP character Christian church Church of England comfort command communion conversation convey creatures dear desire discern divine divine grace doctrines earth earthly enjoyment eternal evil existence faith Father fear feelings Galatians gift give glory godly gospel grace happiness hath hear heart heaven heavenly herent Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour hope hour influence intercourse Isaiah Jehovah Jesus Christ kingdom of glory knowledge light Lord Lord's manifest means of grace ment mercy mind ministry nature ness never ordinances Paul peace pleasure praise prayer preacher promises pursuit reason receive regenerated rience righteousness salvation sanctified Satan scene scrip scripture seek servant sight sinners solemn sorrow soul taste testimony thee theme things thirty-nine Articles thou thoughts tion token truth understanding unto vanity walk wisdom word worldly
Suositut otteet
Sivu 107 - And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Sivu 69 - And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said ; Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Sivu 105 - Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all ; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
Sivu 93 - Works done before the grace of Christ, and the Inspiration of his Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ, neither do they make men meet to receive grace, or (as the...
Sivu 116 - If his children forsake My law, and walk not in My judgments, if they break My statutes, and keep not My commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless My lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer My faithfulness to fail.
Sivu 62 - Therefore let no man glory in men ; for all things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come ; all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's.
Sivu 132 - when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood...
Sivu 220 - for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Sivu 72 - And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him. 7 But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.
Sivu 98 - For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance ; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.