SCENE V-Before the Walls of Athens. Alcib. Sound to this coward and lascivious town [A parley sounded. Enter SENATORS on the Walls. Till now you have gone on, and fill'd the time 1 Sen. Noble and young, When thy first griefs were but a mere conceit, 2 Sen. So did we woo Transformed Timon to our city's love, The common stroke of war. 1 Sen. These walls of ours Were not erected by their hands, from whom You have received your griefs: nor are they such, Than these great towers, trophies, and schools should fall For private faults in them. 2 Sen. Nor are they living, Who were the motives that you first went out; Shame that they wanted cunning, in excess Hath broke their hearts. March, noble lord, Into our city with thy banners spread : By decimation, and a tithed death (If thy revenges hunger for that food, Which nature loathes), take thou the destined tenth; And by the hazard of the spotted die, Let die the spotted. 1 Sen. All have not offended; * Arms across. † Mature. ‡ Equitable. Approach the fold, and cull the infected forth, 2 Sen. What thou wilt, Thou rather shalt enforce it with thy smile, 1 Sen. Set but thy foot Against our rampired gates, and they shall ope; So thou wilt send thy gentle heart before, 2 Sen. Throw thy glove; Or any token of thine honour else, Alcib. Then there's my glove; Both. 'Tis most nobly spoken. Alcib. Descend, and keep your words. The SENATORS descend, and open the Gates. Enter a SOLDIER. Sol. My noble general, Timon is dead; Alcib. [reads]. Here lies a wretched corse, of wretched soul bereft: Seek not my name: A plague consume you wicked caitiffs left! These well express in thee thy latter spirits: Though thou abhorr'dst in us our human griefs, Scorn'dst our brain's flow, I and those our droplets which From niggard nature fall, yet rich conceit Taught thee to make vast Neptune weep for aye On thy low grave, on faults forgiven Dead Is noble Timon; of whose memory Hereafter more. Bring me into your city And I will use the olive with my sword: Make war breed peace; make peace stint § war; make each Prescribe to other, as each other's leech. || Let our drums strike. [Exeunt. CYMBELINE. PERSONS REPRESENTED. CYMBELINE, King of Britain. CLOTEN, Son to the Queen by a former husband. LEONATUS POSTHUMUS, a Gentleman, Husband to Imogen. { BELARIUS, a banished Lord, dis- PHILARIO, Friend to } Italians. A FRENCH GENTLEMAN, Friend CAIUS LUCIUS, General of the A ROMAN CAPTAIN. Two BRITISH CAPTAINS. Two JAILERS. QUEEN, Wife to Cymbeline. LORDS, LADIES, Roman SENA- SCENE.-Sometimes in Britain; sometimes in Italy. ACT I. SCENE I.-Britain. The Garden behind CYMBELINE'S Palace. Enter two GENTLEMEN. 1 Gent. You do not meet a man, but frowns: our bloods No more obey the heavens, than our courtiers; Still seem, as does the king's. * 2 Gent. But what's the matter? 1 Gent. His daughter, and the heir of his kingdom, whom He purposed to his wife's sole son (a widow, That late he married), hath referr'd herself Unto a poor but worthy gentleman: She's wedded; Her husband banish'd; she imprison'd: all Is outward sorrow; though I think, the king Be touch'd at very heart. 2 Gent. None but the king? 1 Gent. He, that hath lost her, too: so is the queen, That most desired the match: But not a courtier, * This difficult passage should, I think, be construed thus: our countenances, regulated by the blood, do not obey natural impulses, but, as courtiers, imitate that of the king. Although they wear their faces to the bent 2 Gent. And why so? 1 Gent. He that hath miss'd the princess, is a thing Too bad for bad report: and he that hath her 2 Gent. You speak him far. * 1 Gent. I do extend him, Sir, within himself; Crush him together, rather than unfold 2 Gent. What's his name and birth? 1 Gent. I cannot delve him to the root: His father Was call'd Sicilius, who did join his honour, What kind of man he is. 2 Gent. I honour him Even out of your report. But, 'pray you, tell me, Is she sole child to the king? 1 Gent. His only child. He had two sons (if this be worth your hearing, * Praise him extensively. + The father of Cymbeline. 4 † My praise is within his merit. § I. e. a model that formed their manners. As to. Mark it), the eldest of them at three years old, Were stolen: and to this hour, no guess in knowledge Which way they went. 2 Gent. How long is this ago? 1 Gent. Some twenty years. 2 Gent. That a king's children should be so convey'd! So slackly guarded! And the search so slow, That could not trace them! 1 Gent. Howsoe'er 'tis strange, Or that the negligence may well be laugh'd at, Yet is it true, Sir. 2 Gent. I do well believe you. 1 Gent. We must forbear: Here comes the gentleman, The queen and princess. SCENE II. The same. Enter the QUEEN, POSTHUMUS, and IMOGEN. [Exeunt. Queen. No, be assured, you shall not find me, daughter, After the slander of most step-mothers, That lock up your restraint. For you, Posthumus, I will be known your advocate: marry, yet Your wisdom may inform you. Post. Please your highness, I will from hence to-day. Queen. You know the peril :- I'll fetch a turn about the garden, pitying Hath charged you should not speak together. Imo. O [Exit QUEEN. Dissembling courtesy! How fine this tyrant His rage can do on me: You must be gone; Post. My queen! my mistress! Known but by letter: thither write, my queen, |