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WHEN We look at Great Britain as a well-regulated Nation, we find in its Establishments several causes, which should make us admire its sound judgment, great wisdom, and right disposition. There is however one subject of contemplation, which is particularly interesting and highly gratifying to a serious mind. It is this. Our Country may be considered as dedicated to the worship and glory of Almighty God! For such is the nature of our Constitution, that it is not only provident for the due direction of human concerns, but with great solicitude it extends also its attention to the inculcating and advancing of continual regard for things divine. With its public institutions of Civil Polity it so blends Religion, that with the spirit of Liberty is indissolubly combined a spirit of Sanctity; and both equally pervade our Laws.

It is in perfect correspondence with this idea of National Consecration, that the King, by our Constitution, is invested with authority to take the lead in Religion. And amidst the various and awful circumstances, which during the course of many late years past have materia See Note (a) p. 6.

ally affected several Nations of Europe, a great blessing it has been to our Empire that its Sovereign, by a moral and pious life, has fulfilled his solemn and sacred obligation in a manner exemplary, and on principles conscientious.

That a Monarch, who is actuated by a sense of duty to God and Man, should at a season of difficulty have consigned the administration of public business to your care, was an appointment naturally to have been expected. For, discerners of character, who themselves are possessed of probity and goodness, know how to appreciate the same virtues when conspicuous in others: more particularly when those most excellent qualities of the heart are farther recommended by Talents of the Understanding, tried and approved from the days of Youth to the meridian of Man's age.

To His Majesty, to those Ministers of whom You were Chief, to the whole Legislative Body, the Church not long since was much indebted, for having rescued its Clergy from the cruel operation of an oppressive Statute. The remembrance of this interposition in our behalf should be to us an additional motive for increased diligence in our Clerical Functions.

It is one part of our duty to mark occasions, when unequivocal and decided declarations of our opinion on Religious Doctrines may be useful and requisite. Some such occasion has recently presented itself; and has suggested the following sentiments, which are offered as Thoughts on the Trinity."


The subject is indeed sublime; but not on that account to be avoided. Quite the reverse. With whatever the mind is much conversant, from the same it is accustomed to receive impressions. The contemplation of grave and lofty arguments is calculated to create in us similar conceptions. Meditation on DEITY, by directing our

views from earth to heaven, has a tendency to raise us above all that is low and abject, little and sordid. This effect of it, allow me to say, you have sensibly experienced and eminently shewn. On GoD and Immortality you began to reflect at an early period of your life. It was thence you derived those high and pure principles, on which in private you have ever founded your actions as a virtuous Man, and on which in public you rested your measures, when, happily for this Country and honourably to yourself, you conducted the State as an attentive and able, a discreet and upright Minister.


Your most obliged servant

and affectionate friend,


Winchester College,

June 18. 1801.


NOTE (a).

Afterwards, LORD VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH: a Man, who in private life is most exemplary, virtuous, and amiable; in public most upright, sagacious, vigilant. Those who stand in the nearest and dearest relation to him experience from him the utmost affection: his friends see in him the most constant and kind attachment. His King and Country find in him a Statesman eminently constitutional and inviolably adhering to British Polity and British Laws. (G. I. H. 1817.)

(Added in 1820.) Under Divine Providence, to his penetration, perseverance, judgment, and firmness, at the commencement of this year the nation was indebted, for having frustrated the sanguinary and incendiary designs of Conspirators worse than Catilinarian.

Allusion is here made to the machinations plotted for the horrible purpose of destroying all his Majesty's Ministers at one and the same time, whilst dining at Lord Castlereagh's. For a correct and full account of those proceedings, see "Trials for High Treason," in April 1820; by William Brodie Gurney.

Mr. Addington was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Lord of the Treasury, on March 14. 1801.

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