Afghanistan, the Great Game RevisitedRosanne Klass Freedom House, 1987 - 519 sivua |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 33
Sivu 13
... reportedly , to Libya , but it reportedly still maintains offices and training camps in Afghanistan as well as in Libya and South Yemen . Selected students from these several programs and others mentioned below are sent on to the Soviet ...
... reportedly , to Libya , but it reportedly still maintains offices and training camps in Afghanistan as well as in Libya and South Yemen . Selected students from these several programs and others mentioned below are sent on to the Soviet ...
Sivu 321
... reportedly been transformed into an affiliate of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow , but with an emphasis on technical rather than social science training . Little information is available about the current situation at the ...
... reportedly been transformed into an affiliate of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow , but with an emphasis on technical rather than social science training . Little information is available about the current situation at the ...
Sivu 407
... Reportedly headed the Tribal Department of the Ministry of Tribes and Nationalities while also head of KhAD . Reportedly still maintains oversight of secret police , now upped to ministry status as WAD under his former deputy Maj . Gen ...
... Reportedly headed the Tribal Department of the Ministry of Tribes and Nationalities while also head of KhAD . Reportedly still maintains oversight of secret police , now upped to ministry status as WAD under his former deputy Maj . Gen ...
Chapters | 1 |
A Letter from a Soviet Ambassador | 31 |
The Road to Crisis 19191980 | 37 |
Tekijänoikeudet | |
18 muita osia ei näytetty
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Abdul active Afghan Afghan Communist Afghan economy Afghan government Afghan Resistance Afghanistan American Amin areas Army Asian Babrak Karmal Baluchi Basmachi border Central Asia commanders Communist Communist Party coup cultural Daoud December Defense Democratic Deputy economic efforts ethnic exploitation foreign groups Hafizullah Amin Hazarajat head Herat India inside Afghanistan Iran Iranian Islamic January jirga Kabul University KhAD Khalq Khan killed leaders leadership major member of PDPA million mineral Ministry Mohammad Mohammed Moscow mujahideen Muslim Najib official operations organizations Pakistan Paktia Parchamis PDPA Central Committee percent Persian Peshawar political population prisoners province Pushtun Pushtunistan refugees regime region religious reportedly reports Revolutionary Council Russian Shah significant sources Soviet Central Soviet forces Soviet invasion Soviet military Soviet policy Soviet Union SPETSNAZ strategic Tajik Taraki treaty tribal tribes troops United USSR Uzbek village Washington weapons
Viitteet tähän teokseen
Modern Afghanistan: A History of Struggle and Survival Amin Saikal,A. G. Ravan Farhadi,Kirill Nourzhanov Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2006 |